Disclaimer: Joss & Co. own all these characters. I'm just using them for my own nefarious purposes, because I am very, very evil :)

Author’s Note: Flashbacks are denoted by brackets [ ]


Spike slowly crept out of the shadows, wishing for the millionth time that he could smoke a cigarette. If for no other reason than to relieve the boredom. *I cannot believe I’m actually doing this, I’m a soddin do-gooder like my sire now.* When Lydia had left him a few hours ago, he had decided to break into the Magic Box. He was glad he had been quiet about it, because he could hear the sounds of Buffy training hard in the back room. Now he was skulking outside, trying to pretend he was not at all fantasizing about how she looked, all sweaty and breathing heavy. He knew that both Giles and Xander were in there with her. He was hoping one of them would come out alone soon so he could get on with the mission. He absently felt in his pocket for the crystal and box of talismans, as well as a small bag of shimmering powder, and thought back to what she had told him...

[“In case you are in danger of being caught by the Slayer or someone else that could compromise what you’re trying to do, I’m giving you this.” Lydia said, handing him the bag of powder. The bag was translucent and he could see the shimmering beige powder inside. Curious, he went to undo the string tying the bag closed when she suddenly grabbed his wrist to stop him. “No, don’t! It’s sleep sand!”

“Sleep sand? I’ve heard of that. Packs quite the wallop, I understand.” Seeing the speculative look in his eyes, she frowned disapprovingly.

“Yes, it does. I’m not giving you much. The contents of that bag will put one person under for about 24 hours, 2 for 12, 3 for 8 and so on. It should have much the same effect as the memory crystal, in that when the person wakes up they should not clearly remember the minutes before they were dowsed with the sand. Unlike the crystal, however, there is no guarantee that they will not eventually remember, so please try to be cautious and only use the sleep sand as a last resort.”

“And I just throw it at them, right?” Lydia sighed, fearing her warning had gone in one ear and out the other.

“Yes, you don’t even need to open the bag, it will open on its own. Just make sure you’re far enough away that you don’t get caught in the spell. A minimum of five feet should be safe.”

“This is clever, pet. You’re like a supernatural Q,, you know that, the bloke from the James Bond movies? Only I dare say much more enjoyable to look at.” He looked at her slyly, enjoying the color that flooded her cheeks.

“Q? I must say I’m feeling more like Moneypenny at the moment, flatterer.”]

Spike suddenly became aware of the voice of the Watcher as he emerged from the room, sounding very close. He crept back into the shadows where he could listen unseen.

“Ah, Buffy, yes, I think that should be quite enough for tonight. Let’s stop, shall we, while Xander still has the use of both of his kidneys? I’ll fetch more ice while you help him out of that...suit...” Giles had reached the small icebox in his office and removed a fresh icepack when he heard the office door close softly, and the click of the lock. He whirled, his expression rapidly changing from concern to disgust.

“Spike. What do you think you’re doing?”

“Rupert. I’m glad I found you in.”

“Spike, did you break in here? What am I saying, of course you did, it’s what you do. Well, it’s got to stop. Buffy doesn’t-”

“This has nothing to do with Buffy.” Spike began to pull the Stone of Mnemosyne from his pocket, enjoying the sudden look of puzzlement on the Watcher’s face. “I found something, might be valuable, thought you might want to take a look at it. Maybe buy it for the shop. Hard to come by during regular business hours without combusting.” He held the crystal in front of the Watcher’s face, seeing the bewilderment change to sudden recognition.

“Good Lord, that’s a Stone of-”

“You Will Forget.” Giles stiffened, a purple light flashing in his eyes for a brief instant. Then he was completely still. Spike looked at him speculatively for a moment, waving a hand in front of his face a few times.

“Rupert,” he called softly in a singsong voice. Getting no answer, he sat back on his heels and smirked. “Well, this is...neat. I could have a lot of fun with you right now, you know that, Watcher?” Feeling the signs of Lydia’s empathy spell kicking him, he hastily added. “But I won’t! I’m going to save you, because I’m all about goodness and niceness and puppies and cute little babies. A more pathetic wanker than me there never was.” He took the box that contained the Talismans of the Amagandar, and removed one. He was again amazed at how warm it made him. He could feel it pulsing through his entire body, almost like the heartbeat he barely remembered having. He placed it on Giles’ forehead, noting with casual interest that Giles had no reaction to it. He shut the box and secured it in his pocket. After shuddering once and taking an superfluous deep breath, he reached out both arms and placed them tentatively around the Watcher’s shoulders, pulling him slowly into an hug. *Okay, this isn’t so b-*

“Yeow!” He jumped away from the Watcher, immediately looking down at the Watcher’s hands. He had forgotten about the icepack, which the Watcher was holding in front of his body. In its current position, it was guaranteed to make Spike very cold in his most sensitive region. With a curse, Spike pried the bag from Giles’ fingers and threw it on his desk. He froze for a second, listening. Had the Slayer or the boy heard him? Hearing nothing, he released an unneeded breath and grabbed the Watcher into a rough embrace, feeling a sudden urgency to get this over with. He could hear Lydia’s voice in his head as he made the incantation:

“I beseech you, Amagandar

Protect this innocent soul

From the curse that belongs to another

Remove the affliction

Restore the life line

I beseech you, Amagandar

Let not this friend be taken

This plea I make with sincere heart

By my words, let it be true.”

Spike closed his eyes at the last words, and added his own thoughts. *Rupert, you and I want the same thing, you know? Buffy’s life, Buffy’s happiness.* The smell of sage and rosemary filled his nostrils, and he quickly released Giles and looked at his forehead. The talisman had vanished.

“Rupert, it worked!” Spike was surprised at how happy his success had made him. He replaced the icepack into Giles’ cold fingers, then listened at the door for a second. Hearing nothing, he tentatively opened the door and moved silently towards the rear entrance of the shop. Suddenly he froze, hearing Buffy’s voice rapidly approaching.

“Giles? Giles, where did you go? We need that ice!” Spike whipped his head around, looking for a quick method of escape. Seeing the ladder up to the loft level, he flew up with speed only a vampire possessed, making a whisper soft landing seconds before Buffy’s head came into view. He knew it would still be at least a minute before the memory crystal’s spell was broken, and if Buffy found Giles now, she would be very suspicious. He looked frantically around for something that he could use to distract her.

“Buffy?” Xander’s head popped into Spike’s view as well, his expression one of rather excruciating pain. “Where’s the iceman? This groin is groaning.”

“I’m so sorry, Xander. This Spike thing just has me so rattled, I’m sorry I was too rough.” Buffy touched his cheek gently, as it was the only area she could be certain she wouldn’t hurt with contact. Spike fought the urge to move closer. *Got her rattled, do I? Well, at least I know she feels something for me.*

“S’okay, Buff. Though it does remind me that I need to get that dummy fixed. I think that just went to the top of the Xander repair priority list.” He dry-swallowed a couple of aspirin and attempted to smile down at her. It was as much grimace as smile. “A little ice and I’ll be Rain-Right Xander again. Speaking of which-”

“-where is Giles?” Buffy finished. “Giles!” She called out, shaking her head. She turned to Xander. “He must still be back in his office. I swear if he’s reading a prophecy I’m going to take some of this Spike-anger out on him.” Spike winced as she stalked back towards the office, Xander moving much more slowly behind her. She pushed the door open, seeing Giles standing apparently deep in thought with his back to her, and cleared her throat loudly.

“Ahem! Giles!” Giles suddenly stirred, coming into the present with a start and almost dropping the icepack. He turned quickly and seemed confused by Buffy’s presence.

“Buffy, what in the world?” Shaking her head reproachfully, Buffy strode over to him and took the icepack from his hand. She handed the ice to Xander, who immediately placed it on his thigh and limped away wearing an expression of relief. Turning back to Giles, she cocked hear head and looked at him with amusement.

“Where were you just now?”

“I-I’m not really certain. I guess I was thinking, but I don’t know about what, it’s very odd. And I thought I saw...” Giles trailed off, trying hard to remember something, it was on the tip of his brain.

“Thought you saw what?” Buffy looked mildly concerned when Giles shook his head.

“I’m not certain of that, either.” Buffy looked at the clock behind him, and gave a low whistle.

“Well, it’s no wonder we lost you. It’s nearly dawn. I’m really sorry, Giles. I didn’t mean to keep you and Xander at this all night. Anya’s going to be really pissed off. And you must be exhausted, I know I am.” Giles sighed.

“You’re probably right. I should try to get a few hours of sleep in before we open. I’ll take Xander home, you go ahead and head home yourself.”

Spike had been watching Xander sitting with the icepack, wondering if it was worth the risk to come down and perform the ritual on him. *Buffy and the Watcher will be out any second, best to wait for a better opportunity.* At that exact moment, Buffy and Giles emerged, confirming the wisdom of that course of action. They swiftly collected Xander, Buffy helping him towards the front exit.

Giles stood in the doorway for a moment, looking back over the shop as if certain something was out of place, but unable to determine exactly what. Finally, hearing Buffy’s call, he shut the door, shaking his head and whistling the tune to Scarborough Fair. *Now where did that come from?*

Spike waited about five minutes before emerging from his hiding place, noting with dismay that sunlight was beginning to filter into the shop. *I guess this is where I’m spending my day,* he thought dismally, reaching into the pocket that did not have his magical items, and pulling out a bag of blood.

“Good thing I thought to bring provisions, now that I’m a bloody boy scout. All being prepared and that rot,” he muttered aloud to himself. Closing his eyes as he fed, he saw Lydia smiling at him in his mind’s eye. *I’m glad one of us is happy,* he thought to her sourly. In his mind, he only saw her smile grow wider, and he groaned to himself. He settled into a dark corner of the loft, and gathered up a Cloak of Darkness that someone had hung up there. *Right now my pillow, later my way out of here.* he thought, pleased at his find, and within minutes was sound asleep.




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