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Section I
Game Setup
Foul lines extend from the right side of the plat and the left side. The strike zone is decided by the pitcher and the batter(they most compromise).
1.01 The outfield is enclosed by a fence. A player may rob a homerun but has to stay in the playing field. (i.e. jumping up and catching it.)
Dimensions at ROCAfield:
Home plate to the left field corner is 79 feet.
Home plate to dead center is 69 feet.
Home plate to the right field corner is 64 feet.
The pitchers mound is 28 feet from home plate.
1.02 There are no "single lines" or "double lines". The batter has to run out every hit.(if he wants to be safe)
1.03 The pitcher's mound is made up of a dirt circle with and white piece of wood for the mound. there is a little hill also. 1.04 The batter's box does not exist. Batters are allowed stand wherever they please, so long as their body does not interfere with the pitcher's attempt to successfully throw a strike.

Section II
The Ball is the Official Wiffle Ball with the holes around the equator. Player are not allowed to do anything with the ball. No tape no cutting it, nothing.
2.01 All players play barehanded. Glove-wearing is not legal.
2.02 We use the yellow wiffle bat. Tape is not allowed anywhere not even grip. The bat is to remain hollow, which means no glue, newspaper, tennis balls, or any other objects that would keep the bat from being hollow are permitted inside your bat.