November 3 '01

“Whose Line is it Anyway?”- November 3, 2001

I remember basically nothing from this taping. I didn’t take any notes, and I didn’t start writing the report until a few months after the show. Luckily, Michelle wrote some information down after the show and wrote her report first. About 90% of this report is taken directly from Michelle’s. Thanks, Michelle, what would I do without you? I hope you all enjoy my 10% of original thought :)

Greg: Gray suit, dark green shirt and green pattern tie.
Wayne: Gray long sleeved shirt and black pants.
Colin: Orange long sleeved shirt.
Ryan: Shiny turquoise blue shirt, black pants, blue print tie.

Where I was sitting:
Front row on Ryan’s side on the aisle next to the stairs. A lot of the show got blocked by cameras, but by leaning over the edge of my seat and resting my elbow on the stairs, I could see just fine. I probably looked pretty silly sitting like that, but it was worth it.

Hollywood Director:
Colin: Director
Greg and Ryan are chicken racing when Greg's girlfriend Wayne drives up to stop them.
I don't remember any specific styles, but I do remember Wayne lying on Greg at one point, and after the game, Drew bringing up the Richard Simmons taping and making fun of Wayne. That started a running joke throughout the taping with Wayne insisting that he liked girls.

Scene to Music:

Sound Effects:

Song Styles:
Wayne sang to guest Undarmaa the Las Vegas contortionist.
Drew: "Greg meet Undarmaa. Undarmaa meet Greg. Undarmaa and Greg. Sorry, I couldn't resist."
Undarmaa came out dressing in a body suit and was doing her thing while Wayne sang to her. The funniest thing was Greg, Colin and Ryan's reaction in the background from their chairs. Especially Greg. He had this look on his face like I can't believe I'm seeing this.

Awards Show: "Bitter divorce"
Greg and Wayne present- act very nervous.
Ryan and Colin win.
Ryan and Colin started by arguing in the audience and on their way down, Ryan grabbed a guy out of the audience and told Colin that he'd brought his divorce lawyer. Colin said something about how he'd been sleeping with Ryan's divorce lawyer, and Ryan asked his lawyer, "You've been sleeping with my husband? How'd that work?" then he sent the guy back to his seat. He and Colin started arguing, and Colin ended it by looking at Ryan and saying, "You bitch." Afterwards, Ryan was commenting how it was okay once they figured out which one was the wife and which one was the husband.

Make a Monster:
Colin: Dr. Frankenstein.
Greg: Igor's brother Igor.
Ryan: Elvis' head, dirty old man arms, Brian Boitano legs.
Wayne: Mr. T head, Benny Hanna chef arms, ? legs.
All I remember from this was Ryan grabbing Colin's crotch with his dirty old man arms.

Infomercial: "quit smoking"
Ryan and Colin selling.
Colin put one of the items in the box into Ryan's mouth and started to crank it up. Drew started yelling no at them to get them to stop and said it was a fire starter. Drew was really freaked out. Colin kind of shrugged and put it back in Ryan's mouth. Ryan's response was, "Someone wants their own show." After the game:
Greg: "If Ryan dies on the show, can I be Lewis next year?"
Drew: "Yes"
Greg: "It's nothing personal man. I'm just looking out for myself."

Change Letter: "W for B"
Team doctor Greg is treating naked basketball star Wayne when flirtatious female reporter Colin enters to interview him. Coach Ryan enters to tell Wayne that he's been benched.

Newsflash: "Clips from the Jerry Springer Show."
Ryan and Greg reporters.
Colin in front of the green screen.
The only thing I remember was the audience chanting, "scary, scary, scary," to help Colin guess, and those clips were scary. Laura leaned over and whispered guess who the special guest for tonight is going to be? As usual, she was right ;)

Scenes from a hat: One of the topics was something like “Contests you won’t see in a Miss America competition.” I remember Greg coming out and saying something along the lines of, “Hi, I’m Miss Wisconsin, and this is a Schlitz” and proceeding to drink it. Another topic was “If Scooby Doo had been cast in other famous movie roles.” Greg came out and sang “Singin’ in the Rain” as Scooby Doo. Colin didn’t do anything. Based on his reactions of confusion and lack of participation in any Scooby Doo related suggestions, I would have to guess that they don’t get Scooby Doo in Canada, or he just doesn’t watch it.

Daytime Talk Show:
Ryan: The Wolf.
Colin: Little Red Riding Hood.
Jerry Springer: Host.
Wayne: audience member
Greg: Grandmother's husband in the audience.
Jerry hosted and Ryan and Colin talked about Colin teasing the wolf by carrying things wolves like to eat in her basket. Then they started arguing about the wolf eating Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. Colin went on to say:
Colin: "He ate my grandmother!"
Ryan: "She didn't say no."
Colin: "He ate her head first!"
Jerry went into the audience. He cut Wayne off pretty quickly and moved to Greg. Greg was very distraught that his wife had been eaten by the wolf, so he charged the stage to start a fight.

Song Styles: "Gospel"
Guest: Jerry Springer
Wayne sings.

Guest Jerry Springer.

Press Conference:
Colin: Noah who ate the animals on the ark.
Ryan, Greg and Wayne reporters.

Greatest Hits: "songs of science fiction"
Wayne sings.
Colin and Ryan sell.
-Black Crows
If you’ve been reading all of my reports consecutively and attentively (which I hope you have, as you may be quizzed later ;)), you may remember Colin starting a joke on Thursday where he said, “BACKSTREET BOYS” in a screechy bird voice. Well, Colin said something about Black Crows on this Saturday taping, and Ryan responded with that same screechy bird voice of “BACKSTREET BOYS!” Most of the audience was pretty silent, except for the four crazy Whosers in the front row who had been there all weekend. We were the only ones in hysterics.
-Ozzy Ozborn, "I've got an eye in the middle of my forehead"
-Break Dance Video
Colin announced the break dance style, and then said to Ryan, “And guess what? I’m in it!!” The look on Wayne’s face was priceless. So Wayne sang and danced to the song, and Colin got up there and danced with him the whole time. It was absolutely classic! Colin went back to his seat next to Ryan, and Greg ran over with a glass of water for him.
-Very fast jitterbug
Colin introduced this one as well. Ryan asked if he was in it, and Colin said he wasn’t. So Wayne got the audience chanting “Colin! Colin! Colin!” Until eventually he said, “Well...there may be a snippet.” However, it was more than a snippet. He and Wayne jitterbugged together through the whole song. Colin can really move! When he went back to his seat, Ryan said something like, "It sounds like you have a gerbil in your chest." Ryan offered Colin the entire water pitcher this time, and said, "You'd better drink it since you have so much water coming out of your head."

Hats: "Worst dating service video"
Wayne and Greg.
Colin and Ryan.
Greg put some hat on his head and said, "I'll leave you wanting more." After not getting the response he wanted, he said something like, "Do I have to make mine more obvious...More of my cock!"
For some reason, there was a banana in the box of hats. So at the end, Ryan sat on the stool eating the banana. He said, “I really don’t have anything to say, I’m just hungry.”
-Drew: "I could watch you do that alllllll day."
-Ryan pretended to be sick.

Party Quirks:
Greg: Host
Wayne: Series of ugly fish being reeled in by the cameras.
Colin: Kissing his tyrannical boss, Greg's butt while trying to kill him behind his back.
Ryan: Aroused by small talk.
All I remember is Ryan yelling at Greg, "Simplify it, Simplify it!"

Living Scenery:
Props: Wayne and Undarmaa
Ryan and Colin:
They started by saying they needed to put on their parkas. Undarmaa draped herself over Colin's back, and Wayne draped himself over Ryan. Ryan and Colin went ice fishing, so they had to cut a hole in the ice. Undarmaa laid down and bent her body backwards to from the circle for the ice hole. Wayne tried to imitate her, but couldn't quite make it. I can't remember if it was Ryan or Colin but one of them said, "That's the smallest ice hole I've ever seen." They caught a fish played by Wayne, and gutted him with their knife played by Undarmaa.

Irish Drinking Song: "Left your money at home."
All Four
-Colin: "A penny saved is a penny earned."
- Ryan: "Lets do it 12 more times"

Drew Games:

World's Worst:

Greg and Drew: Large gray fork like props.
Ryan and Colin: Black hairy lamp shades.

Three Headed Broadway Star: "I love your yamica"
Wayne, Ryan and Jerry Springer.

Helping Hands:
Ryan: King Arthur
Drew: Knight
Having dinner at the round table.
They had Ryan put on this crown. It seems like they like to accentuate his height in this game. I remember him drinking wine, and after commenting that it was real, Colin drinking it from behind his back. Colin was struggling with the bottle, and I was thinking Ryan is going to end up with wine down his back, but he didn't. Ryan sampled the ribs, which were cold, and then the chicken which was slightly less cold. Throughout the rest of the taping, Ryan kept on complaining that he wanted more wine.

All with Jerry as guests backstage during his show.
All with Undarmaa instructing them.

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