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Reuniting With the Past
Part Four
By Alexandra

DISCLAIMER:  “ER”, the characters and situation depicted within are the property of Warner Bros. Television, Amblin Entertainment, Constant C Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission but without the intent of infringement. The story is written for entertainment purposes only. The author is making no profit. Feedback is greatly appreciated, positive or negative.

I’d like to thank Lori for helping me with this series. Without her I don’t think I could have done this. 

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Finally Dave and Peter broke them up. Mark’s lip was bleeding and his clothes were torn; and Michael’s nose was bleeding and his clothes were torn also.

“You son of a bitch what the hell was that for?” Michael shouted.

“What was it for??  That was for Elizabeth!”

The crowd got quiet and turned to where Elizabeth was standing, she was starting to turn red with embarrassment.

Kerry finally started to yell at everyone, “Ok, Ok there’s nothing more to see here. Get back to what you were doing.” Then she turned to Mark, Michael, and Elizabeth and said, “And you three come with me!”

She walked straight into the lounge and without even turning around she yelled, “Do you want to tell me what the hell that was all about?!!”

No one answered. Kerry looked at Elizabeth, but she didn’t look back. Then she looked at Mark. There was still silence.

“Ok Mark, tell me what went on out there.” she demanded.

“You want to know what went on out there? I’ll tell you what went on, this...this asshole wants Elizabeth to go back to England with him!”

“And I don’t see any of this being your business sir!” Michael said.

“None of my business?! Elizabeth is my girlfriend, I think this has a lot to do with me!”

“Girlfriend?” Michael questioned looking over at Elizabeth. “Bethy you mentioned nothing of this to me.”

Elizabeth stood up with fury in her eyes and said, “Yes Michael, Mark is my boyfriend. And I love him. It’s none of your concern who I’m dating.  ou gave up the right to care a long time ago. And no, I’m not going back to England with you. So you can be on your way back to England, and don’t bother me again!”

“Now that we got all that situated, everyone get back to work.” Kerry said and walked out.

“Well Bethy,” Michael said sounding hurt. “I didn’t think you had it in you to be rude. But I guess that’s what happens when you spend so much time with Americans.” He glanced at Mark and then back to Elizabeth, “But don’t think I’m going to give up so easy. You know me better than that. Good-day” then he turned around and walked out.

Mark walked over to Elizabeth, “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, but tell me one thing, who started the fight?”

“I, um...I did.” he said, feeling guilty.

“Why??” Elizabeth said angrily.

“I don’t know. I guess because of what you told me this morning, it made me so angry that someone could treat you, of all people, like that. And I was out of control, I’m sorry.”

“I suppose it was kind of sweet that you would get into a fight with him over me.” Then she quickly changed her tone, “But you should know better!”

“I know, I do. You should punish me, go ahead, I deserve it.” he grinned and turned his head so that his jaw was towards her. “Go ahead take your best shot.”

Elizabeth laughed as he turned his head. “No I wouldn’t want to ruin your cute little face, I would rather kiss you.” she gave him a prolonged kiss. “So what do you think the rumor going around the hospital will be now?”

“Well, lets see, probably that he was an ex-lover of yours, and I found out about him and was raging with jealousy, and wasn’t going to rest until he was dead. Which doesn’t sound too bad to me.” Mark chuckled as he thought of the idea.   

Later that night Elizabeth and Mark were on their way home when Elizabeth “I must have left the kitchen light on or something.” she thought.

She opened the door and turned around to shut the door, when she looked up and noticed that Michael was sitting on her couch.

“What the hell are you doing in my apartment?” she said bewildered.

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