Hey, my name is &*$^%, you may call me Digi-Master. This is my Digimon site. The disclaimer is to the left. The Fan Fic & Fan Art area is only going to happen if people send me things, so please send me your stuff. I will try to update this site as much as possible. If you want to know what type of digi person I am, I am a Davis-Kari/Tai-Sora person. I can see the arguments for others couples, but these two sit best with me. And I am the one who took a month to build a site now, aren't I?
Marker Key
- This is odvious. it means the page the link goes to has been updated.
- This means the page has been newly constructed.
- This means the page hasn't been updated in the last 5 updates. It still has cool stuff on it though.
- This means that this page is a sizzler. Has tons of cool stuff and is a hit.
- This means that I fixed a glitch that was on the page. If you see a glitch, E-Mail me.
- This tells you that this link goes nowhere and the page will be posted soon.
- This means that I have added new links on this page
Hope this makes it easy for you!
Move your mouse over the message to slow it down! Click and hold to speed it up!
Hmmm. These Bios are starting to get anoying. Oh well. Uh, I think I almost have all of the Fan Fics stuff done. I'll be sure to post it next time. I had to postpone the Digimon Bios and Character Pics. I also got my first fan art up. Thanx Digi-Dimond! NOTE: I was informed of a mistake I made on TK's Bio. Seems I was going through them so quickly, I accidentally copy and pasted the description for Yolei's eyes, on to TK's profile. LOL. Got it . Thanx. Ja Ne!
Got Kari's Bio up and I got up almost everything on the Fan Fics section. Good news! I also put up my first couples page. It's the Daikari one, cause that is my favorite couple. I promise I will have more up soon, but don't be suprised if I don't have another update this month.
Well, I am now working on the Character Bios. I should have those up soon. Please notice, I won't be updating every day. Especialy when school starts again. My next update should come around the 24th or 25th. I will be on vacation for the 27th and 28th though.
EVERYTHING! I just got the site up. Still working endlessly on putting stuff up though.
DISCLAIMER: I, or anyone affiliated with this site, do not take credit for the Animation, Story Line, or Characters of Digimon the series. Digimon is a registered trade mark of Fox Kids, Saban, and all like wise companies. The purpose of this site is to fulfill the digi-freaks needs.