Title: Laughter In The Rain

Author: Jeanny

Feedback: Please. jeannygrrl@hotmail.com

Distribution: I don't mind, just credit me and let me know where it's going.

Rating: G

Spoilers: Angel S3 Through That Vision Thing

Disclaimer: Angel: the Series and all the characters that appear on the show are the exclusive property of Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Inc., the WB and any one else with a legal binding claim to the shows and/or characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Angel's attempt to talk to Cordelia about her visions yields an unexpected response.


The water streaked down Cordelia's face, whether from the rain or her tears, he couldn't tell. The dark smudges under her eyes were from more than her smeared mascara, Angel was certain. She hurt, and he was the reason if not the cause. He'd do anything to make it better, no matter how many times she pushed him away, told him she was strong, she was fine, she could handle it. He ran his hand through his wet hair, frustrated, and called her name; she looked up at him with red rimmed eyes. It started small, one corner slightly upturned, and that's why he barreled ahead, not noticing...

"You act like you're all alone, but what's happening to you..."

...that the other corner turned as well, and now a small smile eased the creases of pain on her forehead...

"...it affects all of us..."

Her lips parted, her jaw loosening as the smile widened...

"...because we don't want to see you in pain, we..."

The small sniffling sound distracted him, and for a moment all he saw was her trembling, but then he saw her eyes, bright with amusement, and her smile seemed to repel the raindrops. And then he saw she was snickering at him. He frowned, and now she was laughing at him. Hard. Fresh tears were rolling down her cheeks, and her hair and clothes were soaked, but he was struck by the beauty of her smile.

"What? What's so funny?" He was happy and confused and annoyed at once...the way Cordelia always made him feel. In truth, it didn't matter to him what it was that had amused her so. He had helped her, even if he couldn't understand how. Or so Angel believed until she finally answered his question, gasping for breath.

"Oh...my...God! You...should...see...your...hair!"


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