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Title: The Last Prophecy

Category: Romance/Drama/Depressing

Author: Davis02

Sequel: Destiny Stones

I give this fic an 8 out of 10.

NOTE: This story is from T.K.s' point of view.

I woke up about the same time Davis did. Had that really been BLACKWARGREYMON that had knocked us unconcious? That was a lot of control spires. I remember just moments ago BLACKWARGREYMON appearing on the mountain and PIELDRAMON couldn't beat him.

I looked over towards the others. That's when I saw them. Davis was pulling Kari up and she was resting in his arms, teary eyed. Gatomon was still unconcious.

{That's supposed to be me holding her!} I thought.

She started smiling as Gatomon regained conciousness again. Then she came over to me and Patomon, looking serious.

"Are you okay, T.K.?" she asked me.


"Mmmmm. Good," she said smiling.

We all headed to the digi-portal and went through. I couldn't shake the image of Davis and Kari holding each other. It wasn't supposed to be that way! I was sure it was a one time thing. Soon, Kari would be all over me again.

Lunch was the first order of buisness, Davis made sure of that. I thought that Kari would disagree, but she smiled and continued towards the diner.

We all sat down, anxious and hungry. We all ordered our lunch, but as soon as we were finished, Kari and Davis got up, and left the diner. No one else seemed to notcie, too busy thinking.

I excused my self from the table and followed them outside. I walked to the left when I heard Davis speaking from the ally next to the diner.

"Kari, I'm really good at screwing things up, so for my own safety, I better keep this nice and short. I love you. From the first time I saw you," I poked my head around the corner and saw them holding each other tightly. "I loved you then, love you still. Always have, and always will."

She practically melted in his arms when he said this. {You ripped that off a stupid poetry book!} I thought angrily.

They drew closer, (if that was even possible), and...NO! They kissed! A long, tongue, kiss. I couldn't bear to watch.

I ran back in the diner, nearly in tears, and sat down just as Kari and Davis entered the diner. I ate in silence, even though everyone else was very talkative.

That night there was a party at Tai's house. I thought it would be the perfect oppertunity to tell Kari exactly how I felt.

I showed up early, so I was with only Tai and Kari.

"Uh, Kari." She walked over to me.

"Yeah T.K."

"Ever since I first found out you were the 8th digidestined, I have been drawn to you," her face suddenly began to lose its smile. "And I still am Kari. I love you, and nothing can change that." She looked down at the floor.

"T.K., your so sweet and kind, but I...I," she couldn't get the words out but I knew what she was trying to say. "I used to love you too, but things are different now. I am in love with Davis."

Even though I knew before hand, these words were devestating. She flat out refused me. She no longer longed for me.

"Your a great person," she said, "and I will always have a place in my heart for you." She kissed my with her silky soft lips on the cheek. It wasn't the same kind of feeling she had when she kissed Davis.

"I understand," I whispered to her. Then I returned the kiss she had given me to her cheek.

She went off and busied herself with preparing food for the party. {That's it,} I thought. {Kari and me are over before we even began.}

I left the apartment and went for a long walk. I kept going over things in my mind. I came back to Tai's place a little while after the party started. I could tell that the lights were low inside and I could hear music playing.

I opened the door and nearly screamed. My eyes began to water. There was Davis and Kari, in the middle of the room, kissing, after an evidently slow dance. The others were standing open mouthed, but not for the same reason I was. They were merely suprised to see Davis and Kari kissing. I was heart broken.

I slipped in to the room and went strait to the buffet table. I grabbed some chips and sat down on the couch. I watched Kari and Davis, as well as Tai and Sora, Izzy and Mimi(back in Tokyo), and Matt and June, dance to several slow songs and a few fast ones. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Kari went off to get punch evidentally, and Davis came over and sat down right next to me.

{How dare you even come near me!}

"I'm sorry about, you know," Davis said to me. "I didn't mean for this to work so well so fast. I thought that I would ask her, then talk to you about it later. But, that's not the way it happened." He thrust out his hand. "No hard feelings?"

I shook his hand tightly. "None what-so-ever."

He smiled, then took off to go find Kari. I couldn't believe this was happening.

After the party, which I found rather dull, I went home, put my face in my pillow, and cried. The anger was enormous. How dare Davis take away the only one I ever cared for. The only one I ever loved. He stole my true love right from under my nose, and she didn't feel the pain I did.

It was then that I decided how to fix it.

* * * * * *

It was the next day and we were about to go through the digi-portal. We were going to stay the night in the digiworld. We had to, the threat was just too great.

As we went through the portal, I began to go over the plan again in my head. This would be hard to pull off.

The day was long and grueling for everyone, and we were all happy when we started to set up camp for the night.

There were only two tents. One for the Boys, one for the Girls. We got out our sleeping bags and clinbed in. (The digimon refused. Said that they didn't trust them.)

It took almost no time for everyone to fall asleep. Now was the time. I grabbed Davis' D3, and left the tent. I placed it in the center of a sleeping MAMMOTHMON her we had passed earlier.

Then phase two. I ran back and silently woke up Davis.

"I saw someone take your D3 and try to sneak away with it. They dropped it in the middle of the MAMMOTHMON we passed earlier today. Don't wake any of the others, not even Veemon. The noise might wake up the MAMMOTHMON."

Davis got up and followed me to the MAMMOTHMON. He walked in the middle and picked something up. Now was my chance.

"You find it?" I yelled very loudly.

The MAMMOTHMON opened their eyes. They were yelling and running. I began to debate with my self.

{He's going to die}{But that was the plan}{He said he was sorry, didn't mean to hurt me. He didn't do it on purpose.}{This is what you wanted, isn't it?}{I can't let him die.}

I ran into the MAMMOTHMON, dodging left and right. But a sharp blow from a trunk sent me, unconcious, to the ground.

* * * * * *

"Is T.K. alive?" I heard Yolei's voice ask.

"Yes, but Davis...Davis didn't make it," sobbed Ken. "T.K. must have been hurt when he tried to save him."

I opened my eyes and sat up, my head was throbbing, yet it was clearer than it had ever been before. Kari was sitting over a body, unmistakeably Davis, and she was crying very hard.

"T.K.!" Yolei said. "Welcome back."

"Davis is, dead?"


It was completely quiet except for Kari crying. I felt terrible, until...

"At save him," Kari gasped between sobs.

After that, I felt absolutely worthless. I han't tried to save him, it had been me that killed him. They thought I was the hero when I was actually the villan.

I knew what I had to do, and there was only one way to do it. I remembered as a child, hearing all of the prophecies that Izzy droned on about. One I remembered well, because it was the only one that had never been fulfilled.

I knew what to do and began writing a note.

Later that night, I snuck off while the others slept. I came to a cliff we had passed earlier.

{Long way down,} I thought. I backed away, then ran towards the edge and jumped off the cliff. The ground was rushing towards me, and I thought {Life for life.}

I was all of the sudden back in my tent. {So this is what it feels like to be dead. Not that bad. The wieghtless thing isn't that bad.} Then I began to think about how I could never touch Kari again. Talk to her, or even smile at her. I began to cry, but stopped as the tent door opened.

"T.K., we need to talk-" but she stopped short. She seemed to be looking right through me. Right at my empty sleeping bag. She looked inside, and found my suicide note. Read it and began crying. This woke up every one in the tent.

"Where's T.K.?" Ken asked. "What are you doing in the Boys tents?" Then he noticed she was crying. "Is it something I said?"

She shook her head and started to read my note out loud:

	"Dear Kari,

	I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is comp-
licated, but then again, so is the bad.
	You see, one of Izzys old prophecies I remember well. It goes:

		'Though mistakes my happen,
		and tensions run high,
		you can always revive
		the one that dies.
		When wrongs are right,
		life for life,
		he will return in
		the dead of the night.'

	Tonight I realized what this prophecy means. I was the one that
woke the MAMMOTHMON and caused them to kill Davis. I did it on purpose.
I got hurt when I had second thoughts about killing him.
	The only way to fix this, was to fulfill the prophecy. So, you
will find my dead body at the bottom of the cliff we passed earlier.
	Don't think that it's your fault. It was what was supposed to 
happen. It was my fault, and Davis and you are supposed to be together.
That's the way it is.

She had to stop here and calm herself down. She was crying very hard.

	I didn't mean to hurt you so much. I didn't mean to at all. But
now I see that I just want you to be happy. So now I am dead, and Davis
is alive.
	Please love him even in my absence. Do not give up something so
grand for me.
	Please don't shed a tear for me, I don't deserve it. I love you,
and will be with you always.

					Yours Forever,

Then as if by cue, Davis walked through the tent door. Kari rushed to him and started craying again. It was just too much for her.

"It's okay," Davis whispered to her. "We'll get T.K. back."


NOTE: This story only gets better in Destiny Stones. I will hint at what comes too. I will say that NO ONE STAYS DEAD FOREVER IN THE DIGIWORLD!

I give this fic an 8 out of 10.

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