Only In Your Dreams
Part Two B -
"Why did we come back here?" Lucy asked as they entered his apartment.
"Carter family dinners? Never casual. I hate getting dressed up," he said
heading over to his closet.
"What am I going to wear?" she asked, trying to find something in her bag.
"Wear that dress," Carter replied nonchalantly, trying not to hint that the
sight of her in it drove him wild.
"What dress?" Lucy questioned with a devilish smile.
"That dress you wore, you know," He said wrapping her arms around her.
"Mmmm," She replied giving him a few kisses down his neck. "How much time
have we got?"
"An hour," He answered running his hands through her hair.
"Long enough," She murmured as they fell onto Carter's bed, for another blissful
moment of passion.
"Is this Chase?" She said smiling down at the man in the wheel chair.
"Yep, Chase Carter in person," He replied as he adjusted Chase's bow tie.
"Where did he get these pictures?" Lucy asked admiring the beautiful black and
white photos spread across the wall.
"He was a photographer, before, before he overdosed." Carter answered with a sad
tone. Lucy walked over to a small frame beside Chase's bed.
"Is this you, John?" Lucy asked, it was a picture of 3 boys, around the same age
laughing on a beach towel, a baby girl was held in what Lucy presumed, Carter's arms.
"That was me, Barb, Bobby and Chase in, I think 1977." Carter smiled down at the
picture. Lucy knew about Bobby, Carter had told her once that he had lost him to
"Bobby was diagnosed about 3 months later," Carter added. Lucy saw the pained
expression in his eyes and hugged him. Carter looked down at her golden topped head and
smiled, for once everything was okay in his life.
The Carter Family Estate.
"Are you ready?" Carter asked as Lucy and him pushed Chase up the ramp into the
Carter home.
"Readier then ever," Lucy replied linking arms with him. They walked in together
and Lucy admired the mansion. For someone who had been rich as Carter, he sure wasn't
spoiled. They ended up sitting together on a sofa as people mingled about.
Barb was bored out of her mind, she hated when her Grand-mother made her come to these
things, but since she was visiting from Germany, of course she had to be 'sociable'. She
was about to escape up to her room to watch It's A Wonderful Life or something but then
she saw something that brought a smile to her face. In there own little world, sat Carter
with his arm around a very pretty blonde. She decided to go and meet the mysterious 'Lucy
Knight' Gamma had been on about.
"Well you certainly look cheerful," Barb said plopping down on the expensive
sofa across to them.
"Barb, I'd like you to meet Lucy Knight, Lucy this is Barb, my sister," Carter
introduced. The two woman smiled at each other and shook hands. As Lucy was sitting down,
Barb noticed the long scar across Lucy's neck.
"So how are you holding out?" Barb asked, she could tell both of them were
"It's not that bad," Lucy joked, even though she'd rather be alone with Carter
then with his entire family.
"Uh-oh," Barb muttered seeing the angry elderly man approach them. "Here
comes Grand-pa." Carter turned around in horror as he saw his grand-father
approaching him.
"What do you think you are doing here!" The man yelled pointing down at Carter.
"I asked him to come!" Millicent replied, trying to calm her husband. People
around them watched in silence.
"He is not welcome in my house, especially what he did to Chase!" He yelled back
to his wife then gave his grand-son a look. A look of pure hatred.
"We'll leave," Carter said as he held onto Lucy's arm.
"You wait!" He yelled. "How dare you think of attending this party with
your cousin. What you did had wrecked this man's life! And why? Because you acted
immature! John, I am sick of your behaviour, and from this moment on I never want to see
"Okay Grand-Pa, if that's what you want," Carter said blankly. He picked up his
coat and exited with Lucy. Everyone in the house stared at them as Carter walked out in
shame. As soon as they were outside Lucy stopped him and looked up at him
"John are you okay?" Lucy asked, seeing the pain in his face.
"I'm fine, really Luce," he reassured, instinctively putting his arm around her
shoulder. This wasn't cutting it, Lucy thought as they got in his car. She could tell that
something was wrong.
The entire car ride home was silent. Lucy wondered what he was keeping from her, she knew
something was troubling him. As they walked up to his apartment they still didn't speak.
They made there way to the bed room, still in silence. Carter walked up to Lucy and placed
a gentle kiss on her lips and wrapped his arms around her. Lucy could tell something was
wrong as she stood there just holding on to Carter in a powerful embrace.
"What's wrong?" She finally whispered into his ear. John Carter barely showed
any emotion, ever. Yet years of putting it away and hiding it, it all came pouring out.
"Oh, Luce," He said, softly, his voice breaking. Lucy just tightened her
"Tell me," she whispered, resting her head on his bare chest.
"I missed you," He said as they laid next to each other, there nakedness
barely showing through the pale moonlight and city lights.
"I missed you too," She replied placing a hand over his arm. They had spent the
entire time talking, just talking. Talking about how crappy life was sometimes, sharing
stories about each other.
"I'm glad you came back," Carter whispered softly, Lucy just replied with a
smile. "Life wasn't right without you," Carter continued. "Now that your
back, I feel, I don't know, I feel alive I guess."
"John after the attack, were you scared?" Lucy asked concerned.
"I felt paranoid, I couldn't trust anybody," he revealed.
"Really, I couldn't sleep at night, every time I did, I saw your face,
bleeding," Lucy shuttered, seeing images of his face flashing in her mind.
"Lucy before you came back, I didn't sleep at all, I was even sent to a detox center.
I missed you every day."
"So did I," Lucy replied as she placed a soft hand on his cheek.
"I'm glad you came back," he repeated as he pulled her closer to him. It was
there, as they looked into each other's eyes, he realised he loved her. He loved her with
all his heat and soul. He realised that there was no place he wanted to be more then in
her arms.
"Luce," he whispered, inches away from her face.
"Mmm," She murmured leaning closer.
"I love you," He said softly. Lucy looked deep into his eyes and passionately
kissed him. As there lips touched, electricity sparked in-between them. And it was there
when Lucy realised that she loved him too. She slowly broke away from the kiss.
"I love you," she replied. Carter smiled before he kissed her again. The nights
before they had made love in a much more wild style, but tonight they took it more slowly.
They embraced each other's bodies with passion. Carter's kisses and touch made Lucy want
to explode inside. The room filled with the sound of there sweet lovemaking. Afterwards
they kissed each other slowly and sensually, exhausted at what they had just done. Neither
of them ever wanted the night to end, but Lucy especially.
Hours later, Lucy night stared out into the dark night sky. It was around 4 am and she was
lying down with her head on Carter's bare chest. She didn't want to leave but she knew she
had too. Boston was her home, not Chicago. So slowly she crept out of bed and took a quick
shower, making sure not to wake him up. She felt silent tears pour down her face as she
tried to leave. She couldn't just leave him, not like this, not after what he had told her
last night. So she quickly wrote him a letter, explaining herself. Placing it on her bed.
She silently whispered, "I love you John," and with that she walked out, out of
his life.
John Carter rolled over in bed, he was a happy man. But as he opened his eyes, he sensed
she wasn't there. Seeing the note on her pillow, he quickly grabbed it, trying to find a
cause for her disappearance.
Dear John,
I left you today, I went home to Boston. I couldn't bare to tell you. I want you to know
that I loved every minute, being with you. John you restored my faith in love and I thank
you. But my home is in Boston. I belong here. John I want you to know that what you said
to me last night is not why I am leaving. I want you to know I love you too, I will
Carter looked down at the note. It felt like his heart had been ripped out and stomped on-
again. "Lucy," he muttered as tears fell down his cheeks. 'Why?' he asked
himself, 'Why did she leave me!' Carter wanted to scream, to run after her, find her, he
wanted to be with her right now. But he had no idea where she had gone. All he knew was:
Lucy Knight stared out to the sky at 30,000 feet. She felt numb to everything, but pain.
'How could you leave him?' a voice screamed in the back of her head. Thoughts raced
through her mind, an image of Carter whispering "I love you" made tears come to
her eyes. All she wanted to do was lay in Carter's arms but she knew it was too late. Her
destiny had been set, she was going home to Boston, not home to Carter. a few hours later,
she found herself walking along the Boston airport, unaware that she had anywhere to be.
Barbara saw the disoriented look on Lucy's face and frowned, she had hoped that her
daughter wouldn't have even come home, that she would had stayed with this 'Carter' guy.
But as it turned out, she could tell by her daughter's expression, that all hadn't ended
"Lucy?" She called, startling her daughter.
"Oh hi, Mom," Lucy murmured trying to push back tears.
"Oh honey," Barbara said taking her daughter in her arms. Lucy immediately lost
control of herself and sobbed into her mother's shoulder.
"There, there, its okay," she said patting her daughters back. Barbara knew deep
down that Lucy had lost someone very special and that everything was not okay, it wasn't
okay at all.
John Carter pushed his car threw the heavy snow-storm. He was somewhere in the Poconos and
he had been driving since 5 this morning, it was now 8. The heater was broken and a
blizzard was hitting the entire east coast. Plus he was supposed to be at work an hour
ago, but he had blew off everything in Chicago. He had to get to her, he couldn't go threw
life without her, and even if it meant driving half-way across the country, in the middle
of a frozen hell and risking his job on Christmas Eve, he was ready to do it.
The radio had been playing Christmas carols the entire way here, and since along with the
heater, the radio too was also broken, he had too listen to staticy jingle-bell the entire
time. His head was beginning to ache and when his cell phone began to beep, it didn't help
"Carter speaking," He stated into the phone.
"John Dear, it's me."
"Gamma, what is it?" John asked a little annoyed.
"Well I talked it over with your grand-father and he's agreed to let you come to
Christmas dinner..."
Millicent with his tone.
"WHAT!" Millicent replied angrily. Just then the phone beeped, again.
"Gamma, I got another call..." He said switching the line before she could
"Carter speaking," He stated again, even more annoyed.
"JOHN, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" Weaver screamed, scaring the hell out of John.
HERE, I'M GONNA---" Weaver was cut short as Carter flicked off the phone and threw it
into the back seat. He had had enough of them, now it was all about Lucy.
"So then I just left, and Mom, I feel horrible," Lucy confided as she snuggled
next to her mother in front of the Christmas tree.
"How about you sleep on it, it's been a long day and you look exhausted,"
Barbara suggested. Lucy agreed, she was indeed tired, she couldn't even focus, let alone
think straight. Barbara tucked her daughter in and after placing a few more gifts under
the tree, she went to bed.
Hours later she was awaken by the sound of pounding on the door. Barbara quickly headed
downstairs, she could here the wind howling as the snow hit the windows of there house.
Who the hell was here at 4 am on Christmas Morning?
"Damnit," she cursed as she pulled the door open letting in a gust of wind and
snow. Barbara looked at the young man in front of her. The stranger had deep brown eyes
and tousled brown hair. His parka surrounded his face, but Barbara could see his handsome
features. It only took a moment for Barbara to realise just who this stranger was.
Lucy awoke to sunlight streaming down upon her face, slowly she rolled over and frowned,
she was alone in her bed. She could sense the silence in the house. She wondered where her
mother could be, it was Christmas morning. She rolled over in her bed and saw the note on
her bed side table. She curiously picked it up and read it aloud.
Dear Lucy,
Home is where the heart is;
Merry Christmas.
Love, Mom
She had no idea what this meant or why her mother had wrote it. Lucy tried to think but
the telephone began to ring. She quickly picked up her cordless phone.
"I miss you," came a familiar voice, a voice that made Lucy's heart melt. She
was silent for a moment as she stepped down the stairs.
"I miss you too," She finally replied. She found herself inside her kitchen,
sitting down with her head resting against the table. She felt angry at herself, for
hurting him, for hurting both of them.
"Damnit, Carter! What is wrong with me! I'm some kind of Monster! I finally find
someone who loves me and I fucking run away! Why am I like this!" she cried into the
phone. "Carter you don't deserve me," she paused "Go find someone else! Go
find someone who is perfect, not screwed up like me!"
"I've found that person," Carter said on the other line.
"Oh really, who?" Lucy sobbed.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with this person, because I love her and I know
she loves me back, she told me." Carter stated, it was then Lucy discovered the small
velvet box on the table, she shyly picked it up and slowly opened the lid. Suddenly a
voice came from behind her, a voice no longer restrained from telephone.
"Lucy Knight will you marry me?" he asked. Lucy slowly turned around. She looked
lovingly up into those deep brown eyes. Everything became clear to her, she loved him, she
wanted to be with him, she belonged to John Carter and John Carter belonged to her. Slowly
she leaned forward and placed her arms around him, then placed a tender, loving kiss on
his lips. A kiss that sealed an ever lasting love.
"Yes," She whispered into his ear... "I wanna love you forever."
Yes I am a sappy romantic chick. If you weren't completely sickened after reading this I
hope you were touched. Feedback
of any kind is welcomed at