Improv All Stars 1

Improv All Stars- May 24, 2001

This show was in May. I am writing the report in December. I have no notes, no other reports, and a failing mind. The only thing I have is pictures, so I’ll try to use them as best I can to write this report.

Our seats for this show were in the 7th row or so. They were very good, even though I had some heads blocking me (I hate being short). However, after the show started, I noticed that there were a few empty seats in the third row on the aisle just calling to me. So guess what I did? Of course, I took them! You don’t just pass up an opportunity like that! Anyway, here’s what I remember from the show:

Greg warmed up the crowd by coming out on stage, pretending to trip, and continuing with a stand up routine. It was wonderful. First he announced, “We brought everyone but the black guy!” I recognized part of his stand up from a talk show that I saw him on, except this time it was uncensored, which was nice. He asked if there was anyone in from LA. Some people cheered, so he said he’d talk slower. Then he made fun of LA for a while, and how it was the only city where women have to maintain the weight of a tree shrew. The only place where starving women are considered “hot.” He also said that Hollywood was not a place. Hollywood was an idea held together by a bunch of a**holes (on TV, he had said idiots). He also made fun of Elizabeth Hurley’s comment about Marilyn Monroe: “If I was that fat, I’d kill myself!” Greg responded: “I thought that showed a remarkable lack of taste. Because Marilyn Monroe was that fat, and she did kill herself!” There was much more to the routine, I wish I could remember it. After he was done, he introduced everyone (Laura Hall, Julie Larson, Sean Masterson, Chip Esten (wearing red!), Brad Sherwood, Colin Mochrie (with white hair!), Kathy Kinney, and Ryan Stiles (with a wild, fun pair of red shoes).

They opened the show with Questions Only: Greg asked for a place where people might meet. Someone said Las Vegas. Greg looked at her and said, “Las Vegas? Well what a creative and fruitful imagination you have!” So they set the scene in Las Vegas. All I remember was Ryan stepping forward next to Colin and asking, “Think those are real?” and then, “If I stick a pin in her, you think she’ll go flying across the room?” I also have a picture of Brad and Colin doing a Questions scene together, in which I think Colin was the entertainment. He looks like he’s holding a microphone and singing, which I’m sure was funny.

Freeze: All I know is that Kathy introduced this game, and it started out with Ryan in the position of running and Chip throwing a javelin.

Song Styles: Ryan pulled a woman out of the audience who worked at ticket master. Everyone in the audience started booing her, so she held up her middle fingers to us. It was so unexpected. Ryan held up his middle fingers and said, “We have TWO tickets left! TWO!” I got a picture of that :) I don’t remember anything about the song itself.

Moving People: Colin and Kathy played. I don’t remember anything. All I have is a picture of Colin with one hand over his face, and the other one...somewhere else, if you know what I mean. ;)

New Choice: Colin introduced this game: “Now we’re going to lay a game called ‘New Choice.’ Ryan and Sean will do a scene, and whenever I yell ‘New Choice,’ they have to change what they just said to something else. (triumphantly): They have to make a new choice!” Colin gave a big smile, and the audience applauded wildly. Unfortunately, that’s all I remember, but that memory alone is enough to keep me laughing!

Sentences: Very few people turned in sentence suggestions. I have a picture of Colin holding the Sentences bowl, lifting up the slips of paper, and laughing at how few suggestions there were. I don’t remember the setup of the scene (although like New Choice, it really doesn’t seem to matter much after they get started). I know Greg played (because he’s in the background of my picture) and I think the other one was Julie (I could be wrong, maybe it was Sean). I remember that there was one line that was repeated twice; either Greg pulled it out twice or two people planned one writing the same line. I also remember one of the lines being “I’m in love with Gwen in the third row.” They made a few references to “Gwen in the third row” after that.

Jeopardy: Brad was the host. I don’t remember much about the game, except that Chip really shone through the rest of the group. He was hilarious! The only line I remember from his character was in the bonus round when each person has to wager something. He talked about his lovely girlfriend that he has living back east and said that he would bet her.

Sound Effects: I actually remember the scene! Greg and Colin were mountain climbing. Somehow a cat got stuck in the middle of the scene because of the squeaky meow-like noises that the audience members made. The only part that I remember (thanks to my pictures!) is when Greg threw a rope to the top of the rock and an audience member made a squeaky sound, and Colin said something like, “It looks like you got the cat by its testicles there!”

Greatest Hits: Ryan and Kathy sold the CD (I want to say it was Songs of the Casino, but I could be wrong), Brad and Chip sang. I don’t remember anything else except that I was upset that Colin didn’t do Greatest Hits with Ryan. It didn’t work with Kathy. I was impressed with Brad and Chip however, since I so rarely see them work together.

Here's Brad and Chip singing in Greatest Hits

Mousetraps: This was played with Colin and Sean. I don’t remember the scene, but I felt so badly for Colin! Sean would yell things out and swear when a mousetrap got him, but Colin just winced and suffered in silence, which was much more painful for me, even though I was sitting safely in the audience with my shoes on.

Conducted Story: The cast came back for a round of Conducted Story with Ryan as the “Conductor.” The story was something about an ant who won some sort of tap dancing contest. I remember at the very end, they made up some completely ridiculous moral for the story, and Colin said, “Well, that’s just common sense!” I wish I could tell you the whole context because it was hilarious.

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