Brad-November 2002

Brad Sherwood at the Irvine Improv- November 2002

The show opened, as usual, with a few stand up comedians. The host asked at the beginning of the show if there was anybody in the audience who was celebrating anything. A few people raised their hands to announce birthdays and what not. But there was a table of women in front of me who were exuberantly were raising and waving their hands. Eventually, the host asked the women what they were celebrating. One of them pointed to her friend and announced, “She lost her virginity!” Naturally, the host picked on her for a while, asking about age (she was 23) and various other questions. The woman herself never answered anything, only her friend spoke. Eventually, Brad and Dave Bushnell came on, and of course, they made fun of her as well.

First, they played the game where the audience finishes the sentences to create a scene. The true brilliance came from the stage, rather than the audience. They asked for the name of a superhero. Brad was Orgasmo, and Dave was Spermboy. They had to save something to do with a pickle. All I remember was Dave’s entrance line (“Orgasmo! You’ve gotta come quickly!”), and the choice vehicle of superheroism (the Orgy-mobile). They also announced that they had to visit a 23 year old woman for the first time.

Next they played the game where they bring a married couple up on stage and give them a horn and a bell. Dave and Brad acted out a scene in the day of the life of Jeff and Kim (the selected couple), and each person rang the bell or honked the horn if the statement made by their “spouse” was accurate or inaccurate, respectively. It was funny, but predictable. Maybe I’ve just seen this game done too many times, but it always yields the same jokes.

Brad pulled two audience members out, gave them microphones, and announced, “And now it’s time for our next game: GEOMETRY FINAL!” Of course, he was just teasing to scare the audience members. Though the reality of the situation wasn’t much less frightening: Sound Effects. Brad asked for an occupation that made a lot of noise, and ironworkers was chosen. That poor woman. She so desperately did not want to be there. Naturally, she was fairly silent. The only points of the game that I remember (in other words, can decipher from the notes that I took on my napkin) are that when Brad cued for a tugboat, someone made a sound which Brad thought sounded more like a group of hillbillies. At another point, someone sounded a horn, which came out more like a watch alarm. They also had a running joke with the sound of pigeons coming out of their locker (where there were supposed to be tools), as well as Dave’s “delayed reaction potato chips” which made a noise well after he opened the bag.

Hearing Impaired: Oh my goodness, I love this game. My only regret is that it translates very poorly in a report. You just have to see it. They asked for someone with an unusual occupation. There was a man named John in the audience who was a train robber at Knotts Berry Farm. Yes, I would call that an unusual occupation indeed! Dave interviewed him, and Brad acted it out for the hearing impaired. John used to be an usher, which Brad indicated by yelling at a child and beating it. He also said that he used to work in day care, which he indicated in the exact same manner. I also remember that at one point Dave asked John about his inspirations, which Brad indicated by dabbing sweat off of his forehead (as in...perspiration).

New Choice: Here’s another one that’s tough to write about in a report because it takes so many different roads. Brad asked for the name of a fictional store, and Cadavers R Us was chosen. All I remember was that they ended up needing a body to perform a bris. Quite the appetizing game. :P

Interrogation: This is the game where Brad sends Dave out of the room and asks the audience for a crime, place, and object, which Dave then has to guess based on Brad’s questions. All I have to say is this: I believe the show would be vastly different if the audience didn’t drink before shouting suggestions. The situation was that Dave had licked Dick Cheney’s toes while he was covered in cream in a submarine in CostCo using a tangerine speedo. Wow. Naturally, this game went on for a while before Dave got it. At one point, he guessed that he had licked a lardcicle, to which Brad responded, “Well, kinda...” He got the covered in cream part after Brad offered him some coffee and asked if he wanted anything in it. It took him a while to get the tangerine speedo. He started guessing all different colours. He got tangerine after Brad started complaining about how the sun had coloured his skin (tan), as well as hinting that it was a kind of fruit. After he guessed the part about the submarine, Brad said, “And where was the submarine parked, he asked knowing that he would never guess it on the first try in a million years?” It was a very funny game.

Moving People: The situation took place in Scotland. That seems to be a common place to set Moving People. If I remember correctly, I had to move Brad while the scene was set in Scotland as well. The jokes were pretty predictable, maybe because they were similar to what I’d already seen. I only remember one segment, which was when Dave’s hand was in the vicinity around Brad’s thigh. He said that he was reaching for the mini bar that he kept around his waist. Brad corrected him, “That’s not the mini bar you’re grabbing, that’s the maxi bar!”

Rap: This was the version where Brad chose someone from the audience and made up a rap about them as M.C. (audience member’s name here). He chose Bob who was a traffic controller in Riverside. Brad asked him for hobbies and other interests, but all he said was drinking. He did nothing but drink. He also said that he was a stunt man for porno flicks, which he later confessed was not true. He made up a song about him as M.C. Bob, but audience members started shouting something about calling him Cheddar Bob instead. It was a reference to a movie that had just come out which I didn’t see (I think it was Eight Minute Mile, but I could be wrong). So he alternated between M.C. Bob and Cheddar Bob. Quite a silly game.

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