“They Oughta Be In Pictures!”

Having personally been a part of the theatre world for pretty much my entire life, let me tell you, it can be pretty tiring to constantly hear incessant repetition of the phrase, “There are no small parts, only small actors!” Well let’s face it. There are small parts. And unfortunately, some of our favourite actors get stuck with these small parts. Obviously, our Whose Line players are not “small actors,” but do you really want to sit through two and a half hours of a bad film just to see a player for one lousy line? I think not!

“But Elyse, how can I tell what kind of part they have without actually sitting down on my couch and watching the whole movie, thereby wasting valuable time that could be spent giving back to the community?”

Well, that’s where I come in! Go ahead and click on each player to see their list of movies as well as whether or not it is worth it to watch the movie for them. So you can save time and money and go back to spending your time saving the whales and the rain forests...or whatever your alternative to movie watching is.

Note: I really don’t watch a lot of movies myself, so I’ve had a lot of help with this section! Many of these reviews are written by other Whosers. Feel free to take a look at my complete thanks page! Also, you may notice that there are an embarrassingly large number of movies for which I have no information. In fact, the only complete page is Chip's (what would I do without you, Quink?). If you have seen any of these movies and would like to help me out (which would make me, and probably many other wondering Whosers very happy), please let me know.

Ryan | Colin | Chip | Greg | Brad