If These Walls Could Talk
By Anna Rousseau
Genre: Cast/Humour
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Yes, just tell me where
Disclaimer: If I owned these characters would I be writing this fic?
Spoilers: The Mark Season Seven Plot...if you've seen season 6 you're OK
Notes: Not in any order, just they way they came out of my head! I haven't seen season 7
yet, so sorry for any inaccuracies. This is an idea I had in my mind for a while but never
got the chance to write. Coincidently (honestly), the idea is very similar to ElaineMc's
(PS I couldn't find your addy) 'snippets' (and Cein's now), but no enfringement is meant
and copying is the sincerest form of flattery, and I'm sure this version is far inferior.
Hey, enjoy...
[Admit, Dave is leaning on the counter watching Luka and Carter discuss a patient]
DAVE: Hey, if you two could go out with one of us, who would you choose?
CARTER: [all in unison] Dunno.
DAVE: Me either.
LUKA: Carter.
DAVE: [blinks] Hey, why not me?
CARTER: You're just jealous, Dave.
DAVE: Am not! But seriously, Dr. Kovac, what as he got that I don't?
LUKA: I guess Carter's less pushy.
CARTER: [triumphantly] So there.
LUKA: Anyway, this is a load of nonsense. Check on the kid in two, Dave.
DAVE: [mutters as he walks over to Exam 2] My ass is way better than his. Kovac doesn't
know what he's missing!
LYDIA: An eight, surely.
HALEH: Asolutely a ten.
RANDI: [looks up to see them staring at Luka] He can't score a ten on the Carter-Cuteness
scale unless he's Carter, which he's not.
CHUNI: True. I think we really need a Luka Lushness scale.
[Mark & Carter are drinking coffee in the lounge, Dave enters]
CARTER & MARK: Whaaaaassssuuuuppppppp!!!!
DAVE: Whaaaaaassssuuuuuupppppp!!!!!
CARTER: Java? [pours Dave coffee]
MARK: True.
CARTER: Abby, shouldn't you be up in OB?
ABBY: Uh, why?
CARTER: Be-cause, is you haevn't already noticed, you aren't a med-student or an ER nurse.
ABBY: Well, you're the first to notice.
DAVE: Randi....I w-
RANDI: [holds hand up to silence him, she's teary-eyed]
DAVE: I didn't mean-
DAVE: Ran-
DAVE: I'm sorr-
RANDI: I'm not listening.
DAVE: Aww, come on. I said I was sorry - it was great, really...
RANDI: Dave you laughed!
DAVE: Randi, [sighs] it was NC-17 rated male slash Buffy/NYPD Blue fanfic, I had to.
RANDI: Piss off, you had your chance and you blew it. [mutters to herself] I'd like to see
you write something that hot.
CARTER: No, Pe-ter.
ELIZABETH: [concentrates] Pete-rah....Pet-ar... Cartah, it's so hard!
CARTER: No, not Car-tah, it's Cart-r.
ELIZABETH: Carr-trr [rolls the 'r' and chokes]...oh, bollocks!
MARK: Deb, will you-
JING-MEI: [Grabs IV pole and hits him on head] Don't call me Deb!!!
KERRY: [talking to the whole of the ER] ....and that is why I use a crutch.
DAVE: [walks in and sees the assembled staff] Did I miss something?
RANDI: Hmm, I wonder if Carter's single.
CHUNI: Forget it girl, your not his type.
RANDI: [offended] What'ya getting at?
CHUNI: Do you ever wear blonde wigs, get highlights?
RANDI: What?
CHUNI: He only dates blondes.
RANDI: [raises an eyebrow] Really.
[Dave runs behind a gurney Luka is pushing]
DAVE: Aggghhh! [he slips on the floor] Randi, call maintenance and get this clean- [his
eyes travel to the gel dripping off Luka's hair onto the floor].
DAVE: Hair stylist, to Trauma Two...code red.
ABBY: [walks into Trauma 2, Carter's back is turned to her] Just came for a chart.
CARTER: [tries to hide the Chupa-Chup in his mouth] Just cleaning up [talking around the
ABBY: [raises her eyebrow] Yeah right, you just can't keep off the glucose, can you....DR
[As they lay dying on the floor of Curtain Three]
LUCY: [strained] Piss...off....bas...tarrd
CARTER: [falling unconcious] I hope...you bleed...out!
[Waiting in surgery after stabbing]
PETER: Hey man, don't worry, I'll get you through this. OK?
CARTER: [drugged up] I want another doctor!
ABBY: [at admit] When I was in OB...
ABBY: [offended] You don't have to be so nasty, it wasn't like that in OB.
DAVE: [angry] OK, where's the LP kit?
KERRY: [quickly] Here, I have one in my pocket.
DAVE: Hey, Deb-
JING-MEI: [Grabs TV off the wall and beats Dave to death with it] Don't... call...
KERRY: So what are we gonna do for Independance Day?
MARK: Barbeque?
LUKA: Noooooo!!!! CAROL!!!!
MARK & KERRY: [eyes wide as they watch Luka sob, Kerry hands him a T-Sheet] Here...
LUKA: Thanks [blows his nose].
MARK: Fondue
KERRY: [quickly] Yeah.
KERRY: Has anyone seen Carol?
MARK: She went to Seattle with Doug and their kids, in May.
KERRY: And you were going to tell me this, when?
MARK: I guess I forgot.
KERRY: And you let me think she was still in Chicago for six months- what, have you got a
brain tumour or something?
MARK: [silent]
KERRY: Oh....sorry, I uh.....damn.
CHUNI: [runs over to admit] Hey, you lots have got to see this, Dr. Finch is smiling!
DAVE: Oh yeah, right! Let me just check on my flying pig in Exam Two...you did put
restraints on him, right Haleh?
HALEH: [nods, rolls her eyes at Chuni] Um-huh!
CHUNI: [disbelieving] It's true! Honest to God!
ELIZABETH: Far-thah.
CARTER: Far-ther.
ELIZABETH:.....faar...[strains] tharrr...
CARTER: I don't think this is working...
CHUNI: It's eleven thirty.
CONNI: [whispers to the women at admit]: Eleven thirty.
RANDI: [licks her lips] Eleven-thirty!
[they look up and lean on the admit desk dreamily watching Luka, Dave and Carter drink
coffee in their scrub tops]
[In Seattle, in Doug's back yard]
[Doug and Carol break out of that kiss]
CAROL: Where the HELL have you been!
DOUG: Huh?
CAROL: I was there, working all the hardest shifts, bringing up twins...and you've been
playing with a damn boat!
DOUG: I- uh...
CAROL: Forget it, I'm moving back with Tag.
DOUG: Not him again!
[Carol pushes him into the water]
[In the lounge, we see only their heads]
DAVE: [whines] No way!
CHUNI: It's not gonna kill you...
DAVE: It might! Forget it, I'll wear the normal one.
CHUNI: It's covered in vomit.
[camera pans out, Dave is in a nurses scrub top]
DAVE: [moans] But it's pink, Chuni!
[In Exam 6, Lucy is cleaning up Carter's head from the Tae-Bo kick]
LUCY: Baby!
CARTER: I'm a doctor, you're a med student, we shouldn't be doing this.
LUCY: [repulsed] What did you think I was going to do, kiss you passionately on the floor
and nearly destroy my reputation?
LUCY: Puh-lease [runs out of room] SECURITY!!!
DAVE: Randi?
RANDI: [reading a print-out] What?
DAVE: Well, what do you think?
RANDI: [laughs] Well...
DAVE: You laughed...
RANDI: It's NC-17 female slash Chicago Hope fanfic...that *you* wrote...I had to.
DAVE: Hey, try writing something that hot.
RANDI: [scans over it] And I suppose these two doctors, just happened to get stuck in
supply cupboard with a pair of handcuffs...
DAVE: Well...
RANDI: And they're both wearing sexy leather and lace lingerie in the middle of a 12 hour
DAVE: Hey, it's my fic, maybe they do!
RANDI: Maybe...but one person I know around here really does.
DAVE: Who?
RANDI: [leans foward and whispers in his ear] Me.
DAVE: [raises his eyebrow and eyes her] Suture room, ten minutes.
RANDI: Bring the fic, I'll bring mine...[she eyes him slowly] we'll collaborate.
DAVE: [jaw drops]
[Randi walks past Chuni, neither look up]
CHUNI: Got him?
RANDI: [laughs] Got him!
DAVE: [IntuboCam in hand] Ladies and Gentlemen, Dave Malucci MD presents.... [drumrolls on
the wall] ....'ER - Inside the Women's Room'
[Dave places IntuboCam in the corner and flees the room]
[stall opens, Weaver walks out and bend over the camera]
KERRY: Dr. Malucci, Kerry Weaver MD presents to you the term 'fired'.
KERRY: Mark?
MARK: [absorbed in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets] Tee-hee-hee!
KERRY: Mark!
MARK: [annoyed] What now, Kerry...it's getting interesting, they've just had their first
lesson with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
KERRY: If you don't put that book down now, you're gonna nedd Defense Against the Dark
Arts because I'll turn into a four-headded monster from the blue-lagoon.
MARK: There aren't any of those in Harry Potter.
TIM THE DESK CLERK: [looks up from 'Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire] I think she meant
a Dementor.
Told ya it was pathetic!
Feedback greatly appreciated
Any ideas?
I'm free for two weeks so ask now!