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Ivan gave the bride away while Vivian was bridesmaid.

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John & "Kristen" were finally man and wife again!

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John was shocked throughout the whole wedding, this was just another one.

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Carrie & Mike attended the wedding and got caught in the cross fire.  Austin dropped off a present, saw them "together" and thought it best to leave quickly.  Not even speaking to the woman who loved him.

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Finally we learned that Kristen was really Susan in disguise.

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Bridal Party Chatter


VIVIAN:             Kristen, what on Earth are you doing?

SUSAN:            I’m getting married

VIVIAN:             In that getup?  You look ridiculous!

SUSAN:            What a terrible thing to say to a bride on her weddin day?


VIVIAN:             Let’s just call it a theme wedding

JOHN:               Oh year?  What’s the theme?

VIVIAN:             Nightmare at Graceland.


JOHN:               I’m so embarrassed, partner, but probably not half as embarrassed as you are, cause you look real bad.

ABE:                Well, you don’t exactly look like Prince Charming yourself.




Real life bridesmaids often groan about the tacky gowns selected by the bride, but the apparel on display at this wedding would leave any bridal party prima donna speechless.


THE GROOM:               John got off easy.  In his black leather pants and matching jacket, bare chested John looked the part of a rock’n’roll groom.


THE BRIDE:                  There was enough material in Susan’s hideous “PRISCILLA” gown to make dresses for Kristen and Marlena to marry John as well.  The finishing touch:  Blue eye shadow.


THE BEST MAN:            Abe didn’t exactly get comfortable in his leopard print jacket.  Maybe he was hoping no one would recognise him under that cowboy hat.



            Vivian is known for her unusual fashion sense, but that floral print cocktail dress knocked even Madame’s socks off.  Viv’s dress literally stuck out because of her crinoline.  The icing on the cake: red feathers in her hair.


THE COURT JESTER:            Ivan was mesmerizing in a pink blazer with silver glitter trim and a sparkling guitar on the back.  His black, buttoned down shirt contrasted boldly with the white tie adorned with musical notes.