Title: I’m Thinking
Author: Jeanny
E-mail: jeannygrrl@hotmail.com
Rating: G
Spoilers: Season 6 Through Hell’s Bells
Distribution/Archive: Go right ahead, if you like, just let me know where it's going.
Disclaimer: I don't own either Xander or Anya. They belong to Joss, Mutant Enemy, Greenwalt, Fox, etc. But for these few short lines, let’s just pretend they’re mine.
Feedback: Please! I need it.
Summary: A drabble of Xander’s thoughts in an alternate ending to Hell’s Bells. It’s almost more of a poem than a fic...maybe it’s a foem!
I'm thinking: What was I thinking? Marrying a demon! Man, talk about cultural differences.
I'm thinking: I just avoided the biggest mistake of my mistake-filled life.
I'm thinking: Now what?
I'm thinking: Someone's knocking.
I'm thinking: No, someone's breaking down the door. Better open it.
I'm thinking: She's crying. Oh God, I made Anya cry.
She says I was tricked. That wasn't our future.
I'm thinking: Great. I'm a jerk.
She says she understands. She says it's not like she hasn't run away from big scary stuff before.
She says she loves me.
I'm thinking: I'm gonna marry that girl.
Thus ends my experiment in foetry. :)