- Age: 8 / 13
- Eyes: Brown (through her huge glasses)
- DigiEgg/Crest: Hope
- Likes: He odviously cares for Kari, Matt, the idea of a family, his digimon (this one is a big one)
- Description: He has been a digidestined the longest out of anyone. His digimon was extremely important in series one, but not so much in series two. He absolutely hate evil, because his digimon sacrificed it self to defeat their first oponent, Devimon. He was too young and thought that he would never see Patamon again. He is a little more mature in series two, and cares about Kari a lot (he has known her for so long). T.K. is always troubled by his parents divorce. He, like Kari, tends to keep his feelings to himself.