Title: In Range

Author: Jeanny

E-mail: jeannygrrl@hotmail.com

Rating: PG

Distribution: Go right ahead, if you like

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Joss and Greenwalt and Mutant Enemy and Fox and...the point is, they’re not mine and I make no money.

Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated.

Summary: Tara. Gun. Furious.



Stupid fumbling fingers. Oh God oh God oh God.

“You know why. This ain’t finished, Tara. Your ‘family’ ain’t here now.”

He’s closer. Damn it! Find it!

“Forget it, Donny. I’m never going back.”

Good. Sounding stronger. Willow, where are you?

“I told you, didn’t I? I said I would beat you down.”

Oh God, he’s coming! WHERE IS IT?

“So help me, Donny, don’t come any closer!”

I feel...got it, you bastard.

“Or you’ll what?”

No more. Not ever.


“What the hell? A gun?”


“You wouldn’t shoot your own brother?”


“You’re still in range.”

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