Title: No Bad Feelings
Author: Jeanny
Feedback: Please. jeannygrrl@hotmail.com
Distribution: I don't mind, just credit me and let me know where it's going.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Gen Season 6, including End of Season Spoilers and Speculation
Disclaimer: I own no one and nothing, especially the characters in this story. I'm merely borrowing them for the pure pleasure of messing with their lives.
Summary: Why is Willow trying to end the world? Buffy thinks she knows. (Warning: this is silly and a bit mean - apologies in advance.)
"Can't let you do this, Will," Buffy said softly. The witch who had been her best friend turned to her, solid black eyes conveying more horror than anger. Buffy shivered. She knew the feeling that was driving Willow towards this final act.
"I can't let things keep going like this. It hurts too much," the witch responded, looking away from her friend towards the horizon as if she could see the menace she was driven to destroy standing there, goading her on. Tears rolled down her cheeks unacknowledged. She was simultaneously heartbreaking and terrifying, and Buffy found herself having difficulty holding her ground.
"Talk to me, Will. Tell me why you're doing this," Buffy pleaded. Willow stared at her incredulously through her tears.
"How can you even ask me that? Look at everything that's happened. You've been so unhappy, and having sex with Spike by gods, and, and Xander and Anya are through and they're both miserable, and...and Tara..."
"None of that is why you're doing this, Will," Buffy said, playing her hunch. "This isn't about what's happened. It's about what we both know is going to happen. I can understand it, I really can. I know how you feel...but I can't let you do end the world. It's wrong."
"You think it's better to let it happen? Let everyone suffer in agony and stand by and do nothing?"
"Shouldn't that be their choice? I mean, people might surprise you, Will. They might not..."
"Please, Buffy. We both know they will. It's going to be horrible, the suffering...and we both know there isn't much time. I've got to end it now." The witch raised her arms, smiling sadly at her friend. "I'm sorry, Buffy. It's the only way-"
"Wait!" Xander screamed, running towards them. He stopped next to Buffy, doubled over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
"Xan, Will's about to end the world, so if you have something to add to the mix, now is a really good time," Buffy chided him.
"It's...okay..." Xander panted. "Confirmed it...online, Will...there's no...Jar Jar...in the sequel."
"And the source is reliable?" Willow demanded suspiciously.
"Straight from Skywalker Ranch," Xander confirmed. Willow considered him speculatively for another long moment, then lowered her arms. Both Buffy and Xander breathed huge sighs of relief.
"You'll see, Will," Buffy soothed, "It's gonna be way better than-"
"What about N'Sync?" the witch demanded, her arms back up and poised to strike. Xander and Buffy exchanged frightened, knowing looks before speaking their final words in unison.
"Damn you George Lucas!"
Sorry, sorry, sorry...okay, no I'm not. :) But don't flame me, please!