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Days Network Australia


(Go on, go have a cuppa, this might take awhile)

The Great Wedding


Sami & Austin (2) - Austin & Carrie (2)

One sister set to marry Austin but he ends up married to the other one.



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What is it with Sami and tiaras.  Does she really think she looks like a "Princess"?


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Sami doesn't have a problem in the world.

Carrie's not going to make it back in time to stop THIS wedding.


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Sami and her daddy.  She's daddy's little girl.

Now if only daddy would do the right thing and belt the crap out of her!


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Carrie has the proof needed to break up this wedding.


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Sami blames Carrie for stopping the wedding and ruining her life.

Time to see a shrink Sami, you're the one who is ruining your own life and it has nothing to do with anyone else but yourself.

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I have a friend (yes I have friends) who sent me this tape, three years before it was screened here in Australia and he repeated the punch scene for me five times, do you have any idea how delightful it is to watch this over and over and over again.


The worst part?  Sami continues to get away with everything to this day!


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Austin finally got the chance to talk to Carrie and again, on bended knee (how many times does he have to do this?) he asked Carrie to marry him.

Carrie said YES, without hesitation, and agreed to marry him "TODAY!"


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During this whole thing everyone had to be careful since Roman has a deadly disease that's going to kill him.  John and Marlena had to hide their feelings (again).

Soon John would be leaving to find a cure and Roman would be left to look after Marlena.  UH OH!


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Lucas gets to hold "his son" for the very first time as a Dad.

Kate doesn't look too happy does she?


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Again, you got any photos of this wedding that aren't here and want to share

Email Me


Part Two