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Dear Abby
Part Two
By Carolina

Disclaimer: Originally this was going to be a one part story but people convinced me to make it a continuing story, thanks guys (a tear).

Anyway, here's part two. At this point I'm still not making this a love story. However, if you guys think it is a good idea to pair Abby with someone, I will, I'm your writer slave. I have chosen Luka as a comforting source for Abby considering everything he has gone through and the fact that these two are the loneliest characters on the er. I don't know how many parts this story is going to have, it all depends on it's popularity. So PLEASE let me know what you think of it and be honest!

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Thanks to Baskin Robins and Ben and Jerry's for raising my chances of a heart attack and clogging my arteries since 1981. I hope you enjoy it.

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"Dear Abby" Part II by Carolina

Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever gonna make it home again
It's so far and out of sight
I really need someone to talk to and nobody else
Knows how to comfort me tonight

Snow is cold, rain is wet
Chills my soul right to the marrow

I won't be happy till I see you, alone again
Till I'm home again and feeling right
I wanna be home again and feeling right.
(Carole King- Home Again)

'Ok, maybe what happened before was a little out of place but I'm sure everyone has moved on. Oh who am I kidding, the nurses have probably sent a chain e-mail through the entire Mid West and Tri-State area by now' Everywhere she went Abby could feel everyone's eyes fixed upon her. She closed her eyes and tapped her heels three times 'There's no place like home' Then she opened her in disapointment. 'Stupid crumbles of childhood imagination' As hard as it was she tried to spend her last 3 hours as normal as possible. Kerri had told her she could go home if she wanted to, but Abby just wanted to go about her day as if nothing had happened, so she stayed. After looking everywhere for Dr. Malucchi to sign off her last patient she handed the chart to Dr. Greene and went to get her things out of the locker room, where Carter was getting some coffee.

Carter: Hey, are you off?

Abby: Yeah, time flies when you're having fun.

Carter: Too bad that doesn't apply to the er.

Abby: Yeah, it's a shame

Carter just stood there with a cup of coffee in his hands while Abby got her things together. He wanted to say something about what had happened earlier. He felt he owed her that much after she opened her big mouth last spring, saving his career. But he didn't know how to go about it. For once, he knew how Abby felt when she found him in the middle of his 'pain killer fest.'

Carter: Listen Abby, if you ever need anything...

Abby: I'm ok, really

Carter: I know. I'm just letting you know that I'm here

Abby: Thanks Dr. Carter

Carter: Carter!

Abby: See ya tomorrow.

Carter: Bye

Still he knew that she wasn't ok. Like Dr. Kovac, Carter knew quite a lot about pretending to be ok. Oh well, at least he tried. Abby walked to the front desk to finally clock out. It was 9 pm and the er was surprisingly empty, which didn't work out for her advantage seeing as her husband's surprising appearance had been the main event of the evening. None of the doctors seemed to be around, Andrew was entertaining the few patients in chairs with his Christopher Walken impersonation and Randi was playing with her gum while browsing through the latest Victoria's Secret catalog.

Randi: Hey Abby, What do you think of this bra? Should I get it with this bikini or this thong?

Abby: Gee Randi, I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person. I like that night gown though.

Dave: You know, if you give me a little display of the final appearance of the product I might make an accurate decision for you.

Randi: I wouldn't let you see me in my underwear if we were lab partners and I spilled Sulfuric Acid all over my clothes.

Dave grabbed his heart with both hands and groaned before dissapearing into the lounge. Abby couldn't help but smile at these two. She only prayed that they never got drunk in Vegas together. After finishing with the computer she walked into the chilly night. It was a clear and beautiful one. She starred into the sky for a while trying to find at least one star. She found none, but the moon was so big and bright that she couldn't take her eyes off it. She remembered how her dad used to tell her that the moon was made out of cheese, and she remembered answering 'If the moon is made out of cheese, how come it hasn't gone bad after so many years?' Her memories were interrupted by a voice calling her name.

Luka: Hey Abby, are you off?

Abby: Yeah, I'm going home and straight to bed with the two greatest lovers I've ever been with, Ben and Jerry.

Luka: Do you need a ride?

Abby: Oh, no. That's ok. It's such a beautiful night, I think I'm gonna walk.

Luka: You're walking alone at 9 pm in Chicago? I don't think so

Abby: It's no big deal, I do it all the time.

Luka: Abby, I'm a Taurus, we're stubborn. So just say yes and let me walk you home.

Abby: Ok, fine. But if you really wanna know, I'm not going home. I have to go to the police station.

Luka: What for?

Abby: They wanna know if I'm gonna press charges, you know, for my ex's wonderful performance of "Displays of Affection Under the Influences of Alcohol"

Luka: Let's go then.

Abby: Well...

Luka: What? (She just stood there) What? You ARE going to press charges right?

Abby: I don't know

Luka: Abby?!

Abby: I don't know! If I do, he'll be in jail for like what? a year? what's gonna happen when he gets out? And if I don't press charges? I end up loosing no matter what I do.

Luka: You shouldn't be scared of him.

Abby: No, I should. Today I was lucky because you and security were there. But what's gonna happen tomorrow when he's waiting in my apartment building or follows me down the street. I'm 5'3 Dr. Kovac!

She waited for an answer that she knew wouldn't come.

Abby: Look I know he's not going to kill me, at least I hope, I don't know. I guess what makes this so hard is that I'm flying solo. I don't want a body guard or anything, it just reeks having to go home to an empty bed. The only thing waiting for me at home is an old turtle, and he won't even look at me unless I'm holding a leaf of lettuce. I just don't know if I'll ever be able to trust a man again, and that scares me. Oh, why am I telling you this?

Luka stared at her for a while. He certainly knew how she felt like, except in his case he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to love another woman again. Well, there's only one thing that makes everything look less...bad.

Luka: Do you want some ice cream?

Abby: What?

Luka: Ice cream. You said earlier that you were gonna have some. Do you wanna go now?

Abby: I don't know.

Luka: You know what they say: Ice cream is good for the soul.

Abby: I thought that was beans.

Luka: We can get some beans too. (He gave her a questioning look)

Abby: Can I get two scoops?

Luka: It's your night Abby Lockhart

Abby: It certainly is.

They both walked towards the nearest Baskin Robins.

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...To Be Continued