Title: Punch

Author: Jeanny

E-mail: jeannygrrl@hotmail.com

Rating: PG

Distribution: Go right ahead, if you like

Disclaimer: Not mine, even in my dreams. All belonging to Joss & Company.

Feedback: Please!

Summary: Joyce. Can of soda. Somber.


It’s always the little things that get you. Most people don’t understand that. The brain tumor, the truth about Dawn...those are big things. People think you’re so strong, but you have no other choice, not when you have children.

There’s only one can of soda left in the refrigerator. I just lost it for a second. The guilt in Buffy’s eyes hit me like a punch. I try to smile at her, to let her know it’s okay, but she still looks so sad. Somber. She’s too young for that expression. And I can‘t stop crying.

Little things.

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