Thanks a lot for filling out my surveys! These are the responses I've recieved so far. (Yours are not included.) This is a standard webpage, so I have to come back and update it reguarly. I'll try to keep up. An asteris (*) means the survey is no longer available to answer. You may, however, send me your opinion, if you really want to.
I decided to tell you guys what I think. So by each question, will be an italizied asteris (*) next to my vote. Okay, the italics didn't work too well, but there's an asteris by my choice, not to be confused with the asteris signifying an unavailable question. :-)

Current Questions

  1. Who is the father of Rachel's baby?
    Duh! It's definitely Ross!
    9 *

    The father is her last boyfriend - Tag.

    She messed around with Joey and he's left her pregnant.

    She went back to Barry for one night of passion

    Yeah, she had one night of passion - with Paulo.

    She finally realizied that Gunther is in love with her and messed around with him.

    Just a random guy she had a one-night stand with.


    If Other, please specify:
    I think it's still Monica's baby, but she's hiding it
    Chandler's Dad!!!

  2. What do you think about Rachel being the pregnant one?
    I think it's great!

    It's horrible! She doesn't even have a boyfriend! How are they going to explain this one?


    I think it's stupid because she isn't with anyone right now
    ITs good if Ross is the father, if not monica should be pregnant!

  3. Should Monica have been the pregnant one?
    No, Chandler and Monica aren't quite ready for that.

    Totally! They are so ready to be parents!
    2 *

    I don't know, but better Monica than Rachel.


    If Other, please specify:
    No, it added a twist to the season finale
    I'd prefer Rachel to be the pregnant one (R&R fan) but think it would be great for Monica and Chandler.

  4. What do you think of Jennifer's new hair cut?
    Everything looks fantastic on her. She could shave her head and still look great.

    She should have kept it long. It looked really great on her. Now it's too short.

    It was time to cut it. Her hair was getting too long.
    1 *


    If Other, please specify:
    It's brill and it was making her face look too long. What does "brill" mean???

  5. Should Rachel and Tag have broken up?
    Yeah, he was way too young for her. Good thing she finally noticed.
    6 *

    No! They were so cute together! Who cares if he's younger?


    If Other, please specify:
    Yeah, because otherwise Rachel wouldn't be pregnant (unless Tag's the father)

  6. Rumors are flying that Courteney is pregnant; should Chandler and Monica have a baby?

    Totally! Monica is dying to have a baby and Chandler would be an excellent father!

    No, I want to watch them planning the wedding before they even start thinking about babies.
    3 *

    Are you kidding me??? They just got engaged!! They're not ready for a baby!!


    If Other, please specify:

    If Chandler and Monica were to have a baby at the same time as Rachel, that would make the show too corny.

  7. Although not as much as Courteney, there are also rumors that Jennifer is pregnant; should Rachel and Ross have a baby?

    Oh my god, yes!! That would be awesome!! After all, they are lobsters!

    Are you insane??? Ross and Rachel aren't even dating (right now)!!!

    Rachel can have a baby, but not with Ross

    If not Ross, then with who?
    Chandler's Dad!

    * If Other, please specify:
    * I don't want Rachel to have a baby at all, but if she has to, then I want it to be with Ross.

  8. Which season premiere is your favorite?

    101 - TOW Monica Gets a New Roommate (Pilot)

    201 - TOW Ross' New Girlfriend

    301 - TOW the Princess Leia Fantasy

    401 - TOW the Jellyfish
    2 *

    501 - TOA Ross Said Rachel

    601 - TOA Vegas

  9. Of these choices, which one is your favorite episode?

    624 - TOW the Proposal
    2 *

    216 - TOW the Prom Video

    615 - TO That Could Have Been

    423 - TOW Ross' Wedding

    124 - TOW Rachel Finds Out

    325 - TOW the Weekend on the Beach

  10. Which finale is your favorite?

    124 - TOW Rachel Finds Out

    224 - TOW Barry and Mindy's Wedding

    325 - TO At the Beach

    423 - TOW Ross' Wedding

    523 - TO In Vegas

    624 - TOW the Proposal
    3 *

    I love all the finales and it's very hard to choose one, but I think 624 is the best epsiode of the series! :-)

  11. Should Ross and Rachel get back together?

    Duh!!! Of course!!!
    19 *

    No way!!!! It'll definatly ruin the show.

    Specify: No, but they've already ruined the show with it anyway.
    Keep doing make-up and break-up.... it'll keep the audience on thier toes.
    No, they're better as friends because when they were together, they weren't as funny.
    Yeah, but not to have kids

As seen on Thanksgiving in the Village and Christmas in the Village

Which Thanksgiving episode is your favorite?

One: Episode 109: TOW Underdog Gets Away

Two: Epsiode 309: TOW All the Football

Three: Episode 408: TOW Chandler in a Box

Four: Episode 508: TOW All the Thanksgivings

Five: Episode 609: TOW Ross Got High

Which Christmas episode is your favorite?

One: Episode 110: TOW the Monkey

Two: Epsiode 209: TOW Phoebe's Dad

Three: Epsiode 310: TOW Rachel Quits
1 *

Four: TOW the Girl from Poughkeepsie

Five: Episode 510: TOW the Inappropiate Sister

Six: Episode 610: TOW the Routine

Old Questions

If you would like to send in repsonses to any of these questions, send an e-mail to with the question and your answer and I'd be happy to add your answer!

  1. * Who should be Chandler's best man?

    Definitely Joey. They lived together for so long, they're like brothers.

    It should be Ross. They went to college together and have known each other longer.

    Both of them. Ross had Chandler and Joey. Chandler should be able to have both of them, too
    6 *


  2. * Who should be (have been) Monica's Maid of Honor?

    Rachel for sure. They have known each other since at least high school and lived together for six years.
    1 *

    Pheobe, definietly. She doesn't have any sisters (she speaks to) to be the maid of honor for. Plus she lived with Monica for awhile, too.

    Have them both! Grooms can have two best men, why can't the bride of two maids of honor?


  3. * Will Joey's new role as Mac be the big break he's been waiting for?

    Of course! He's the star now!!

    No, Joey is incredibly unlucky about those sort of things.
    3 *

    It's not his big break and it doesn't become a very popular show, but it stays on TV for awhile.
    He gets a big break on another show besides that one.

  4. * Should Chandler & Monica have gotten engaged?
    (This question has been reworded because of the finale, but it's still the same question.)

    Wow!!! What a great idea!! Go for it!!!
    5 *

    Yeah right!! Their secret relationship is fine; don't wreck it

    They shouldn't even be together in the first place; no way

    They are the world's perfect and cutest couple. They were meant to be together and have to get married.

  5. * Which couple should get married?

    Ross and Rachel

    Chandler and Monica
    6 *

    Ross and Emily (even though they broke up)

    Gary and Phoebe (even though they broke up)

    Specify: Phoebe and Joey (2)

  6. * Should Ross and Rachel stay married?
    Of course!! Finally together again!!
    10 *

    No way!!! It's better with them apart. Get divorced!!


    Specify: They should have a second wedding so they can remember what exactly happened!
    I think that they still have to go out with others and than take a break and then back together again

  7. * Should Joey try to finish the screen play he started with Ross?

    Yeah! Then he'd finally star in something!

    No, he doesn't have the discipline to do it.
    1 *


  8. * Should Chandler and Monica have moved in together?

    Of course!! They're ready for the next level, but not marriage.
    5 *

    No way!!! They're fine the way they are! That'll mess it up.

    I still don't think they should even be dating!


  9. * Will Ross and Rachel remember they got married?

    Who could forget getting married?!?!? (Even if they were drunk.)

    They were drunk!!!! How in the world will they remember getting married?!?!!?
    1 *


  10. * Will Chandler and Monica get married?

    They're there! Of course they'll do it!

    Not anymore; they got thrown off seeing Ross and Rachel.
    1 *

    They were never gonna go through with it in the first place.


  11. * Should Gary and Phoebe have broken up?

    Yeah, they weren't right for each other.

    No way! They were perfect for each other!!
    0 *

    Specify: Of course, Gary was boring, very boring, I hated him.

  12. * Should Joey's movie find some money and be his big break?

    Duh! Everyone wants Joey to finally be successful!!
    0 *

    Nah, it's funnier watching him audition.


  13. * Will Ross admit that he still loves Rachel? When?

    Hopefully soon! They look great together! *

  14. * If you were Emily, would you still marry Ross?

    It was just a slip. I know Ross loves me now.

    What are you nuts!! I'm not marrying someone who still loves his ex!!!!
    7 *

    Specify: I would hide somplace where Ross could find me and if he came after me, I would know he loves me and I'd marry him. If not, I wouldn't.
    Maybe not at that moment, but maybe later

  15. *Should Chandler and Monica get together?

    Definatly!!! It's been long enough.
    12 *

    No way!!! It'll ruin the excellent chemistry they already have.

    On and Off
    It depends on what they meant by it. But yeah, it could be interesting.
    Chemistry my @$$! They're two horny dogs!!! Is that a yes or no? EMK
    Well it doesn't matter because they already are! But yeah, I think they look pretty good together. =0)

  16. * Did Emily do the right thing by continuing the wedding?

    Yeah, it was the only way to aviod further embarressment.

    No way!!! She should have refused right then and left!
    3 *


  17. *Is Emily being unreasonable by asking Ross not to see Rachel anymore?

    Totally! That's a pretty unfair condition!
    4 *

    No way!!! She wants to make sure Ross loves her not Rachel!


  18. * When will Joey let the secret about Chandler and Monica slip (or someone else finds out)?

    Of course it will, we are talking about Joey!! Think about it.
    Ummm.. thanks. But I said when. EMK
    Somone else finds out.... probably Rachel. Did you guess or already know that? EMK

Come on people!!! Keep them coming!!! I want to know what you think and I've enjoyed the ones I've recived so far.

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This page was last updated July 11, 2001
It was added on May 24, 1998.