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Justin Kiriakis


Adrienne Johnson

(First Wedding)


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Best Man

Victor Kiriakis

Maid Of Honour

Melissa Anderson


Kimberly Donovan & Diana Colville

Flower Girl

Noelle Curtis

Who Caught the Garter Steve Johnson
Who Caught the Bouquet Jo Johnson


Bride's Dress:

Two piece, silk satin bodice & edwardian sleeves, overlaid with French lace, sequins, crystal lockrosen & seed pearls hand embroidered on bodice.  The silk skirt is silk satin with a light pleat and is overlaid with lace around the waist.

Bridesmaids Dresses:

Green satin strapless dress, bow fronted overskirt and green lace top.



Adrienne and Justin almost didn't marry but Adrienne appeared at the last minute and the ceremony went ahead in full Greek tradition.

Diana dreamt of marrying Roman(2) then went with him to the docks where Victor spied them kissing - he didn't like being used and intended to get even.


Kayla was too sick to go to the wedding but sent a letter for Steve telling him she was happy with Jack and wished him as much happiness.  Steve felt the letter was a lie and intended to find out what was going on.

The only real love was Adrienne and Justin, they were married and went on a honeymoon cruising around the Greek Isles - it's a shame the honeymoon only lasted two days.  Their first time was extra special since the Bride had only been with one man, her father, Duke, who had raped her.