Items below are listed as they took place in order of date. To view the latest development, scroll to the bottom of the list...
AGREEMENT ON DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF DE AAR (EMTHANJENI) IN SOUTH AFRICA AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF KARLSTAD IN SWEDEN BACKGROUND During the long period of struggle for democracy and majority rule in South Africa many and deep relations were established between people and organisations in South Africa and Sweden. Since the transition from apartheid to democracy conditions were created for formalised partnership between the two countries at a national level. Thus, Swedish assistance to South African has been transformed from support to the struggle against apartheid into the development of regular bilateral co-operation since 1995. It is most likely that the regular assistance through Sida will carry on for some years after the shift of the millennium. After that in all essentials the relations between South Africa and Sweden should be build on mutuality, where for example technical, scientific and cultural co-operation and commercial interaction gradually will replace the assistance. An important element in the strengthening of this gradual transition into mutuality is the establishment of broad relations between towns and municipalities in the two countries. When looking for a partner for an inter local development co-operation on Agenda 21, the City of Karlstad was proposed to liaise with De Aar and a first contract was made in February 1997. Further contacts to discuss areas of common interest and mutual benefit were established towards the end of 1998 and in April 1999 a Swedish delegation visited De Aar in order to make the initial discussions more concrete. During this visit consensus was reached that the co-operation should be focused on problems relevant to De Aar. This, however, doesnt reduce the value and mutuality of the co-operation. A basic agreement was signed on 29 April 1999 in De Aar. In the following the intended co-operation between De Aar and Karlstad is outlined, as it has been formulated regarding contents and form and necessary support for its implementation. The proposed work programme should not be seen as definite, since it should allow for changes according to changing needs and preconditions. CONTENTS OF THE CO-OPERATION The overall objective is to guide and assist each other in the implementation of the local work with Agenda 21. Improving the competence of the parties by transfer of knowledge will be an essential part of the co-operation, but Swedens official goals for development assistance should also be guiding the co-operation, that is, to focus on poverty alleviation, economic growth, economic and social equality, environment protection and gender equality. Four fields of co-operation:
The Town Council in De Aar is familiar with Agenda 21, but has not implemented it to date. The city of Karlstad has progressed quite far with the implementation of a Local Agenda 21 Action Plan and experiences gained in Karlstad could be valuable for De Aar. Peoples involvement and their ability to take part in a democratic process in fundamental for a successful work with Agenda 21.
In De Aar as well as in the province as a whole water scarcity is becoming a serious constraint for socio-economic development. The ecological aspects are also evident why water resources management needs to be given high priority. Some potential projects within this field could be:
This issue is an important matter to the Town Council in De Aar. Currently, an empty gravel-pit is being used by Council have sanctioning from the Government to use this gravel-pit for dumping household rubbish and building rubble. Since De Aar is dependant on subsurface water sources, the current system is unacceptable. The following areas of co-operation are judged as the most urgent and relevant ones.
The responsibility for the educational institutions in De Aar, as in the rest of South Africa, rests with the Provincial Administration. In Northern Cape a number of programs are already going on aimed at improving the quality of the present educational system. However, without interfering or overlapping these programs, a number of partner activities on environmental issues could be envisaged, like exchange activities based on local initiatives from individual schools in both De Aar and Karlstad. Co-operation with the Provincial administration has been established and the MEC has given approval for pilot projects at some schools in De Aar which have shown interest in the project. Projects to deal with environmental issues as well as more practical aspects to make pupils more interested in the nature.
FORMS FOR CO-OPERATION The forms for the co-operation should be characterised by the following:
SUPPORT FOR CO-OPERATION A broad and extensive community engagement implies financial assistance from the Swedish Association of Local Authorities (SALA) through Sida in order to guarantee the sustainability of the co-operation. SALA is on behalf of Sida running a development co-operation project in Northern Cape. The Local running a development co-operation project in Northern Cape. The Local Governement Support programme. Within the frames of this project SALA has obtained a supplementary grant to cover the costs of a development co-operation between Karlstad and De Aar. According to the original plans the project should be carried through at mid-year 2000, but it can be extended till the end of the year. KARLSTAD Karlstad is called the lakeside city where the sun always shines hence its nickname Sun City. Karlstad is perfectly located between Stockholf and Oslo, beside Swedens largest lake, Vänern. The area around the city is magnificent in its beauty and there is lots of scope for leisure activities. Fishing and water sports are especially popular. It is said that the sun shines more here than in any other place due to an innkeeper who once spread her happiness throughout the city. SWEDEN
A country where sophisticated technology and efficient industry exist side by side with the wild beauty of great forests and a myriad lakes. Now deep into its second century without war with a living standard higher than that of the United States and with one of the most extensive social welfare programmes on earth, Sweden is in many respects the envy of Europe. But earthly paradises do not come cheaply; the Swedes carry the worlds heaviest tax burden, and their welfare services cost more than 70 per cent of the national budget. On the whole, the climate is extreme. Summers can bring heat waves, but they are brief. Winters in the north are seven months long and in the south three; to all areas they bring deep snow and ice. About half the country is covered by forest, spruce and pine with an admixture of birch the national tree. Fewer than 8,5 million people live in this large country. Most Swedish farmers are owner occupiers, with the family providing the labour force; produce is sold through cooperatives. Unemployment is consistently higher in the north, and many northerners feel that they are living in an underprivileged territory. Just about every family has a car, many have a motor or sailing boat as well, and everywhere there is easy access to the countryside. Many families have a second home. Temperatures drop to their lowest about the end of February, though March can be radiant with sunshine. SWEDEN AT A GLANCE
Main primary products dairy products, cereals, potatoes, sugar beet, rapeseed, timber, iron ore, copper, lead and zinc. Major industries Engineering and electrical goods, timber products, paper and wood pulp, motor vehicles, chemicals, iron and steel, petroleum products. On Sunday we were shown around Karlstad by Mr Lars-Rune Bengtsson and Lars-Martin Jansson. Mr Bengtsson is the city architect and provided a great deal of background information and history about the buildings in Karlstad. After the walking tour of the city, we met Mr Arinell at his home where tea was served and a tree planting ceremony was held to commemorate the agreement between De Aar and Karlstad. Fortunately the hole had already been dug and the Mayor, Councillor Jenkins, and Mr Lars-Martin Jansson jointly planted the tree. We then were taken on a tour of Värmland, situated along the Klarälven River and the Fryken lakes. The Fryken lakes (Fryken valley) consists of Övre Fryken, Mellan Fryken and Nedre Fryken narrow lakes with a total length of 80 km, connected to Lake Vänern by the Norsälv river. The Klarälven River Klar is one of the longest riviers in Sweden and for 270km of its total length of 550km it runs ghrough Värmland.
AGREEMENT ON CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF EMTHANJENI IN SOUTH AFRICA AND KARLSTAD IN SWEDEN Rear (L to R) : Gerhard Engelbrecht, Blackie van Staden, Hazel Jenkins, Franscois Taljaard, Romein van Staden Front (L to R) : Mikael Schultz, Kennith Markman (Mayor), Jörgen Arinell BACKGROUND During the long period of struggle for democracy and majority rule in South Africa many and deep relations were established between people and organisations in South Africa and Sweden. Since the transition from apartheid to democracy conditions were created for formalised partnership between the two countries at a national level. Thus, Swedish assistance to South African has been transformed from support to the struggle against apartheid into the development of regular bilateral co-operation since 1995. It is most likely that the regular assistance through Sida will carry on for some years after the shift of the millennium. After that in all essentials the relations between South Africa and Sweden should be build on mutuality, where for example technical, scientific and cultural co-operation and commercial interaction gradually will replace the assistance. An important element in the strengthening of this gradual transition into mutuality is the establishment of broad relations between towns and municipalities in the two countries. When looking for a partner for an inter local development co-operation on Agenda 21, the City of Karlstad was proposed to liaise with De Aar and a first contact was made in February 1997. Further contacts to discuss areas of common interest and mutual benefit were established towards the end of 1998 and in April 1999 a Swedish delegation visited De Aar in order to make the initial discussions more concrete. During this visit consensus was reached that the co-operation should be focused on problems relevant to De Aar. This, however, does not reduce the value and mutuality of the co-operation. A basic agreement was signed on 29 April 1999 in De Aar. The agreement regulates the terms of co-operation and the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties that have signed this agreement. The overall objective is to guide and assist each other in the implementation of the local work with Agenda 21. Improving the competence of the parties by transfer of knowledge will be an essential part of co-operation, that is, to focus on poverty alleviation, economic growth, economic and social equality, strengthening of local democracy, environment protection and gender equality. This agreement is for a period of 10 months, starting from the date the agreement is signed, the 30th of November 2001. A final report will be submitted to SALA IDA no later than the 26th of October 2002. The parties also agree to aim for continuation of the co-operation for at least one year beyond the initial phase. The parties agree on the following objectives:
The two parties have the responsibility of the implementation of the results and activities listed in an annex to this agreement. Emthanjeni on the 30th of November 2001
ANNEXURE TO THE DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION Development Objective Improvements of the environment, especially in the disadvantaged suburbs, and the establishment of an ecological sustainable development. Immediate (Project) Objective By 2003 the Municipality of Emthanjeni has developed a strategy for an ecological sustainable development and the residents can see real improvements of the environment within our proposed areas of co-operation. Outputs (Results)
TALJAARD HEAD : CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES EMTHANJENI MUNICIPALITY DE AAR, SOUTH AFRICA INTRODUCTION The conditions in Sweden differ vastly from that of South Africa and specifically the Northern Cape and De Aar. One should always keep this in mind when looking for ideas and solutions to Agenda 21 and related problems. Sweden has in relation to its size (449 964 km2) a small population of approximately 8,855 million. It is however a technologically advanced country with good infrastructure, including an efficient transport transportation and communications system. This became very evident during our visit to Karlstad. Compared to South Africa, Sweden has long and cold winters (temperatures can go below -20°C) with long winter nights. Summers are mild, average 18 - 20°Järverup of Nobelgymnasiet on the design of the proposed 3 eco houses we intend building in De Aar provided funding can be obtained. Sketches showing the details discussed are attached. The business plan for the fund applications to Sida were also discussed and finalised. C with long summer days. Attached is a fact sheet on the geography of Sweden see annexure A". On arrival at our hotel it was evident that the residents of Karlstad are concerned about the environment. The card used for opening the door lock is also used to switch on the electricity in the hotel room, thus ensuring that the lights etc. do not remain on when you leave the room. A notice about the use of towels is displayed in the bathroom see annexure B. GUIDED CITY TOUR Our visit began with a
tour on foot through Karlstad under the guidance of Lars-Martin Jansson. The history and problems with new developments
were explained to us. It was most interesting
to see the large number of open spaces left for recreation purposes. In De Aar we have very few open spaces and
rezoning for other uses is easily granted. Certain
streets in the centre of Karlstad are closed to vehicles and only used by pedestrians and
cycles. If a safe place could
be established in the centre of De Aar to leave bicycles, it could encourage many people
to use their cycles (especially in view of the rising fuel prices). The street on the
northern side of the Town Hall (Amalia Street) could possibly closed to traffic and used
for pedestrians, cycles and small business opportunities. ADVISORY CENTRE (RåDRUMMET) The Advisory Centre is
considered a showcase for the Karlstad Municipality.
Here residents are advised about environmental aspects. Exhibitions are held monthly and there is close
co-operation with other organisations and schools. This centre is situated
very centrally for all residents and covers the following specialised fields:
An information leaflet on the Advisory Centre is attached as Annexure C. The following
interesting aspects came to light: ± 50% of the residents
of Karlstad recycle and their household refuse is removed only once per month, while the
normal practice is twice per month, and they also pay less for refuse removal. Since the closure of
certain streets in 1994 the use of vehicles has declined by 29% in the city centre; there
has been a 10% increase in people using buses; people travel together in vehicles (sharing
and pooling) and many more cycles are used. The pollution caused by vehicles has dropped considerably. To achieve this aim the municipality had to spend more money on public transport and providing infrastructure such as cycle lanes and safe parking.
Households use different energy sources such as wood, oil, electricity. Alternative sources of energy, which are economical and environmentally friendly, are promoted. The government pays a subsidy if the heating system is changed to benefit the environment. The Advisory Centre
also makes electricity meters available to the public free of charge to measure the
electricity consumption of various electrical appliances in order for them to make
informed decisions. As far as Emthanjeni is
concerned we have a great deal of information and advice that we could make available to
residents via such an Advisory Centre. Councillors
could also use such a centre to attend to residents.
In the case of Britstown and Hanover the existing Municipal offices could
also be used for this purpose. KARLSTAD TECHNICAL
DEPARTMENT The Chief : Civil
Engineering Services spent about 2 days in the water and sewer division of the Technical
Department. A layout of the different
divisions is attached see annexure D. The water and sewer
division consist of 40 employees with a current budget of 92 million krone (±R92
million). Previously it was
customary to allow stormwater and sewerage to flow in the same pipes which is currently a
major problem as the stormwater now also requires purification. As a result of the
totally different circumstances it is difficult to compare the water consumption and water
losses of Karlstad (abundant water) and De Aar (water scarcity). The water figures for
the two towns are as follows:
From the above it is evident that the water consumption of Karlstad is reasonably high, but further analysis is required to evaluated losses and consumption. Discussions were held
with Katarina Anderson on her visit to the Chief : Civil Engineering Services in De Aar as
from 3 March 2002. A summary of the various
activities envisaged during her visit are attached (see Annexure E) WASTE MANAGEMENENT : LANDFILL SITES The landfill sites were visited to gather more specific information about the recycling of building material and organic refuse. Building material such as concrete blocks and tar is crushed and re-used. The organic material is either incinerated to generate electricity or used to make compost. In the case of Emthanjeni it would be advisable to separate the building and organic material (leaves, branches, garden refuse) etc. from the household refuse. Building material such as bricks concrete can be used to fill erosion dongas and for future site filling and streets. DISCUSSION : DE AAR ECO HOUSES During my visit to Karlstad I also had discussions with Peter Järverup of Nobelgymnasiet on the design of the proposed 3 eco houses we intend building in De Aar provided funding can be obtained. Sketches showing the details discussed are attached. The business plan for the fund applications to Sida were also discussed and finalised. SOLBUSSEN : KARLSTAD NATURE SCHOOL We were fortunate to experience a trip on the Solbussen (Sun Bus) of the Karlstad Nature School See Annexure F. The aim of the Nature School is to teach children about and to experience nature.The bus is equipped with the necessary material such as binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, magnifying glasses, books etc. The Nature School is operated by the Department of Education, Municipality of Karlstad in co-operation with Swebus. During our visit we also held discussions with Malin Granlund, Biologist and Nature Guide of the Nature School, about the proposed Nature School in De Aar. She offered the support and assistance of the Karlstad Nature School, if required. Their assistance with the establishment of our own Nature School as well as the planning of the activities and training of the teacher would be invaluable. THANKS I wish to thank the Council for the opportunity of visiting Karlstad. The visit was very informative and I gained many new ideas about sustainable development. I also wish to use this opportunity to thank Katarina Andersson (Water and Sewer division) and Björn Sefton (Waste management) for their contributions and co-operation during my visit to the Technical division. My thanks also to Jörgen Arinell, Mikael Schultz and the staff of the Advisory Centre Karlstad as well as Peter Järverup of Nobelgumnasiet.
report will try to summarize my experience during the weeks visit in Karlstad. This report will only focus on the sites that were
visited and interviews with the officials. 1. VISITING THE WATER RECYCLING PLANT It
was breath taking to see all the fresh water resources that Sweden have. With all the various lakes, one cannot help, to
compare ourselves with Karlstad in relation to the availability of the water resources.
The whole recycling or cleaning process of water is different to our processes from that
of Karlstad. Although specialized machinery
is being used, the commitment of the Water Department staff was also very impressive to me
as the Municipal Manager of Emthanjeni. Some differences and similarities that I have
and De Aar are using similar types of methods with the recycling of the sewerage. De Aar follows a European model, and there the
similarities from the system. Furthermore, it
was astonished for me to observe that the recycled water is being pump in the lake for
re-use. The question that came to mind
Is why do Karlstad re-use the recycling sewerage water, because of the unlimited
availability of fresh water?. A strange
feeling that I got there is that we as De Aar, need to look at ways in re-using the
recycling sewerage water that just go to waste in De Aar. WASTE
I want to thank our tour guide official, for the wonderful tour at the different disposal
sites. It was refreshing to see the
commitment of almost all residents to ensure that environmental issues are a priority to
them. The whole issue of a clean society and
clean living give me a new meaning. The management of the sites, the control, access and
the handling process are so well maintain that we could definite learn from the operations
of Karlstad. VISIT
visit meant very much to me, in order in comparison to my job description. The ideas and briefing that were exchanged
were very valuable to me. From the Swedish
system it was obvious to note that our current legislation took the similar model as the
Swedish. The lessons that were learnt are
that the Swedish government place more focus on local municipalities. The development of the municipalities
remains top priority and one can see it with the revenue-base of the municipalities of
focuses were given to this activity. This
could be of the real complicities of this activity. More
support and information in order to develop a strategy could be developing. Community participation will be very crucial in
developing this strategy. GENERAL
visit to Karlstad was a real eye-opener to me who work as an official in a municipality in
South Africa. Emthanjeni can learn and draw
from experiences of Karlstad. The development
of the Municipality and also the industrialized economy of Karlstad showed how empowered
the town and residents are. The differences and comparisons between the two municipalities
are very evident in every aspect such as staff moral, capacitating of staff development,
community participation, etc. I trust that we will enforce whatever were learning in
Karlstad and implement it in Emthanjeni Municipality. Lastly,
this is not a technical report but my personal observation.
AGRICULTURE IN EMTHANJENI URBAN AREAS REPORT: INTRODUCTION The purpose of the report is to reflect on some of the valuable lessons drawn that may be refined to improve the lives of South Africans in semi-urban and urban areas. Economic and socio-political factors also studied to pinpoint areas of strategic intervention to ensure sustainable urban development. OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENTAL Utilization of available space/land for perm culture oriented development, that would trigger ecological progression and sustenance. Establishment of promoting groups for urban agriculture represented by different departments for example: Department of Health, Agriculture and land affairs, NGOs and the District Council. The community should also be involved and interested Councillors. Take into consideration urban agriculture as a means to make the dwelling areas less venerable for food scarcity in the policy of density of plot sizes. Reinforce the resources for implementing the new by-law and for controlling. Investigate places for community kraals, city, farms and animal allotment gardens in the town, schools and farms outside town for the urban animals. Assist in organising and establishing the kraals. Offer education and training, make workshops on urban agriculture in all communities. Promote and support pilot projects. Support and assist on going food garden projects. Besides the possibilities to produce food, urban agriculture is vital as a creative and meaningful occupation, as unemployment among urban population in South Africa is huge and probably will stay at a high level in the foreseeable future. Most people are basically creative, to be active is beneficial for the mental as well as physical health. Farms for livestock and vegetation have been allocated for small or upcoming farmers. But the farms have not yet been occupied, soon things will fall into place. A large sustainable project of cherry farming whereby the community of Emthanjeni will benefit for a sustainable period. We are also looking forward to improving the situation by looking for funds which will also help to alleviate poverty in our area. Also with the implementation of Agenda 21 which is a global program for survival at making all development sustainable on a long term basis.
REPORT ON SWEDISH STUDY VISIT 1 MARCH 2002 TO 10 MARCH 2002 VISIT TO SWEDEN Amidst all the negativity surrounding our municipality we are still moving forward with our co-operation with Karlstad. There is reason for optimism. The five member delegation that left for Karlstad, Sweden were on a mission. The mission was to strengthen and consolidate our co-operation. This was to give a kick-start to the activities layed-out in co-operation. Each member of the delegation were assigned to specific activities for which they will be responsible for and report on. Our arrival in Sweden was a cold & snowy one but the welcoming by our now friends were a hearty & warm welcome. As we have come to know them, we got down straight to work but before we did that we went scooter skiing. Just ask the Municipal Manager how it was!!!! Customary to their precision in organisation, I was assigned to my counterpart, Per-Olof Haster, who works at the advisory centre Radrummet. After all the introductions and welcoming, we discussed our working programme for my stay there. We also took some time to discuss the working programme for the Swedish delegation visiting Emthanjeni from 17 March 2002 to 28 March 2002. In particular we discussed the format of our workshops which will be held when he visit Emthanjeni. We also discussed the strategies to follow to make the workshops a success. Consensus were also reached or at least we agreed upon that the training and info sessions should be a continuous process. Lots of time was also spent on conceptualizing on a modus operandi on how to develop and implement an Environment policy for the whole municipality and specifically for each department too. Study visits were undertaken to Energi Plants to observe how they generate and utilize their energy sources. Interestingly and relevantly to our ventures in our establishing of recycling station in Emthanjeni was the visit to their recycling stations. The visit to their landfill site also gave insight on how to properly manage a landfill site. Study visits were also undertaken to schools where I had to give presentations on how we work with educational institutions in our areas. Also in sharing our experiences in working with Local Agenda 21. Logistics around the establishment of the Nature and Environmental school were also sorted out with Malin Grunlund. She will also be part of one of the two remaining study visits to Emthanjeni. This was indeed a honourable and delightfully enjoyable experience one can proud fully state mission and objective achieved. New friendship and working ties were knot. A daunting task awaits us but Im encouraged by the fact that we have the drive to make it a success. We could surely built higher from this experience. This study visit provided the perfect, solid foundation for our sustainable development initiatives. ROMEIN VAN STADEN LOCAL AGENDA 21 CO-ORDINATOR
Minutes of a meeting held with the delegation from Karlstad Sweden and Project Representatives from Emthanjeni (De Aar) on Thursday 28 March 2002 at 12:30 14:15 ATTENDANCE Mr Jörgen Arinell Mr Per-Olof Haster Ms Katarina Anderson Mr Gerhard Engelbrecht Mr W P A Pool Mr Francois Taljaard Ms Jane Mafilika Mr Willie Lubbe ABSENT WITH APOLOGY Mr Kenneth B Markman Romein van Staden opened the meeting and the following agenda was agreed upon.
Three people will visit Emthanjeni during May 2002. The meeting closed at 14:15.
SUMMARY OF GROUP REPORTS ON LOCAL AGENDA 21 FOR THE EMTHANJENI MUNICIPALITY DATE: 18 to 20 March 2002 VENUE: Emthanjeni Municipality The participants were divided into groups of five to six people per group, and were all asked to address the following questions: 1. What can your contribution be towards Local Agenda 21? 2. How do you think Local Agenda 21 can be used in everyday activities in your work or home? 3. For what reasons should your council implement Local Agenda 21? Since the questions are closely related, they neither follow the order in which the questions were asked nor do they reflect the order of priority. From the group presentations in both morning and afternoon sessions, the following common issues emerged: DAY 1 MORNING SESSION · There is need for an on-going education and awareness raising on Local Agenda 21/sustainablility issues amongst officials and councillors in the Municipality. Simultaneously, capacity must be built amongst other stakeholders including non-governmental organisations and other civil society groupings. · There must be sustained communication between the municipality and all other role players to build trust amongst all parties. · Education and awareness raising initiatives on Local Agenda 21/local sustainability issues should be designed and targeted to appropriate groups so that they can bear fruitful results. · Different departments within the Emthanjeni Municipality must communicate regularly in their planning and decision making processes. · Different media including videos, road shows, school competitions and exhibitions, posters and others should be used to increase awareness on sustainable development issues within the Municipality. · The Municipality must implement projects that are sustainable. Long-term implications of all projects should be considered. More significant, such projects should be targeted at eradicating poverty and crime within the Municipality. DAY 2 MORNING SESSION · The Emthanjeni Municipality has the Constitutional responsibility to ensure that the people living within the Municipality live within a clean and healthy environment. · There is need for information dissemination on Local Agenda 21 / sustainability issues amongst all Council officials including politicians. · The Council must lead by example. For example, it must develop policies and implement sustainable practices such as water conservation measures energy saving initiatives, recycling of paper and others. Information should also be disseminated to schools and churches. · Local Agenda 21/sustainability practices must begin at home. Households should be encouraged to sort their waste, use pre-paid meters for water and electricity so that they can appreciate the cost of consumption of resources and possibly change their unsustainable consumption patterns. · The local authority is better placed and has financial capacity to facilitate development of partnerships within the Municipality. · Precautionary measures should be taken for all new projects that are likely to have negative impacts. The social, economic and environmental impacts of all projects should be considered prior to implementation. · Local Agenda 21/sustanability principles should be used in planning new residential areas so that they are sustainable socially, economically and environmentally. · Local Agenda 21 should be promoted to facilitate job creation and reduce poverty within the Municipality. DAY 2 AFTERNOON SESSION · There is need to disseminate information on Local Agenda 21/sustanability issues amongst all Council officials including politicians. · Local Agenda 21 must be packaged and promoted in an attractive manner so that decision makers can be committed to its implementation. · Local Agenda 21 should be used to build capacity and empower the historically disadvantaged communities. · There is need to establish an all-inclusive multi-stakeholder forum in Emthanjeni in order to move the Municipality towards sustainability. · The Municipality must promote dissemination of information on sustainable practices such as putting up non-smoking signs; water and energy conservation measures; recycling and other practices. · Local Agenda 21 in Emthanjeni Municipality should address health and safety issues. · A logo for Local Agenda 21 in Emthanjeni Municipality must be developed in order to create awareness amongst all the stakeholders. · A comprehensive plan on Local Agenda 21 for Emthanjeni Municipality should be developed. Preparation of the plan should be inclusive of all groups. DAY 3 MORNING SESSION · There is need to disseminate information on Local Agenda 21/sustainability issues amongst all Council officials including politicians. · There is need to improve communications between officials in the Municipality and with the local communities. · Local Agenda 21 should be used as tool to improve service delivery within the Municipality. · Education in schools must be made practical and address the key issues facing the Municipality. · Emthanjeni Municipality must promote dissemination of information on sustainable practices such as water and energy conservation measurers, recycling and other practices. These practices must be implemented both at home and at work places. Local Agenda 21 must be linked to the integrated development plans for the Municipality.
SUMMARY OF GROUP REPORTS ON LOCAL AGENDA 21 FOR THE EMTHANJENI MUNICIPALITY DATE: 25 MARCH 2002 VENUE: BRITSTOWN TOWN HALL Group reports Agenda 21 Workshop Participants were divided into 4 groups and were asked to discuss/elaborate on the following questions: 1. What can your contribution be towards Local Agenda 21? 2. How do you think Local Agenda 21 can be used in everyday activities in your work or home? 3. For what reasons should your council implement Local Agenda 21? NB: Since the questions are closely related they neither follow the order in which the questions were asked nor do they reflect the order of priority. From the group presentations the following common issues emerged: - Emphasis was made on workers efficiency and decreasing unnecessary expenditure i.e. saving petrol, periods when watering the gardens. - There is a potential of tourist attractions in the town - More opportunities should be presented to community members, officials and councillors to interact on issues of common interest and mutual benefit there is a dire need for communities to be more informed on Local Agenda 21 - Information should be disseminated to the abovementioned - Forming partnerships will enhance community participation and ensure sustainable development - Concretize people on Local Agenda 21 and inform them on unsustainable practices - To promote co-operation amongst departments (municipal departments) and to render effective and efficient services - A definite plan of action should be drafted on Agenda 21 for the Municipality - There should be a commitment from officials, councillors and community members to successfully adopt and implement Agenda 21 - Through Agenda 21 more sustainable job opportunities could be created - There must be a striving towards unity in the whole of Emthanjeni Municipality - Agenda 21 could address the social issues i.e., criminal activities within society - Opinions of officials should be take into cognisance - There is a common outcry that Agenda 21 must be successfully implemented.
SUMMARY OF GROUP REPORTS ON LOCAL AGENDA 21 FOR THE EMTHANJENI MUNICIPALITY DATE: 26 MARCH 2002 VENUE: HANOVER TOWN HALL Participants where divided into 2 groups and were asked to address the following questions
NB: Since the questions are closely related they neither follow the order in which the questions were asked, nor do they reflect the order of priority from the presentations the following common issues emerged; - Information centre for residents promoting safety and conservation (savings) - Promoting waste recycling, enhancing job creation and income generating opportunities - Addressing social issues and placing emphasis on education and awareness - Upgrading housing /provision of sustainable housing - Providing proper sanitation (alternative sanitation options i.e., VIP,UDS) - Proper public transport - Providing environmental education - Local Agenda 21 is very important because it educates the public to save money, electricity and water. Council should lead by example through information/ dissemination and empowering the public on issues of the environment, economy and social aspects.
Minutes of a meeting held with the delegation from Karlstad, Sweden and Project Representative from Emthanjeni (De Aar) on Wednesday, 22 May 2002 at 11:00 13:00 REGISTER OF ATTENDANCE Mr Jörgen Arinell Mr Björn Sefton Mr Gerhard Engelbrecht Mr W P A Pool Mr Romein van Staden ABSENT WITH APOLOGY Mr F Manuel Mr F Taljaard Gerhard Engelbrecht opened the meeting and the following agenda was agreed upon; A G E N D A 1. EVALUATION OF VISIT TO DE AAR INCLUDING; Urban Agricultural Nature School Pilot projects School Pilot Projects on Recycling Tariff Systems Quality of Tap Water 2. FOLLOW-UP ON AGREED ACTIVITIES 2.1 URBAN AGRICULTURAL That the building of eco-houses was to commence during June 2002. Karlstad Commun still has to sign the agreement with SIDA The committee should discuss the following: - where the gardens are to be established - which plants are to be planted - who will participate - what will be done with the produce - what can be done to motivate people to plant vegetable gardens at their homes. Councillor J Mafilika would have to submit another report dealing specifically with her experiences and observations during her visit to Karlstad. 2.2 PILOT PROJECTS AT SCHOOLS Romein indicated that he had already handed the progress report to Jörgen Arinell. The minutes of the previous meeting of co-ordinators is attached. The workshop for co-ordinators took place on 17 April 2002 with only Hanover not present. A follow-up workshop should be held to inform Hanover and all the other schools who were not yet part of the project about the discussions on 17 April 2002. 50% of all schools should participate in the pilot projects. During Jörgen Arinells visit to De Aar in August 2002 follow-up work will be done in conjunction with the Department of Education, Jörgen Arinell and Romein van Staden. 2.3 NATURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOL Mr J Mongale, the National Environmental Education Co-ordinator from Kimberley, as well as Mr Masuabi, Deputy Director, Education Department were aware of the school and support it. The Task Team is to meet in De Aar on 29 May 2002. The Task Team consists of the following: 1 Teacher - Britstown, De Aar and Hanover 1 member from Economic Affairs and Tourism Tallies Taljaard Romein van Staden Mr Dapula - Department of Education Platberg Bewaria Department of Agriculture The Task Team will meet twice per month. Negotiations have been conducted with Umgeni Valley Project (Howick KwaZulu Natal) to provide training in De Aar for all co-ordinators from schools. They will present the training course over four days and the weeks beginning 12, 19 or 26 August 2002 were possible dates. Agreement has also been reached on a workshop with Malin Grunland of Karlstad, Sweden. Possible dates were the week of 9 September 2002 or the week of 16 September 2002. The training will last four days with each group receiving two days of training. The Nature School will be opened on 28 or 29 August 2002 at 12:00 and Gerhard Engelbrecht will arrange for the MEC of Education, Ms Tina Joemat-Peterson to officiate. The Task Team should consider a name for the school and also develop teaching material for the Environmental School. The report from PO Haster was still awaited. Certain Councillors, Heads of Departments and other officials still have to receive training and Romein van Staden was attending to the matter. 2.4 PROJECT ON RECYCLING AND SORTING DISPOSAL IN CHOSEN SUBURBS Francois Taljaard was already busy drawing up plans for this project. Refuse bins would be constructed in Nonzwakazi, Barcelona and De Aar East. The three houses would also be constructed in these three areas. The recycling bins would be designed in such a way that tins, bottles, plastic and paper were recycled separately. The Keep Our Town Clean Committee was also engaged in projects to assist in this field. A separate report would be submitted. SIDA has provided R250 000.00 for the eco-houses and recycling bins. A few recycling bins have already been constructed in Nonzwakazi. A compost heap has also been started. 2.5 DEVELOPMENT OF TARIFF SYSTEM The Committee held discussions with Mr Björn Sefton and after discussions of tarriffs and his explanation of the system in Karlstad, it was decided to retain our tariffs in De Aar. A start would be made to provide separate removals for businesses. The plastic containers, bottles and foodstuffs not fit for human consumption would be removed separately and everything except the foodstuffs would be transported directly to the recycling concerns to prevent this waste ending up on our refuse dump. This will done as from Monday, 5 June 2002. The report from Katarina Anderson required attention. 2.6 CHECK ON QUALITY OF TAP WATER Nothing to report. 2.7 USE OF SLUDGE AND PURIFIED WATER The outcome of the application to establish the Cherry Farm Project in De Aar was still awaited. The meeting closed at 13:00
AGREEMENT ON CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF EMTANJENI IN SOUTH AFRICA AND KARLSTAD IN SWEDEN The agreement regulates the terms of co-operation and the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties that have signed this agreement. The overall objective is to guide and assist each other in the implementation of the local work with Agenda 21. Improving the competence of the parties by transfer of knowledge will be an essential part of co-operation, but Swedens official goals for development assistance should also be guiding the co-operation, that is, to focus on poverty, alleviation, economic growth, economic and social equality, environmental protection and gender equality. This agreement is for a period of 12 months, starting from the first of February 2003. A final report will be submitted to Sala Ida no later than the first of February 2004. The parties also agree to aim for a continuiation of the co-operation beyond the initial phase. Development Objective Improvements of the environment, especially in the disadvantaged suburbs, and the establishment of an ecological sustainable environment. Project Objective By 2003 the municipality of Emthanjeni has developed a strategy for an ecological sustainable development and the residents can see real improvements within the areas of co-operation. DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALTIES OF EMTHANJENI IN SOUTH AFRICA AND KARLSTAD IN SWEDEN Development objective Improvements of the environment, especially in the disadvantages suburbs, and the establishments of the ecological sustainable development. Immediate (Project) Objective By 2003 the municipality of Emthanjeni has developed a strategy for an ecological sustainable development and the residents can see real improvements of the environment within our proposed areas of co-operation. Outputs (Results)
Here is an example of results achieved in Hanover. This woman is self-supportive and even sells her produce on a small scale.
Here Mr Gerhard Engelbrecht is seen with a group of Swedish students from Nobel Gymnasium, assisting with the eco-house at De Aar College (assisting with solar panels)
Left and right Mr's Romein van Staden and Jörgen Arinell and others envolved with the Karlstad Child Project.
Here Mrs Catherina Anderson can be seen with a group at the Poortjie Nature School.
EXPERIENCES GAINED AND LESSON LEARNT ON CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ENTHANJENI IN SOUTH AFRICA AND KARLSTAD IN SWEDEN As agreed upon in our agreement, the overall objective is to guide and assist each other in the implementation of the local work with Agenda 21. Improving the competence of rhte parties by transfer of knowledge will be an essential part of the co-operation, but Swedens official goals for development assistance should also be guiding the co-operation, that is, to focus on poverty alleviation, economic growth, economic and social equality, strengthening of local democracy, environment protection and gender equality. Theres been a lot of talk about Local Agenda 21, but often not much progress in reality. As a result of this co-operation, Emthanjeni has led the way in the Northern Cape and indeed in South Africa in putting environmental and sustainable development principals into practice. Very little has changed where attitudes to the environment are concerned elsewhere. It still has low status at the political level, but locally, it was possible to discern popular support for environmental work. We, as a municipality, have gained important experience and acquired contacts on a previously unknown entity. Our co-operation has fostered solidarity and partnership as a prerequisite for sustainable development. The co-operation have been important as a demonstration co-operation for other municipalities to follow. It has increased the community involvement pertaining to environmental matters and issues of sustainability. It has also distilled a sense of pride to community life. It goes without saying, the co-operation has created positive awareness towards the environment and the importance of sustainability. It has fostered good working relationships between different sectors of the community who might not have necessarily have had the opportunity to work together otherwise. It is indeed in excellent example of a win-win partnership between two municipalities from the north and south respectively. Imperatively, the co-operation has created the space for a new way of doing business by orientating our municipality to sustainable development objectives. The meaningful partnership with the community hint at this new way of doing business. The success of this co-operation can be attributed to the diversity and commitment of the individuals, the municipality and institutions involved. Through the hard work and vision of those involved, a viable co-operation has been developed, which not only aims to bring together different stakeholders and partners, but also aims to remedy past injustices.
INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE AFRICAN FORUM FOR LOCAL ENVIRONMENT NGOROGORA, TANZANIA BACKGROUND The African forum for Local Environmental Management is an organization of institution established by participants of Local Environmental Management Course. The course organized by Life Academy in Sweden is sponsored by the Swedish International Development Agency and is run on a yearly basis from participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The first training program takes place in Karlstad, Sweden for six weeks followed by a second step in participants continent for two weeks. At the second step for the Africa participants in 2002 in Tanzania and Kenya, a need arose to establish a forum/network of African participants due to the desire to initiate a process of establishing networks amongst participants and to support each other. Other opportunities that exist are the following: The outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002
Within this context, during the Second Step for Africa participants, it was decided that a forum be established to further the capacities achieved in the training course in Local Environmental Management into implementable actions within our respective countries. In the long term the forum should be developed into a fully fledged organization / center that will serve the needs of Africas communities in relation to local environmental management excellence. VISION Local sustainable development is enhanced amongst African countries by 2015. MISSION To bring together people with diverse views to achieve the goals of sustainable development at local level through the preparation of long term strategic plans.
CHILDRENS ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS There is referred to the photograph in the Echo of 6 December 2002 regarding the project SAVE THE CHILDREN SWEDEN, which will also be implemented in the Emthanjeni Munisipal area. In this outline child means a person under the age of 18 years. The Municipality will take the ownership of the project with different roleplayers in the community. In the first phase of the project training on children and their environmental rights will be an essential part of the project. Workshops for councillors, some municipal staff, school co-ordinators, social workers, children and other roleplayers that are working with children will be organised. To improve the environment of the children, it is very important to listen to the children themselves, and get their views. This could be done by building on the existing school environment councils. From these councils a municipal childrens environmental committee could be established, which would be given opportunity to raise the childrens views and needs to the town council. There is a intimate link between the physical environments that children occupy and the quality of their lives. Their housing, the water they drink, the air they breath, the traffic on their streets, and the quality of their schools and neighboorhoods all have impacts on their health, happiness and long term development. In many ways, and for a number of reasons, these effects are more pronounced or different for children than they are for adults. Although it does not prescribe specific physical conditions for children, the right to save supporrtive physical environments is implicit throughout the documnet, and can be most effectively summed up by the folowing four basic priciples:
HOUSING A decent, secure, affordable home is fundamental to the realization of childrens rights. The quality of housing affects the health and overall development of girls and boys. Its location determines access to schools, services, family livelihoods and opportunities for play and recreation. Security of tenure affects not only childrens emotional security, but also the capacity of their families to provide a stable base.
WATER AND SANITATION Childrens health and survival depends as much on healthy environments as on health services. In spite of progress on this front, inadequate sanitation and drainage, uncollected waste and a lack of sufficient clean water still contribute to high levels of child mortality and morbidity. Almost two million children under five die each year from water and sanitation-related diseases; hundreds of millions more are debilitated by illness and discomfort. Health problems related to water and sanitation include diarrhoeal diseases, intestinal worms and various eye and skin ailments. Malnutrition is also closely connected to unsanitary conditions, Although inadequate water supplies and sanitation have an impact on people of all ages, young childrens health and well-being are particularly affected.
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Biological pathogens are a serious threat to children in countries and communities with inadequate basic services. But safety is a worldwide concern, as are toxics and pollutants. Millions of girls and boys are killed or disabled every year as a result of preventable injuries in their homes and neighborhoods. In countries where disease is well controlled, unintentional injury is the leading cause of death for children. Pollutants that afect childrens health and funtioning can be found in water supplies, foods, inside homes, in the air and in unprotected dumps. Children are particularly vulnerable to damage from these substances.
ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS Inadequate living environments have been recognized for years as contributing to stress and leaving people depleted in both body and mind. Stress lowers the bodys resistance to illness and disease, increases anxiety, undermines coping strategies and interferes with social relationships. The resulting mental fatigue can contribute to apathy, irritablility and even violent and abusive behaviour, which adds still further to the stress levels of others, both in the home and in the wider community. Stressful physical environments affect children directly, but also indirectly through the impact on those around them, and hence on the quality of care and support that they receive. The consequences can be disturbing for development on every front.
SCHOOLS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS Desolate, rundown physical surroundings are a hallmark of many of the institutions that children are exposed to - schools and child care centres, as well as residential institutions, hospitals and other facilities. Little attention is given to girls and boys needs in design, maintenance or improvements. The excuse of cost is commonly used for these poor quality environments, but the quality of their environments does much to support or undermine the potential for meeting childrens needs.
SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENTS To support childrens rights, families need secure tenure, an environment that allows them to protect childrens health and safety without unrealistic effort, and a location that offers reasonable access to services and livelihoods. They need a neighbourhood where girls and boys can move about freely and safely, meet with friends, observe the activities of others, and become involved in local events. The rights of children and the well-being of communities can be hard to separate - a supportive local environment nurtures the optimal development of both. Action is needed at every level to achieve these supportive communities - good governance calls for consultation and partnerships between all agencies of local government and higher levels, as well as the full range of civil society, including NGOs and community groups and organizations. SUPPORTIVE HOMES
A workshop on children's environmental rights was held in De Aar recently. From left to right : Ms Jeanne Swart (facilitator), Mr Romein van Staden, Mrs Patience Tshangela and Mr Gerhard Engelbrecht. Here is part of the course material. Members taking part in the course. Adriaan le Roux presenting Jeanne with a small gift after the presentation.
LOCAL AGENDA 21 EMTHANJENI CASE STUDY DESCRIPTION The first meeting of stakeholders was held in March 2002. Its focus was to set up a Keep Our Town Clean Committee to manage the project. The first clean up was organized in April. The response from the wider community in and around the town was excellent and involved schools, churches, businesses and local government. Approximately 3 000 people participated over a 3 day period. A month later a follow-up campaign was organized, which again involved members from across the community. Subsequently in June, schools and residents in nearby Britstown and Hanover came together in a clean up to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and the cleanliness of their towns. Other smaller projects included businesses being requested by the Committee to clean up the area in front of their premises in the mornings and afternoons as part of creating a culture of neatness in the town. In addition, a local recycling business offered to remove the numerous unsightly car wrecks scattered about. During the campaign, the Department of Agriculture, Land and Environment Affairs provided funds for refreshments for the participants. The projects are ongoing and there are more plans for the rest of the year: the Committee is planning to involve 17 schools in the Collect-a-can Project which, if every pupil at the schools in the municipal area collects just one can a month, will bring in 14 500 cans a month. The success of the project was such that the municipality won the Stockholm Partnership Award on World Environment Day in 2002. The municipality was awarded this prestigious prize as it demonstrated local impact, innovative thinking and a potential for replication. It also demonstrated co-operation between the two towns of De Aar and Karlstad, Sweden. PARTNERSHIPS Strong partnerships have formed between the Emthanjeni Municipality and Karlstad. The latter helps provide skills and technical expertise and the former implements the projects. Part of the agreement is the building of three eco-houses, and the launch of an eco-school. The Keep Our Town Clean Committee is made up of extensive range of stakeholders, including a local councilor, the Local Agenda 21 Co-coordinator, the Chief of Health Services, the Magistrate (as Chairperson), the chairperson of the Chamber of Business, a student from the College representing Nonzwakazi, a representative from the SA Defense Force, a representative from Correctional Services, three business people, and a town secretary for the project. In addition to the committee, schools, the Round Table of De Aar 223, Rotary, the Youth Commission, SANCO, ANC Ward Committees of Emthanjeni Municipality, businesses and the Karoo District Municipality are actively involved in clean-up campaigns. Other support from the community comes from the local newspaper, the police, the Century Committee, De Aar Recycling, De Aar Scrap Metal, and the general public. BENEFITS The Clean-Up Campaign has increased community involvement and instilled a sense of pride. It has created positive awareness towards the environment and the importance of sustainability. The community as a whole is more educated about waste and the negative impact it will have if not managed properly. The De Aar College is training 25 people in various waste management fields, thus potentially resulting in their employment as skilled workers. The Clean-Up Campaign has fostered good working relationships between different sectors of the community who might not necessarily have had the opportunity to work together before. The decrease in litter and waste has resulted in a cleaner town, impacting positively on tourism, which in turn raised incomes. CONCLUSION The Clean-Up Campaign has been highly successful. From once being labeled the dirtiest town in South Africa, the Emthanjeni Municipality now boasts one of the cleanest towns, thanks to the enormous support and enthusiasm from the whole community and its international partners.