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Part Three - Chicago Blues
By Scott J. Welles

DISCLAIMER, for those who've never read one before: All "ER" characters and institutions are the property of Warner Bros., ConstantC Productions and Amblin Television, and ain't nobody making a profit on this piece. There. Was it good for you?

WARNING: Unlike the other ones, this one has disturbing subject material.

("Spectroscope" inspired by a suggestion from Becca Renton.)

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"Dr. Weaver...? What are you doing here?"

"Mmmh? Oh, Haleh...if you gad to hess...I mean, had to guess...?"

"Oh, I can see you're drinking. I mean, I've never seen you in this particular club before."

"Yeah, I don' usulal...USUALLY come here. Felt like tryin' somethin' dif'rent tonight."

"You're not working tomorrow, are you?"

"No, no, I'm off, so I can be hung over to my little heart's content. You wanna siddown, have one on me?"

"Thanks, I think you've already had enough for both of us."

"BARTENDER! Yeah, you! Gimme another, an' one for my frien' here."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I think you've had enough for tonight."

"Nonslense, I can still feel my fingers..."

"He's right, Dr. Weaver. Come on, let's settle up and I'll take you home."

"Y'know, you're the second person to make me that offer, but he had his hand on my ass at the time..."

"Dr. Weaver..."

"An' you've got better breath."

"Uh, ma'am, I took the liberty of calling you a cab."

"Tha's it! No man calls me that an' lives!"

"Put the crutch down, Dr. Weaver! Thanks, we'll wait for it outside."

"No problem. 'Night, ladies."

"Mait a winute, where you takin' me...?"

"Outside, Dr. Weaver, let's get you some fresh air."

"Awww, an' I didn' get you know, you sing beau'fully, Haleh..."

"Thank you."

"I mean it, that secon' set you did tonight was really good. How long you been performin' here?"

"A couple of years, not too often. I don't get many opportunities, between work and family. You know how it is."

"Well, I half do..."

"Watch the step...did you come just to hear me sing?"

"Yeah, kinda...I overheard Chuni talkin' to Conni, sayin' you'd be singin' t'night. Too bad they couldn' make it."

"I was surprised to see you here. I didn't know you were a blues fan."

"Oh, I like all kinds'a music, but I really just wanned to hear - whoop!"

"Easy, I've got you."

"Yeah, well, sometimes CD's just don't do it for you, you know? You've gotta hear the real thing. Haleh, you can let go now..."

"Be careful, it's slippery right here..."

"I said let go! I'm all righ...OWW!"


"Why d'they have to make pavement so hard?"

"Come on, stand up."

"Why can't it all be soft an' pillowy? Maybe then everybody'd be happier..."


"It's all soft an' squishy when they pour it, how come it doesn' stay that way?"

"Kerry, here, let's sit down."

"Yeah, okay..."

"You don't usually have this much to drink, do you?"

"How can you tell?"

"Oh, honey, you really can't hold it."

"You think not? Le's find out. How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Kerry, why were you drinking so much, all by yourself?"

"I was raising a toast to James Neil Hadler, eight ounds, two pounces..."

"That baby you delivered today?"

"Yup. Five an' a half hours old, an' counting."

"He was a perfectly healthy boy. Was there something wrong about his birth?"

"No, it went like clockwork. It's the mother."

"Leslie Hadler? What about her?"

"She was thinkin' about giving him up..."

"For adoption? Well, that's her choice to make. Maybe it's the best thing for the child, it all depends on her circumstances."

"Yeah, remember I thought she was familiar?"


"I looked her up in the records. I knew I'd seen her before."

"Was she a patient before today?"

"Uh-huh. She, um..."

"Kerry, what is it?"

"She was sexually assaulted. Almost exactly nine months ago..."

"Oh, my Lord..."

"And she couldn't bring herself to...well, she had the baby."

"Is she sure that the father was...?"

"Said she wasn't sexually active at the time, so yeah..."

"Dear God. What must that be like?"

"I know, to look at your son and always know that...anyway, that's why I'm drinking."

"Kerry, as horrible as her case is, you've dealt with worse things. Why does this one get under your skin?"

"I...I started thinking...what if that was the reason? I never thought of it until tonight, but that would explain it...I mean, what if you had to tell your child that half her genetic material came from a rapist? How could you tell her something like that? How could you keep her and not be reminded...?"

"Her? I thought the baby was a boy?"

"Maybe she couldn't stand to...what?"

"You were talking about the baby boy today, and then you started talking about a girl child. Did this case remind you of someone?"

"Oh, uh...sorry, I got sidetracked. It doesn' matter. Is that our

"No, that's a UPS truck."

"Oh, yeah. Anyway, it just made me think of a friend of mine, that's all. Sorry to bend your ear like that. You know, hearing you sing really did make me feel better."

"That's all right, I'm glad to help. Are you going to be all right?"

"Yeah, I think I'm just gonna go home, take a bath, throw up and go to bed..."



"You don't have children, do you?"

"Nope. You do, right?"

"Yes I do. They're the best reason I have for getting up every morning."

"That must be nice..."

"It is. And I'm very proud of who their father is. But even if I wasn't...A child is the most wonderful thing that can happen on this earth. I don't believe that one can be tainted by the circumstances of their conception."

"You don't, huh?"

"No, I do not. Little James Hadler, and your...friend, well, no matter where they came from, whatever they do and whatever they become is up to them. Birth is the gift of a fresh start, no matter who you are."

"Haleh, that's...that's so sweet, I...uh-oh, look out."

"Whoa, lean over! Let it out..."

"Hhcccchh...ughh...oh, good, now all I have to do is go home, take a bath, and go to bed."

"Don't worry, you'll feel better in the morning. Well, maybe by late afternoon...oh, here's the cab."

"Oh, great. G'night, Haleh, I'll see you Thursday."

"Sleep well, Dr. Weaver."

"Oh, Haleh...?"


"If you get the chance to sing here again, be sure to let me know. I'd love to listen while I'm sober, sometime."

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