A Time To Heal
Part Two
By Amanda
Authors note: This is the contiunation of what is happening with Carter and the ER staff.
Susan and Doug have recently heard about Carter being stabbed. They are walking to the
doctor's lounge. Doug is saying something to Susan.
Doug: Man I can't believe that Carter was stabbed to months ago. (They haven't heard that
he has come out of his coma)
Susan: I was pretty shocked to myself, I haven't been here for three years now.
Doug: Things change when your gone don't they?
Susan: Yep they do.
Doug: You think we should go and visit him.
Susan: Yes I think we should.
Doug: Ok
In the meantime Peter Benton had just heard from Carol and Mark that Carter was out of
his coma and still very weak. But he goes and knocks on Carters door.
Carter: (still has a weak voice) Hello,come in.
Dr. Benton: Hi Carter, how you feeling?
Carter: My back hurts like hell.
Dr.Benton: You know Carter, when I heard you were stabbed, I learned that I grown to like
you as a friend.
Carter: Really.
Dr.Benton: Yep.
Carter: You know what sucks?
Dr.Benton: What?
Carter: They want me to stay in bed for two more days and then they are going to have me
do physical therapy to have me learn how to walk again.
Dr.Benton: Thats really going to be tough.
Carter: Yeah I know.
Back in the ER carol and mark are talking to each other at the admit desk.
Mark: I'm glad that he came out of his coma Carol.
Carol: I am to Mark.
Mark: But these weeks will really be difficult for Carter.
Carol: I know
Lydia is walking by and says: We got a trauma coming in any minute its a gunshot wound.
Mark and Carol: Ok
They gown up and they have saved the little girls life. (Im not going to do trauma
medicence because I don't know too much.)
Susan and Doug come to Carters room still thinking that he is in a coma. They come into
talk to Carter who is sleeping.
Doug: Hi Carter I know that you can't hear me right now, but im sorry about what happened
to you and Lucy.
Susan: You think he can hear what you just said.
All of sudden carter sits up recognizing Dr.Ross and Dr. Lewis voices.
Carter: Dr. Ross and Dr. Lewis your back? (still in a week voice)
Susan and Doug are both in shock when they realize that he is out of his coma.
Susan: (breaking the silence.) But carol said you were in a coma!
Carter: She did! But when Mark and Carol were checking on me I did wake up. Then they told
me what happened to me.
Susan and Doug: Oh!
Carter: Well Mark and Carol went down to the ER to let everyone know I was awake. So you
guys must of not heard anything then.
Doug: Thats right we didn't,but how are you feeling?
Carter: My back hurts like hell and I have to learn how to walk again.
Susan: That sucks.
Carter: I know
Susan: Well we better let you go back to resting. And get well soon.
Carter. I will, it really was nice to see you Dr.Lewis and Dr. Ross.
As they left Carter he had went back to sleep.
One week later Carter is using his walker to go visit the ER and as he is getting out
of the elevator, Mark and Carol see him coming out. They go to help him if he needs it.
Mark: Hey Carter need any help.
Carter: Nope
Carol: Well its nice to see you down here
Carter: Thanks. (the walking had tired him out.) You have a wheelchair I can use?
Mark: Sure hold on.
He brought the chair for Carter and took the walker. Carter was struggling to roll the
wheelchair and Carol had noticed it.
Carol: Need help.
Carter: Yes thank you Carol.
As Carol pushed Carter down the hall everyone said hi to him. Carol had noticed that
Carter was getting tired and it was time for him to back to his room. Susan had seen the
same thing and asked if she could take him up.
Carter: You both can go up with me.
Susan and Carol: Ok
As they got carter back into bed, he immediatly fell asleep.
Susan: He must of wore himself out on physical therapy.
Carol: Yep.
Carter was discharged from the hospital a week later. but he realize he had no place to
stay or to recover. Mark was helping Carter, when he noticed the frown on Carters face.
Mark: Whats wrong Carter?
Carter: I don't have a place to live.
Mark: Your serious aren't you?
Mark:well you can live with me.
Carter: Are you sure!
Mark: It wont bother me.
Carter: Ok
Mark: I have two rooms and one room is empty.
Carter: Oh
Mark: Then now your going to be my roomate.
Carter: Ok
Mark grabbed some of Carters get well stuff and put them in his arm and helped push Carter
to go to the ER. So people can say hi and bye.
Mark had told everyone that Carter was going to be his roomate and live with them. They
were happy to know Carter would be in a safe place.
Carter: Well im out of here for a while.
Everyone: Well you better hurry up and come back soon.
Carter: I will
Mark had pulled his car up to the ER to get Carter in and then go home. His shift was over
so that was good timing.
Carter to everyone: See you in a few weeks.
This is my second fan fiction and if you like both please send me an email about any suggestions. Also my storys are based on Carter. My next story will be how he handles coming back to work.