When “Elyse’s Whose Line Site” first came into being, I never really expected too many visitors. Moreover, I did not expect my inbox to be graced by a great deal of e-mails regarding my site or just “Whose Line” in general. Guess what.

I was wrong.
Yes, it's true, it happens to everyone.

I absolutely love receiving e-mail. Truly, I do. Feel free to drop me a line any old time. However, I’ve noticed lately that many of the questions seem to repeat themselves. My fingers were nearly ready to go on autopilot. I decided to give them a rest and set up a section of my site regarding these frequently asked questions. Please read through this page before e-mailing me with questions. Thanks!

How can I get Whose Line tickets?
At the moment...you can't. As far as I know, they won't be taping until 2003. However, I will answer these questions for future reference. You can get tickets from Audiences Unlimited. Same with Drew Carey Show.

How old do you have to be to attend a taping?
Eighteen for Whose Line, sixteen for Drew Carey Show. Yes, they check ID.

How much do tickets cost?
Nada! See, the best things in life *are* free!

When will ABC be taping new episodes?
Sometime in 2003 is the rumour, but I can't say for sure. I promise I'll let you know when I have a better idea!

When will ABC be airing new episodes?
This fall, starting September 9. Keep an eye out!

How old do you have to be to go to the Improv?
Tough to say. There are Improv comedy clubs all over the place. Some of them require you to be 18. Some require you to be 16 with a parent. Others don't really care, just as long as you have an ID to prove that you're 21 if you wish to drink. Check the website of your particular Improv, or give them a call.

What's it like to go to a taping?
Fun. Lots of fun. Want more detail? That's what my reports page is for!

When will [fill in the blank] episode air?
Chances are, whatever you put in that blank, my answer will probably be pretty ambiguous. Some help I am, eh? The truth is, I really don't know that sort of thing until a week or so in advance of the actual airing. If you would like me to keep an eye out for a particular episode, let me know, and I'll e-mail you when I know anything, although I can’t promise you that I’m the best source for that sort of thing. On TVGuide.com, you can type in a search for “Whose Line is it Anyway,” and you will be provided with information about upcoming shows. I’d say that’s your best bet for figuring out what episodes will air when.

How can I write to the cast?
Why, with a pen and paper, silly!
Pardon me, we’re all entitled to sarcastic moments on occasion. :)
You can usually find the addresses of where you can write to the cast on the official sites of each of the players. I have links to those sites on my links page. Beware- I am not sure which cast members are able to receive fan mail right now. After September 11, some of them put restrictions on mail. I’ve never tried writing to any of them, so I can’t give you any first hand tales, but go ahead and give it a try if you want. I’ve heard that those who are still receiving fan mail can take a good while to reply...but I say they’re probably worth it.

Here's a quote you should add [fill in quote here]:
I get many e-mails with quote suggestions...please, feel free to send them anytime! I can never have too many good quotes!

How would you like us to help you with your mortgage payments?
Oh please, just leave me alone...no more spam, I beg of you!

How did you get the idea to start this site?
Fairly accidentally, quite frankly. It all started when I attended my first tapings in September 2001. I wrote some reports for my own benefit, simply because I never wanted to forget a moment of that magical weekend. I only sent these reports to a select few Whosers, and only by request. One day, one of them (we’ll call her...LKK!) suggested that I open a site with my reports, and offered to help me get started. I had all sorts of other ideas, besides taping reports, which I felt deserved a spot on the web, such as taping tips and movie information. I had never seen information on such subjects anywhere else, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Then, the next thing I knew, it had spiraled into what you see here.

I think that I’ve pretty much covered the bulk of the questions that I receive regularly via e-mail. If you have a question that was not addressed here, please feel free to e-mail me, and I’ll do my best to answer.