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1 An elephant is the only mammal that CANT jump
2 A giraffe is the only animal to be born with horns
3 There is such a thing as prostituting penguins (I cant remember the explanation for this on but if you know please email me with the subject as PENGUIN)
4 A snail can sleep for up to three years
5 A ducks quack does not echo (although someone said it does)
6 A snail can live without food for up to a year
7 Porcupines float in water
8 A cockroach can survive up to three weeks with its head chopped off, they die by starvation
9 A group of geese on the ground is called a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is called a skein
10 A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace old ones
11 The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds
12 The worlds termites outweigh the worlds humans by 10 to 1
13 A hedgehogs heart beats 300 times per minute, on average
14 A mole can dig a tunnel 300 metres long in just one night
15 A humming bird weighs less than a penny
16 The average elephants trunk holds 4 gallons of water
17 A pigs orgasm lasts 30 seconds
18 Humans and dolphins are the only species to have sex for pleasure

Some lions mate over 50 times per day

20 The average chocolate bar has 8 insects in it
