Wayne Brady & Friends

Wayne Brady & Friends- July, 2001

I am writing this report in December. The show was in July, and I have no notes or pictures. Needless to say, this is all from memory, so don’t expect much detail.

The show opened with a stand up comedian (who made fun of me in his act, probably since I was so accessible sitting in the front row. Since when do the comedians heckle the audience anyway?). Then he brought out Wayne, along with Jonathan (from the Wayne Brady Show) and I think the other guy’s name was Cory. Wayne started out talking to the crowd, explaining what was going to happen, and if you’d been here drinking since...yesterday, please don’t shout out obscene suggestions. Then the show started.
They played Film & Theatre Styles. They brought out a big sheet of paper and asked the audience for some film & theatre styles, and they were written down on the paper. Then Wayne and one of the other guys performed a scene, while the third guy shouted out styles from the paper. All I remember is that the scene took place trapped in an elevator.
Next Wayne asked for someone with a dangerous occupation. Wayne chose a woman who was a teacher. He asked what the best part about being a teacher was, and she said the summers off. He asked what her least favourite part was, and she said all the violence in schools today. Wayne paused for a moment and then thanked her for bringing up the humour level of the show. Then he and the other guys sang a gangster rap song about her job. I remember Wayne said something about “All through the summer you get a chance to rest, then you come to school in a bullet proof vest.” The other guys weren’t quite as good at rapping.
They played Irish Drinking Song, or some variation of it. Wayne asked the audience for something that makes you angry, and the guy sitting across from me yelled out “Cell phones,” which they used. This Irish Drinking Song was much different that what I’m used to. First of all, they started off talking for a long time about cell phones as the swished their hands back and forth to represent the drinks. Eventually they started singing, and it was very slow. There were long pauses in between each line. I guess the other guys don’t do Irish Drinking Songs quite as regularly as Wayne does.
Wayne, Jonathan, and two audience members played moving people. I think the first person he chose was named Alicia. The second person he chose was...me. The scene took place on a golf course. I was a little bit disappointed at first that I didn’t get to move Wayne, but it was still fun. In fact, I realized that moving Jonathan allowed me to watch Wayne while I was on stage with him. I decided to take full advantage of this rare opportunity. The main thing that I noticed was the sparkle in his eyes. It’s like his eyes are always laughing while the rest of him is doing a scene. It doesn’t show up on television nearly as strongly, and since this was my first time seeing him in person I wasn’t sure what to expect. Jonathan didn’t give me much to work with. Wayne kept saying things like, “OK, I’m going to pick up my golf club now,” which made it easier for the girl who was moving him. Jonathan didn’t say much of anything, so I made up my own movements. It’s kind of tough for me to judge, but I think the game went pretty well. The audience seemed to be laughing a lot. I know I was!
Wayne picked a woman out of the audience and sang to her. I have to say, he picked a good person to sing to; she had a lot of energy and stage presence, as well as a fun occupation to sing about. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but she and Wayne had some cute exchanges that apparently embarrassed the woman a bit. Before Wayne started singing, he asked her to repeat her name because he’d forgotten it. I think she was so embarrassed that she said her name was Lisa, even though originally she said something else. Wayne didn’t notice, but I did. I think I was the only one laughing.
They played a game called “Forward-Reverse,” which I had never seen before. In this game, Wayne, Jonathan, and Cory would act out a scene and someone else (the piano player I think) would randomly yell some sort of command, such as “Rewind,” “Fast forward,” “Pause,” “Camera Pan,” “Slow motion,” etc. Then the players would have to do whatever he said with the scene. It looked like a very difficult game to perform, and they followed the commands very well, but quite honestly, I felt that it fell kind of flat. The premise was something like Cory and Jonathan were flying a plane and then Wayne, who was a Pikachu, came to sabotage the flight. Playing a Pikachu gave Wayne very little variation in his lines, and it got old very quickly. At one point I remember he went running through the audience, which caused the game to get pretty chaotic.
I have no idea what the last game they played was called, or even how to describe it. It went something like this: Wayne and Cory left the room, and the audience chose three items for Jonathan: A place, an occupation (I think), and a weapon. I think the place was a kitchen at the top of the Empire State building, I don’t remember the occupation, and the weapon was something like a rubber chicken attached to pantyhose. Then Cory came in and he and Jonathan had to act out a scene with Jonathan giving clues about what the audience had chosen, but I don’t think he was allowed to talk. Cory had a time limit to guess everything correctly, and he did it. Then they did the same thing with Wayne, and he got it just as time was called. I think that this game actually went pretty well.
The audience was so enthusiastic that they did an encore game: Greatest Hits. I think we all know how this game works. Cory and Jonathan were selling the CD “Songs of the Monkey” and Wayne was singing the songs. The titles of the songs that I remember were “Monkey See, Monkey Throw Poo,” and “I Am Ape Years Old.” I found myself longing for Colin and Ryan during this game, but Wayne sang the songs well.

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