

Fan Fictions

Submission Guidelines



Fan Fiction Index

There is currently a total of 27 fanfics listed.

New Additions/Updates - Week of 3/14 - 3/20/04

Have you hugged a fanfic writer today?

The only payment a fanfic writer receives is feedback, so please be sure to let the writers know how much you're enjoying their stories. Remember, feedback helps the muses go 'round and keeps the writers writing.

Longer Works - (LW)
A completed stand alone story that has more than 10,000 words will be placed in this category.

Short Stories/Stand Alones - (SS/SA)
A short story is 10,000 words or less.

Series - (S)

Works In Progress - (WIP)

Other Stories - (O)
This is for fan fiction that features either (1) Cristian and/or Natalie but not with each other in a romantic 'shippery sense, or where (2) Natalie, Cristian, and their relationship are featured as only a minor part of a fic that focuses on another character and/or relationship. The first includes fics in which they may be romantically involved with other characters; there may also be crossovers.