Rocket’s Angels
By Anna M.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ER, Charlie’s Angels or even ‘Rocket’s Angels.’

RATING: G- for GIRL POWER! (and there’s nothing bad in it)

CATAGORY: A kick-ass in your face action fic with Carol, Elizabeth and Lucy as ‘Rocket’s Angels’

AUTHORS NOTE: Okay, I was feeling really feminist one afternoon and decided to write a ‘chick-fic.’ A break from my normal sappy Carter/Lucy Romances. I know, the ending is bizarre and very unreal. Actually, come to think about it, the entire thing is very unreal. Oh and always, look for me in the story.

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Robert ‘Rocket’ Ramano sat slumped in the back of the conference room. At the moment the hospitals lawyers were going on about some law suit in ICU, it didn’t really concern him. He classified this stuff as ‘gobble-de-gook.’ A waste of his precious time,  something a man of his importance shouldn’t be bothered with. But Kerry had called in sick, leaving him the tedious job of listening to the board conference. Yet his ears perked up when he heard the mention of hospital closure.

“With these law suits, and poor funding, if there isn’t a dramatic change, Cook County General will close.” The tall man stated.

“What!? Where will we get new jobs!” Romano yelled, slamming his fist on the table.

“Mercy has decided to take in the trauma and phsyc unit, and...”

“No, you don’t understand!” Romano shouted, his shiny bald head was beginning to turn red. “What will happen to my job?!”

“You’ll have to get a new one,” The man replied. Robert already hated him, simply because he was right and because he was tall.

“What can we do, what kind of dramatic change, how can we fix this?” Robert asked, his voice demanding information.

“Well, CCGH has 1 million in debts, unless you can raise that kind of money by Thursday morning, then it’s a lost cause buddy,” The man added as he patted Robert on the shoulder. The short little man jerked away in disgust leaving the conference in a fowl mood.

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“Dr. Romano, Dr. Ra-man-ooooo!” Lucy wailed as she chased after him.

“Not now Miss. Knight!” Robert gritted out, he didn’t have time for incompetent med. students, even if they had walked 14 blocks just to get his lunch order right.

“I need to talk to you!” Lucy called catching up to him. That was another thing that bothered him about Lucy, even she was taller then him.

“I said not now Lucy!” Romano yelled in her face as he unlocked the door to his office.

“But I” Lucy began just as the door was slammed in her face. Robert was relieved to have her out of his way, until he could hear her mumble in disgust, “jack-ass.”

“I heard that Miss Knight!” Robert called. He threw down his bag in disgust. After a few minutes of male aggression against office supplies, he was able to think again.

“What am I going to do?” He asked himself. If he lost his job, he’d end up living in an apartment, not even a swanky apartment, but a crummy one. He’d have to give up his fancy car and expensive furniture. Even, Mr. Giggles, his Persian cat would have to eat, gasp, Friskies Dry Cat food instead of the filet of salmon kitty delight meals. How would he survive! The he noticed the headline of the news paper.


It was there, a memory of last night re-entered his mind.


“Zip-pa-dee doo-dah, zip-pa-dee day, my oh my what a wonderful day,” Robert sang as he rounded the corner of the Chicago National Bank. It was night time and he had just come back from his favorite over-40’s singles bar, as usual, another unsuccessful night, but he still was in a happy mood. Yet as he tied his shoe lace he happened to eve’s drop on the group of people talking on the other side of the bush.

“Now remember, once you have the money, bring it to 24 central lane on the old Warf. Got it?” Hissed a woman.

“Uh-huh,” Murmured a group of guys.

“All right, the plan is get the money and lie low, then we’ll go to Mexico and live like kings! Ah-ha-ha-ha!” Laughed the woman, her voice was disguised by the sounds of the city. Robert was beginning to become concerned until he saw his reflection in the glass window.

“My, My, aren’t we handsome man, meow!” He smiled that smile that often scared small children. And with that, the bank robbery scheme had left his mind until now.

-Back to present time.-

“I gotta do something!” Robert said rubbing his bald head. He knew that he couldn’t do it, he also knew he didn’t want to do it. But there were a few people in his mind he knew could get the job done.

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“Dr. Corday, Nurse Hathaway, I need to talk to you!” Lucy wailed, she was still running around the hospital trying to get someone to sign her script.

“What do we do?” Elizabeth asked Carol.

“Just run away and hopefully she won’t fallow.” Carol replied. They turned another corner, but Lucy was still on their heals.

“Dr. Corday, Nurse Hathaway, will you please listen to me!” Lucy shouted dodging paramedics and patients. Carol noticed the opened lounge door and quickly pulled Elizabeth into it. They had just locked the door, when Lucy began banging on the door. She wasn’t going to give up that easily.

“Wow, that girl is determined.” Elizabeth laughed.

“Were going to have to get out of here sooner or later,” Carol stated, seeing Lucy’s silhouette pound against the door.

“Yeah might as well let her in.” Elizabeth replied just as the phone rang.

“Here I’ll open the door, you answer the phone,” Carol chided as she unlatched the lounge door, just to have Lucy fall onto the floor with all of her papers.

“Hello, ER, Elizabeth speaking,” She said in her posh English accent.

“Lizzie are you alone?” Robert asked over the speaker phone, this made Lucy and Carol both look up. Elizabeth raised a finger to her lips and motioned for Carol to shut the door.

“Why yes,” Elizabeth lied. “What is the problem Robert?”

“They’re closing the hospital.” Robert revealed.

“WHAT?” Elizabeth implied, a shock look grew over all of them.

“They don’t have enough money, lack of funds,” Robert sniffled.

“Well, well, Can’t they raise it, you know, get a grant!” Elizabeth asked.

“It’s too late, they are expecting to close Thursday.” Robert replied.

“Is there anything we can do?” Elizabeth questioned growing more and more concerned.

“Well...” Robert paused as he spun around his chair in his office. “There is one thing, but you’d have to be open to do anything.”

“We’ll do anything, Robert,” Carol stated, joining into the conversation.


“Anything!” Carol and Elizabeth responded.

“Well it goes like this...”

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“You want us to do that” Carol asked again in disbelief.

“Robert, we can’t just steal money, that’s, that’s barbaric!” Elizabeth added.

“Lizzie, it was already stolen.” Robert replied.

“He does have a point and I can’t lose my job, I’m a single mother!” Carol stated looking over at Lucy, who sat slumped in the corner, with a look of disbelief.

“Yeah Lizzie think about it, what does Uncle Sam do to unemployed immigrants?” Robert asked, “But I’m sure your mother can open her ‘flat’ to you.”

“Good-God! Tell me the plan Robert! Tell me the plan!” Elizabeth yelled into the speaker-phone.

“Alright, down town, there’s an old building down at the Warf, your going to get the money, then bring it back here. But, you’ll need to disguise yourself and get the money back here by 11:59pm Wednesday without getting yourself killed.”

“Are you sure we want to get ourselves into this?” Carol asked.

“Listen, I left Mommy dearest back in England and besides the occasional transatlantic visit, I never looked back! We need to get the money!”

“Okay, I’ll meet you tomorrow at 10am on the corner of Smith, got it?” Robert asked.

“Got it!” Carol replied.

“All right, tomorrow at 10am, be there or be sq--” Robert was cut off as Elizabeth switched off the speaker phone.

“So what’s the plan!” Lucy asked jumping up. Carol and Elizabeth looked over at each other then back at Lucy.

“Um , Lucy, I think this little adventure would be best left off to me and Carol,” Elizabeth implied, trying to look sympathetic.

“I think we should get ready for tomorrow, besides are shifts are over,” Carol stated passing Elizabeth’s bag to her.

“But, but, I want to be part of the action!” Lucy protested.

“I don’t think you can manage it,” Elizabeth replied as the three of them headed out of the ER.

“What, but why?” Lucy yelled, waving her arms in the air.

“Lucy, your clumsy, your weak and to top it off I don’t think you could handle it.” Carol broke the news just as Carter headed up to them.

“I am not weak!” Lucy yelled, even louder and this time waving her arms even more wildly. “I AM NOT WEAK AND JUST BECAUSE I’M YOUNG AND CLUMSY DOSENT MEAN I CAN’T KICK A--”

“Luce, can I spea--” Carter was cut off as Lucy violently waving arms smacked him right on the face, knocking him with full force against the floor.

“I AM NOT WEAK! YOU JUST WANT TO HAVE ALL THE ACTION!” Lucy rambled on as Carol and Elizabeth watched in amazement as Carter tried unsuccessfully to pick himself up. Lucy was still protesting when Carol finally broke into her shriekings.

“Lucy, calm down, you can tag along if it means that much to you,” Carol implied, still shocked as she saw Malik trying to revive Carter.

“Really!” Lucy’s face brightened up.

“Really.” Elizabeth smiled. “I guess were like Charlie’s Angels, only ‘Rocket’s Angels.’” Elizabeth laughed. Lucy felt an instant wave of achievement grow over her as the 3 of them walked out of the ER, leaving Carter still on the floor of the ambulance bay.

“Dude, what happened?” Malik asked as Carter came threw.

“I don’t know,” Carter muttered, rubbing his swollen face, “But I think I’m in love.”

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Elizabeth Corday made her way down Smith Avenue. It was a warm sunny morning in Chicago and her ‘disguise’ didn’t seem so horrid as it did when she had looked in the mirror this morning. She actually looked like a Charlie’s angel, but it was a complete change to her normal dress. She waved to Carol who had Lucy trailing behind her. Both of them wore similar Charlie’s angel’s apparel, even though Robert had merely told them to wear a simple disguise, they had gone all the way for that full girl power effect.

“Sorry were late, but Lucy here almost fell onto the tracks,” Carol complained.

“Walking in boots is hard.” She complained as she wobbled in her boots, Elizabeth noticed her hair.

“Oh Lucy, I like your hair, going for the Farah Fawcette look?” Elizabeth complimented.

“Uh, no, actually it was an accident involving my curling iron.”

“Oh,” Carol muttered. “Well anyway, what time is Rocket meeting us here?”

“He said 10am, right?” Elizabeth questioned, looking down at her watch. Lucy could see a little man in a trench coat walking towards them, only he had a hat, glasses and a fake moustache to top it off.

“Is that him?” Lucy laughed.

“Oh my God,” Elizabeth giggled. Carol put a hand over her mouth to contain herself as Robert approached them.

“Lizzie, is that you?” Robert asked, keeping his eyes locked on a car parked across the street.

“Oh come on Robert, of course it’s me!” Lizzie replied.

“Shhh! Someone could hear you!” Robert hushed. “Okay, in this bag are the address to the Warf and 3 guns, you know, just in case.”

“Wow, we get ammunition?” Lucy implied.

“When did the girl scout get involved?” Robert asked wondering if the little med. student was capable for this mission.

“Robert, don’t get her started or she might do to you what she did to Carter.” Carol answered taking hold of the brown-paper bag.

“You have until11:59, got it?” Robert enquired, once again.

“Don’t worry Robert,” Elizabeth chided as they walked off, leaving him on the corner, “Rocket’s Angels have everything under control.”

Robert just watched them off, hoping if anybody could solve this pickle, it would have to be them.

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“So let’s see the guns,” Lucy persisted, reaching into the bag.

“Wow, where did Romano get a hold of something like this?” Carol asked in the amazement of her gun.

“I don’t know, but it will make you think twice the next time you get on his bad side,” Elizabeth joked, just then the sound of a bullet cut threw the air.

“Duck!” Carol yelled, pulling them behind a trash can. The bullet continued to ricochet for the next few minutes before finally coming to a halt, inches away from Elizabeth’s foot.

“What the hell was that?” Elizabeth asked, still full of tension from dodging a bullet this early in the morning.

“Oops.” Lucy let out a guilty look, Carol and Elizabeth just looked at each other again.

“Um, hon,” Carol began. “Why don’t you let me and Liz hold onto that for the time being.” Lucy slowly handed over her gun.

“So where do we start?” Elizabeth wondered as she pulled out the address. “24 central lane at the old Warf.”

“Isn’t that like crack-pot lane?” Carol asked openly.

“Hey that’s near my dorm.” Lucy chirped.

“Okay, well let’s check the place out.” Elizabeth added, pointing to her car.

“Nice set a wheels, whose are they?” Lucy asked admiring the red convertible.

“I borrowed it from a friend,” Elizabeth replied as they hopped in. Elizabeth drove, Carol sat shot-gun and Lucy inhabited the back-seat.

“Okay girls,” Carol stated as Elizabeth pulled into reverse. She clicked on the radio to have Aretha singing the blues on it and pumped it up. “Let’s kick some ass!”

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“Lucy can you be any louder!” Carol hissed as they tip-toed through the hall-ways of the old ship building. They had been sneaking around for quite a while and hadn’t been caught yet but Lucy’s stomping could give them away.

“I told you, it’s not me, it’s the boots!” Lucy replied.

“Shhh! Both of you,” Elizabeth hushed as she put her ear next to the wall. Voices soon appeared.

“So what does she want us to do with all this money?”

“I dunno, ask Tony.” Just then they heard a door open and another voice was heard.

“So you guys got the cargo?”

Elizabeth lead them to the room’s door and a second later Lucy kicked it down.

“Freeze!” Elizabeth shouted. There were 3 men in the room, big guys but they didn’t look very bright.

“Hand over the money!” Carol demanded thrusting the bag in front of them. One of the men waddled forward, his hands in the air and just as he was about to put the money in the bag, he smacked Carol across the room.

“Get him Luce!” Elizabeth shouted, rushing to Carol’s side. The man looked down at Lucy. ‘Is she supposed to be some kind of threat?’ He asked himself, this short little blonde girl. He gave out a short and husky laugh that intimidated Lucy.

“Why you... Hi-yah!” She shrieked as she delivered a kick into his jaw, sending the man across the room. Another one of the guys raced towards her with a chair in his hands, but Lucy merely grabbed a hold of it and sent him flying too. Lucy continued to fight the men. The entire thing looked like a scene out of Buffy, but Elizabeth didn’t notice as she tended to Carol.

“Carol, are you okay?” She asked in a soothing voice.

“Yeah, what happened?” Carol asked rubbing her head.

“One of the men hit you.” She said softly.

“So what’s going on know?” Carol questioned, she looked up to see Lucy chasing the men out of the room with a chair, she halted and breathed out ‘Come on!’ Instantly Carol was on her feet again and they continued to chasing the men.

“Give me that money!” Lucy yelled, still waving the chair in the air. The men were ahead of them, the 3 of them watched as they ran down the stair case, then immediately there eyes came upon the window.

“It’s our call,” Elizabeth suggested. The 3 of them looked over at each other before nodding.

“Ready, one, two three!” Carol instructed. In a flash of a second, they jumped, suspended in air, over the men and landing on the pavement. Only Lucy was able to stay on there feet.

“Give me that money now!” She gritted, her voice had a sinister tone that frightened the men. They were about to run in the opposite direction when Elizabeth shot the gun aiming inches away from his skull.

“The next one won’t miss.” She stated as Carol and her managed to get back on there feet.

“Tony, hand her the money,” One of the guys ordered, reluctantly Tony approached them and handed the briefcase over to them.

“And don’t even think of coming after us or will let Lucy deal with you.” Carol threatened. Lucy stepped forward and growled, instantly all 3 men stepped back.

“Come on girls,” Lucy stated, wiping the gravel off of her jeans. “Our work here is done.” Little did they know, that was not the end, it was merely the beginning.

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“What do you mean they got away!” The woman screamed into the phone.

“I mean, they got the money and left. Simple as that.” Tony replied.

“You useless creature! I have a right mind to fire you, you lazy cow! 3 woman, came up to you and got the money? Why didn’t you do anything?” The woman lectured.

“They had this one, she had enough energy to propel a Porsche, I’m not kidding.”


“The other two, one seemed to be really smart and the other one, she nearly shot Clarkie, just inches away from his skull.”

“Listen!” The woman demanded, her voice growing louder and louder over the phone. “You WILL get that money and it WILL be in my helicopter by 5 tonight!”

“Yes ma’am.” Tony replied half heartily.

“Good, is that all?”

“Well ma’am, it would be nice to have some back up help, you know, a couple of extra guys...” Tony suggested, hoping she wouldn’t yell again.

“I guess I could send down a few men, but no more mistakes, clear?” The woman stated.


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“That was so cool,” Lucy commented as she sat in the back of the convertible.

“I know, maybe we could start our own defence squad and really take a bite out of crime.” Elizabeth giggled. Carol gave her a weird look. “I’m joking Carol.”

“Well I have to admit, Lucy you did kick some ass.” Carol complimented giving Lucy a high 5.

“Yeah and Elizabeth, where did you learn to shoot like that?” Lucy asked.

“Well,” She implied. “You don’t live in America for so many years without picking up some of it’s native skills.”

The three of them were laughing, enjoying themselves, unaware that danger lurked behind an ice cream truck.

“That’s them?” One asked, looking sceptical at the three woman in front of them in traffic.

“Yep, be careful of the little blonde one, broke Richie’s nose in one punch.” Tony warned, he sat in a truck with 6 guys in it. There was him, Richie, Clarkie, and 3 new guys, Jake, Tommy and Bruce. All of them were big, beefy and rugged, not Doug Ross rugged, but REALLY rugged.

“So what’s the plan?” Bruce questioned.

“Let’s jut fallow them for a while dude,” Richie muttered, his face was bloodied from Lucy’s kick.

“Okey-dokey,” Everyone in the van replied.

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Carol was staring out at the city from the car when she noticed the Mr. Swirley behind them, the same truck that had been following them since the highway.

“Hey guys, does anybody notice the ice-cream truck?” Carol asked suspiciously, Elizabeth’s eyes quickly darted to the rear-view mirror.

“Oh shit.” Elizabeth muttered.

“Were getting ice-cream, woo-hoo!” Lucy yelped.

“No Lucy, we are not getting ice-cream,” Carol corrected. “I think they’re following us.”

“What do I do?” Elizabeth asked, growing scared.

“Put the metal to the pedal, and step on it!” Carol shrieked. Elizabeth clamped her foot down on the gas, instantly the car sped up. Unfortunately the Mr. Swirley van also started to pick up speed.

“Wow, the ice cream truck can really take on corners!” Lucy yelled as she watched everything from the back of the convertible. They rounded another corner, this was a bad move because it led them to uninhabited street. Bullets began to spray towards the car.

“Speed up!” Carol screamed.

“I can’t, they shot the tires!” Elizabeth shot back, ducking down as she tried to avoid the bullets.

“Um, I hate to alarm you, but the thugs have aimed a very large gun at the car and I suggest we MOVE!” Lucy yelled, the three of them flew out of the car as it burst into flames.

“Run!” Carol yelled. The three of them ran down the alley to find it was a dead end. Carol quickly directed them into a burnt down building.

“Where do we go!” Lucy cried, she could hear the men chasing them.

“Uhhh...the roof-top!” She ordered, moments later they stood waiting on the roof-top, they could hear the men below them.

“Lucy, you do your karate kid thang and greet them at the door. Elizabeth you hold the gun, and I’ll guard the money!” Carol instructed.

“Here they come!” Elizabeth stated hearing their voices appear.

“Hi-yah!” Lucy yelled, she aimed, she kicked, but this time the men were prepared. “Ahhhh!” Lucy screamed as three men held her down.

“I’ll shoot you, I’ll shoot you!” Elizabeth threatened.

“Not if I shoot you first,” Bruce replied as he shot his gun.

“Noooo!” Lucy and Carol screamed in unison.

“You can shut up!” Richie hissed, hitting Lucy over the head with a stick. Carol looked over at Elizabeth, she laid peacefully on the floor, but to her surprise there was no blood.

“We didn’t shoot her, she just passed out from fright,” Clarkie informed, patting Carol on the back.

“Don’t you dare touch me!” Carol hollered.

“Well, we have a business proposition for you,” Tony chided, walking around Carol.

“Whatever it is, I’d rather die in the middle of hell then work for you,” Carol spat.

“Our boss, wants you to work for her, says you got a good head on your shoulders,” Bruce added.

“And if I refuse?” Carol asked with a vengeance.

“Then we do this.” Bruce replied as he hit Carol over the head with the same stick that had knocked Lucy out with. Carol felt the pain hit her, and then nothing...

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Elizabeth Corday rubbed her forehead, she had been drugged, she could tell. ‘Where am I?’ she asked herself. Opening her eyes, she saw the desert scenery come to her.

“Rise and shine sleeping beauty!” Carol greeted sarcastically.

“What happened?” Elizabeth asked, her voice still woozy.

“They drugged us and left us here in the middle of nowhere, a.k.a. hell on earth.” Carol replied. Elizabeth went to touch her face again when she noticed the hand cuffs.

“What’s this?” She asked in disgust, her left hand was attached to the sleeping Lucy’s.

“Oh yes, I forgot to add, THEY HANDCUFFED US!” Carol answered.

“Calm down Carol, all we have to do is find a phone and see if there is any possible way we can strangle Romano!” Elizabeth stated as she tried to pick herself up.

“What do we do with the karate-kid over here?” Elizabeth asked.

“Let’s just wake her up,” Carol replied giving Lucy a quick nudge.

“Lucy, dah-ling.” Elizabeth said softly, there was no response.

“LUCY, WAKE UP!” Carol shouted into Lucy’s ear. Lucy rolled over slightly and moaned.

“Turn the lights off Carter,” She said in her sleep. Carol and Elizabeth looked over at each other, they could learn a lot about Lucy like this.

“Oh go on, it wont hurt,” Elizabeth giggled.

“Lucy, uh this is um, Carter,” Carol imitated Carter’s voice. “What did we do that day in exam six.”

“What day?” Lucy muttered, still deep in her sleep.

“Ya’ know, -that day-”Carol continued.

“We rocked the kasbah,” Lucy replied, giving a little snort in her sleep. This made Elizabeth and Carol burst into laughter, which woke Lucy up.

“What’s so funny?” Lucy asked, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

“Nothing,” Elizabeth snickered.

“What’s going on?” Lucy questioned, seeing the desert horizon and the hand-cuffs.

“We’ll explain on the way,” Carol replied, helping her up.

“On the way to...where?” Lucy asked in shock.

“There,” Elizabeth laughed. It was too weird of a situation to be serious.

“Hey Luce,” Carol said as they began the long road into nowhere. “Ever heard that song, Rock the Kasbah?”

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“Please, please, please,” Elizabeth murmured watching the tractor trailer whiz by, they had been walking for the past 3 hours in the sweltering desert heat and hitch hiking wasn’t helping.

“Ughhh!” Carol screeched as the truck didn’t stop.

“I’m hot,” Lucy complained as she pulled her body onwards.

“I’m really hot,” Elizabeth added.

“I know your hot! I’m hot too! It’s hot as friggen hell down here! Do you really think I want to be here! No! Jesus! I don’t even know where here is or even what state we are in!” Carol yelled, her voice ringing throughout the silent desert. Lucy and Elizabeth kept silent for awhile, letting Carol cool off.

“Hey,” Lucy broke the silence. “Why did the armadillo cross the road?”

“Why?” Carol asked, her voice showing no emotion.

Lucy pointed over at the road kill. “It didn’t.”

Carol looked over at Lucy, Lucy looked back at Carol, Elizabeth looked at both of them, hoping Carol wasn’t going to seriously harm or kill Lucy, but instead she laughed.

“Good one, Luce.” She laughed, just then they heard the rumble of a truck.

“Come on,” Lucy stated pulling them into the middle of the road. “Were not letting this one go!”

“Lucy have you gone mad!” Elizabeth yelled as she tried to tug on the hand-cuffs.

“Lucy your going to kill us!” Carol screamed, but Lucy kept her eyes on the up-coming truck. It came closer and closer and closer until it was only a few feet ahead, Carol and Elizabeth closed their eyes but just as they expected the impact they heard the truck stop, an inch away from them and Lucy pulling her top back on.

“What were you thinking?” Carol shrieked, hitting Lucy over the head.

“Carol, it did work,” Elizabeth stated as they came up to the side of the truck. They looked up to see a sweaty fat man at the wheel.

“Hey you ladies need a ride?” The guy asked, they all noticed the name tag which read ‘Earl.’

“Yeah,” Carol replied as the blast of cool air hit her face.

“Where’s ya’ going?” Earl asked as they climbed in.

“Where are you going?” Elizabeth questioned.

“Phoenix.” Earl responded.

“Well that’s where we’re going.” Carol replied.

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“Listen you said everything was going to work out fine, were in the outskirts of Phoenix Arizona and we have no idea where the money is!” Carol yelled into the phone. On the other end of the line Robert cringed.

“It’s not my fault you screwed up!” Robert shot back, Elizabeth grabbed the phone out of Carol’s hand.

“Now listen, I’m doing this for my job AND my citizenship, but were also doing this for your job!” Elizabeth yelled, “AND DO I SEE YOU OUT HERE! NO!”

Robert fell silent for a few minutes.

“Well!” Elizabeth reminded.

“There is one place they could be...” Robert continued, he remembered the woman saying something about Mexico.

“WHERE!” Elizabeth asked, her patience was running out.

“Mexico.” Robert revealed.

“Where in Mexico?” Elizabeth questioned as she leaned against the phone booth.

“I’m not sure, but the police are suspecting Tijuana.” Robert replied. Elizabeth looked around, she’d never been here before, this was nothing like England. It was dry, dusty and baron.

“Alright we’ll go there, but I swear Robert you owe us!” Elizabeth snapped as she thrusted the phone down.

“What did he say?” Lucy asked impatiently.

“We have to go to Mexico, a place called Tijuana.” Elizabeth answered.

“How are we going to get there?” Carol questioned, noticing the fact they were still in the handcuffs. “We have no money, no pass-ports or even a car!”

“Hey calm down Carol,” Lucy comforted, but Carol flinched.

“Calm down! How can I calm down! We’re hand-cuffed! It’s about 6 zillion degrees, We’re lost AND we have till midnight to save our jobs! How can I be clam!” Carol screamed.

“Hey, don’t take this out on Lucy! Your the one whose been negative the entire time!” Elizabeth defended.

“Well at least I’m not so chirpidy as you!” Carol screamed back.

“Hey, I think we should all sit down and--” Lucy began.

“Shut-up Lucy!” Carol and Elizabeth yelled in unison. They continued to argue for over 15 minutes until the three of them decided to split up. But seeing they were still hand-cuffed, splitting up meant they had to reside on keeping there backs turned towards each other. They sat in silence until a mini-van pulled up to the curb they were on.

“Hey need a ride?” The woman called. Carol looked up and gasped, ‘Is that, Susan?’

“Yeah sure, were going to --” Lucy began but was cut off by Carol.

“Susan?” Carol called.

“Carol?” Susan called back, instantly Carol shot up and ran towards the mini van, dragging Elizabeth and Lucy behind her.

“Oh my God, it’s so good to see you!” Carol stated, throwing her one free-arm around Susan.

“So what are you doing here, in the middle of nowhere,” Susan asked. “In vintage clothing... And handcuffed?”

“We’re out to steal stolen money to help save ours and everyone’s jobs at CCGH,” Lucy informed, Susan just nodded her head in response.

“Just can you do one thing for us?” Elizabeth pleaded.

“Yeah, sure, but it has to be quick, I have work in an hour.”

“Can you please give us a lift to the nearest train station?” Carol asked.

“Hop in, but on the way, you have to tell me everything that has happened at CCGH.” Susan replied with a laugh as she pulled open the van door.

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“That Susan lady was nice,” Lucy chided as they waited outside the train station.

“Yeah real, nice,” muttered Elizabeth. Apparently her and Mark had a -thang- for each other a few years ago.

“So what do we do now?” Carol asked. “We have no money and were still hand cuffed.” Just as she said this a train whistle blew.

“I don’t want to be annoying, but we have to hurry, the train is about to go,” Lucy complained.

“Well let’s just get on,” Carol replied.

“Carol, that’s a crime!” Elizabeth protested.

“Oh yeah and the fact that were stealing stolen money, ain’t?” Lucy joined in.

“Good point.” Elizabeth replied.

“Just remain calm and act like you own the train,” Carol instructed. They nonchalantly boarded the train, after walking around the over-packed passenger cars they found a place to stand. All went well until the conductor began checking tickets.

“Carol, what do we do now?” Elizabeth asked, a bead of sweat falling off her brow.

“Just walk onto the next car,” Carol implied. They moved quickly into the next car, which was even more packed then the last.

“Shit, he’s following us,” Lucy complained.

“Keep moving!” Carol insisted. The conductor was moving faster and faster. They scuttled through each car with the conductor coming closer and closer to them.

“Faster!” Elizabeth yelled. They were no longer in passenger cars, but in cargo.

“You stop right now, ladies!” The man hollered. Carol pulled them into the last car and slammed the door in back of her. The conductor continued to slam against the weak brown door. Every hit came closer and closer until it finally burst open.

“Show yourself!” The man yelled. “I said, SHOW YOURSELF!”

“Okay!” Lucy replied, delivering a quick kick in the chest. The man fell backwards and gasped for breath.

“Now don’t worry, this will only hurt now,” Elizabeth said softly as she hit him over the head with a plank of wood. The man conked out instantly.

“I feel guilty about that,” Lucy revealed.

“Yeah, so do I.” Elizabeth replied.

“I know he had nothing to do with us, he was only doing his job,” Carol responded.

“Ehh,” They all said in unison, just then the train came to a halt. Lucy looked out the train door.

“Ladies, this is our stop,” Lucy stated as all three of them got up. They quickly jumped off when Carol noticed the rail road wire laying on the track.

“Stop, hold on for a sec,” Carol murmured picking up the piece of wire. She began to tweak at the lock.

“Carol, c’mon,” Elizabeth complained, a few seconds later, the cuffs that linked Lucy and Carol fell off.

“Thank-God!” Lucy yelled as she began to shake her newly free arm around.

“Here get me!” Elizabeth thrusted her wrist forward. After another few minutes of tweaking, all of them were free again.

“So, is that Tijuana?” Elizabeth asked seeing the city that laid behind the heavy gates and barb-wired fences.

“Yep, come on it’s time to become illegal aliens.” Carol answered as they began to climb the first fence.

“God, we must be the only people sneaking into Mexico.” Lucy complained.

“So what do we do after this?” Elizabeth asked as they ran to the next series of fences.

“I say we go in and look for trouble, ya’ know ask around,” Carol replied giving Elizabeth a hand up.

“Who knew this was going to happen today?” Lucy asked jumped over the barb-wire.

“Definitely not me,” Carol laughed. About a half an hour later they were in the city center of Mexico City. The sun was just setting over the city, the market stalls were closing and the night life was just about to begin.

“Can we get something to eat? I’m starving,” Lucy complained.

“Yeah, sure, we need our energy,” Carol replied.

“How about that place?” Elizabeth suggested pointing to a club.

“Jose’s Chilli Mexican Hot Spot, Can you say touristy?” Carol laughed as they walked in. It was pretty busy and lively, so it was awhile until a waitress appeared.

“American, right?” The waitress asked.

“Not all of us,” Elizabeth chided with a smile.


“Why do we look it?” Carol laughed.

“I’m Anna, how can I take your order?” The waitress questioned. They all ordered cokes and tacos. A few minutes later the waitress returned.

“So,” Carol started. “What are the high-crime areas in Tijuana?”

“Why do you want to know that?” Anna asked curiously.

“Because were,” Lucy began but Elizabeth put a hand over her mouth.

“Because we want to avoid them.” Elizabeth shot quickly.

“Well, the favelas can be pretty bad at night but I’d stay away from parks.” Anna continued.

“The parks?” Carol asked.

“Yeah, the old Factory and Industrial Parks, a lot of crime goes on there.”

“Okay, thanks,” Carol replied and smiled as the waitress walked off. “Okay, I guess we could go look around there in a half an hour.”

“Good plan,” Elizabeth replied. “But if you’ll excuse me, I need to use the loo.” She made her way to the bathrooms. “Yikes,” She mouthed looking at herself in the mirror. Her curly brown hair was everywhere and she had several bruises and scratch marks on her face, not to mention the several rips in her sweaty clothing. After several minutes of primping she finally classified herself as ‘suitable for the public,’ and opened the door to go back into the club. It was still crowded, tons of people pushed past her, but she came to halt when she heard some familiar voices.

“She wants all of us back at the Quadilla plant at 9,” One man said.

“At 9, with the money?” Another asked.

“Of course with the money.” The other man added. Elizabeth slowly turned around and looked at the men. ‘That’s them!’ She thought as she saw Tony and Bruce drinking a beer. The rest of the men sat hooting at the onstage dancers. Elizabeth quickly ran back to the table.

“They’re here!” She burst.

“What?” Carol asked. “Who?”

“Yeah, who?” Lucy added.

“Them!” She said pointing at the men, who were walking out of the club.

“Where they going?” Carol enquired.

“Some place called the Quadilla Plant, we better hurry!” Elizabeth shouted as they followed them out.

“They’re getting away!” Shouted Lucy as she pointed out to the ice-cream truck that was beginning to move.

“Here, we’ll use this!” Carol shouted pushing them into a rustic looking station wagon.

“We can’t steal it!” Elizabeth cried.

“Liz, think of it like this, were borrowing it,” Lucy replied.

“Does anyone know how to hot wire a station wagon?” Carol asked as she pulled out the wires.

“Oh yeah, I do, I learned it the same time I learned how to break into houses!” Elizabeth shot back.

“Uh, Carol, Elizabeth there’s a very angry family shouting at us,” Lucy informed. Seconds later, after a whole lot of cursing, it started up.

“Go!” Screamed Elizabeth and Lucy. Carol floored it until she was well away from the angry family at the club.

“That’s them,” Elizabeth pointed at the ice-cream truck in front of them.

“Turn the car lights out,” Lucy said. For about 45 minutes they followed the truck and waited as it stopped at every liquor and porn store in the city.

“Damn, these guys really do have something planned tonight,” Carol complained. Finally they pulled up at the gates of Quadilla labs, a broken down factory plant.

“Okay, let’s go,” Carol whispered. Quietly they hiked the fence and entered the front doors of the factory.

“Where do we go?” Elizabeth asked as she leaned against a burnt reception desk. Seconds later, a loud whoosh sound was heard.

“Move!” Lucy yelled, pushing Elizabeth out of the way.

“What was that?” Elizabeth asked, seeing the large laser ray that had nearly shocked her.

“Traps,” Carol replied.

“So how are we going to find them in this Indiana Jones crap?” Lucy asked.

“You guys, be careful, I’ll try to turn off the alarms,” Carol answered.

“We’ll meet you in 45 minutes!” Elizabeth said as she gave Carol a hug. Lucy and Carol both looked at each other and frowned, then slowly gave each other a quick hug. Carol headed down the hall leaving Lucy and Elizabeth.

“So what’s the plan?” Lucy asked.

“We wander around, find someone, threaten them, then get the money,” Elizabeth stated as they walked throughout the long dark corridor.

“Ohhh,” Lucy murmured.

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“Eureka,” Exclaimed Carol as she opened the door to the security office. The place had been rigged, but the control to all the traps would lie in here. She found the huge computer and pushed a key on it.

“Ouch!” She let out as sparks appeared. Carol looked around the room and found a pair of wooden sticks. Using them, she pried off the top of the computer. ‘Okay,’ she thought, ‘which one do I clip?’ There were 3 wires, Green, red and black. Jerry had once explained to her that in every crime novel he had read, one would turn off the lights, one would turn off alarms and one would lock the systems if tampered with. Carol picked up the wire cutters and snipped the green first, instantly the lighting went off.

“Ain’t that one,” She murmured. She knew this would be the last choice, red or black. Slowly she clipped the black one. A minute passed, she hoped she had made the right choice.

“Must be luck,” Came the voice of a woman. Carol turned around and gasped.

“Oh, my God it’s, it’s you!” Carol rambled.

“Oh yes, it’s me Carol Hathaway, I asked you once for your knowledge but now it’s too late!” And with that, Carol fell to the ground from a severe blow to the head.

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“Elizabeth I’m bored,” Lucy complained, they had been walking around in complete darkness.

“Well you can sit and wait until Carol comes back, I’m going to find some information,” Elizabeth daunted, leaving Lucy. She wandered around until she heard familiar voices.

“This is the plan!” A man yelled, Elizabeth recognised it from one of the thugs.

“We leave at 10, they’re onto us, so we’re taking the money to Thailand and none of us we’ll ever return to the US!” Another man yelled. Elizabeth was about to go and get Lucy when she heard something that made her wait and Listen.

“Okay, we’ve got one of them, now all we need are the other two!”

Elizabeth was about to run when she felt someone grab her from behind.

“Help!” Elizabeth screamed, but it was too late, she was already out with yet another severe blow to the head.

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“Oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener, cause that is what I always wanted to be and if I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener then everyone would be in love with me” Lucy sang as she walked through the dark hall ways. She was beginning to wonder where everyone had gone, she didn’t hear a thing and it was over an hour since they had all been together. She kept on walking until she fell forward.

“Ouch,” She muttered as she sat up. Lucy looked over at the object she had tripped over. It was a gun, Lizzie’s gun, to be exact. She didn’t know why it was there until she heard a voice coming from the other side of a door.

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Elizabeth’s eyes woke opened again, for the second time she had been unconscious today. But now she was tied, her hands pulled and wrapped around a pole with her legs also bandaged up. She looked over at Carol whose eye’s stared in fear across the room.

“Who’s done this?” Elizabeth asked.

“Look,” Carol whispered. Elizabeth looked over and gasped.

“Oh my God! It’s you!” Elizabeth said in horror.

“Yes it’s me!” The woman shrieked. “It’s me, Kerry Weaver!”

“But why Kerry, why?” Carol asked.

“Because, I was sick of living on a doctor’s low pay and being referred to as ‘Chief’ all the time.” Kerry exclaimed. Kerry didn’t look like she normally did, in fact it was somewhat scary. She was wearing a black leather cat suit with a stiletto boots. Another thing, her cane, it was missing, she was walking freely along without it.

“So I robbed a bank, but I didn’t expect you people to come and spoil it!” She yelled even louder. Just then the door flung open at the top of the staircase and Lucy jumped out with the gun in hold.

“Kerry?” Lucy yelled.

“Lucy!” Kerry shot back.

“Don’t listen to her, she’ll kill you!” Elizabeth warned.

“Oh I’m so scared of Lucy!” Weaver laughed, this made Lucy angry, she hated being underestimated.

“Ugh! I’m gonna kick your ass, Kerry We--” Lucy began as she took a step down, then slipped and flew down the stairs landing hard on the concrete floor.

“Lucy!” Carol and Elizabeth yelled. Lucy weakly and picked up her head and said her last words.

“Never wear stiletto boots,” And with that her eyes fell shut.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Weaver added. “But listen girls, this place has enough gasoline to stock the entire country of England through those damn petrol strikes, so say your last words, it’s gonna be one hell of a blaze!” Weaver laughed.

“You know Kerry, you are the most evil person I have ever met!” Carol shouted. “And you can kiss my ass!”

“Shut up Hathaway!” Weaver snapped.

“Make me!” Carol shot back, she wasn’t going to go out without a fight, at least not a fight with Weaver.

“Fine, I’ll kill you now!” Weaver replied as she picked up the cane, after pushing a button on it, a knife on the bottom popped out. Weaver was only inches away from slicing and dicing Carol, when a voice rang throughout the ware house.

“Put it down, Kerry!” Lucy demanded as she held the gun.

“Oh Lucy, like you would do it, your too weak hun. Your only a med. student, we all just push you aside,” Kerry continued.

“Yeah,” Lucy agreed. “But not anymore!” Lucy pulled the trigger, delivering a bullet, that of course didn’t go towards Kerry but hit the walls several times before hitting a beam on the ceiling which fell and hit Weaver across the head.

“Kerry, go night-night!” Kerry murmured before falling to the ground.

“Is she out?” Elizabeth asked.

“Oh yeah, she’s out,” Lucy replied and ran over to untie them.

“Lucy who knew your bad aim would come in handy?” Elizabeth joked, overjoyed they had won.

“Actually, I hypothesised the exact angles the bullet would hit and how it’s impact would decrease in speed, but still be able to hit the beam.” Lucy replied.

“Okay,” Elizabeth murmured, surprised by Lucy’s answer.

“Where’s the money?” Carol asked as Lucy pulled the ropes off them.

“There,” Elizabeth pointed. All 3 of them looked down at the open suit case.

“Wow,” Carol muttered.

“1 million US dollars ladies, in other words our jobs,” Lucy added.

“We better go,” Elizabeth insisted.

“Yeah, let’s get the hell outta here,” Carol replied. The three of them ran to the roof top, and high-jacked Weaver’s chopper. The second they lifted off, the building was set alight and the last images they saw were of the factory going up in flames.

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“Damn, what time is it Luce?” Carol asked as they sat slumped in the back of a cab.

“11: 28,” Lucy yawned.

“You know, I gotta hand it to her,” Elizabeth commented.

“Who?” Carol asked.

“Weaver,” Elizabeth replied.

“Yeah, maybe if we hadn’t fought to the death we could have been friends,” Lucy added. They all looked over at one another.

“Nah.” They all said in unison. Moments later, they walked into the ER, everything was calm, the ER was alive, but still rather slow. As they were waiting for the elevator, Carter walked up to the three.

“So where have you 3 been all day?” He asked, his voice slightly slurred from Lucy knocking him out yesterday.

“Oh, just out fighting crime, hitch-hiking, sneaking into foreign countries, you know ‘Girl stuff,’ Dr. Carter,” Elizabeth laughed.

“Yeah really,” Carter laughed in response, his eyes had remained locked on Lucy the entire time he had been talking with them. The elevator pinged and seconds later the doors opened.

“Well, let’s go, see-ya Carter,” Lucy chided, the doors shut and immediately Carol and Elizabeth burst into laughter.

“What?” Lucy asked, she didn’t see what was so funny.

“Somebody likes Lucy,” Carol laughed.

“Who...Carter? You must be joking,” Lucy replied, Elizabeth nodded in response. “Well Pigs will fly the day Carter and I fall in love.” Elizabeth and Carol continued to giggle before the elevator doors opened on the roof.

“Hey, where’s Romano?” Lucy asked looking around.

“Back again ladies?” Called an eerie voice. The three turned around to see Romano tied up and Weaver pacing with the deadly cane in her arms.

“You!” Carol yelled. “I thought you were dead!”

“So did I!” Weaver laughed. “But she...” Weaver pointed her cane at Lucy. “She ruined my plan AND gave me a bump on my head!”

“Um, will you believe me if I said it was an accident?” Lucy asked, as Weaver placed the cane up to her neck.

“It’s time to pay the price Lucy Knight, it’s your turn to die!” Weaver said coldly. “And if you two even think about moving, Tony and Bruce will shoot you!” Carol yelled, instantly men came and pulled Elizabeth and Carol away.

“Kerry, please,” Lucy murmured.

“Shut up! I’ve dreamt about doing this ever since that day you walked in here!” Kerry muttered, the cane was only inches away when the machete popped out of the end. “Say your prayers.” Lucy just gulped.

“Noooooooo!” Carter yelled as he flew through the air knocking Kerry out of the way.

“Carter!” Kerry snapped, suddenly 45 cops were standing at gun point to them.


“Kerry Weaver,” One cop began. “You are under arrest.”

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“This is Rosie Cohen with WPIG news, 3 woman, a modern day Charlie’s Angels went through extraordinary lengths today to spoil the crime of Dr. Kerry Weaver. I’m here with Surgeon Elizabeth Corday...” The reporter introduced.

“How do you do,” Elizabeth waved.

“Head Nurse Carol Hathaway,” The reporter continued. Carol smiled in response at the camera.

“And med. student, Lucy Knight.”

“Hello!” Lucy chirped.

“So what happened today?” The reporter asked.

“Well it all began when the hospital was talking about closing, my boss Dr. Ramano informed us and we couldn’t say no. This meant--” Elizabeth stopped mid sentence, “Oh my god! Mark! Mark!” Elizabeth called.

“Elizabeth!” Mark ran forward and took her in his arms. “Elizabeth, I just heard what happened and I--”

“Just shut up and kiss me!” Elizabeth said pulling him close, they shared there little brief moment of passion right in front of the news camera.

“Well, um,” The reporter muttered pointing the camera over to Lucy and Carol. “So what was the experience like for you?” The Reporter asked, handing the micro-phone over to Lucy. And as expected, Lucy’s clumsiness kicked in. Lucy tripped over the micro-phone wire, fell onto the camera man, whose camera went flying and the little WPIG mascot, a plastic pink pig was chipped off and sent flying into the air; hitting Carter in the forehead.

“Carter, are you okay!” Lucy called as she stumbled over camera equipment just to reach him.

“Yeah, I guess I was hit with a flying pig,” Carter replied.

“Flying pigs, eh?” Lucy asked, laughing a little.

“What?” Carter asked, joining in with the laughter.

“Oh nothing,” Lucy said softly before looking deep into his eyes.

“Lucy,” Carter said pulling her close.

“Carter,” Lucy replied, they moved closer and closer, their eyes closed shut, their lips were only inches apart when...

“Ouch,” They said in unison as they bumped foreheads.

“Well Back to you, Carol Hathaway. What was the experience like for you?” The reporter asked, a little annoyed that all of her interviewers were running off and making out in the streets.

“It was interesting,” Carol muttered. She felt unloved, seeing she was the only angel that was left un-attached. Elizabeth and Mark were passionately kissing under the street light, Carter and Lucy were attempting to at least make it home, but she stood alone, until...

“Carol, is that you?” Carol turned around, her heart lifted when she saw his face, and now everything was right, the Angels had saved everyone’s jobs, put a villain in jail, took a bite out of crime AND found love. Yep, everything was right

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Sad, I know.
Sorry to all Kerry Weaver fans, I don’t hate Kerry, it’s just she worked best with the story. But being a super-villain isn’t that bad, I think it’s suave.
ANYWAY, send all feed-back to
AND take a look at my clubs that I made: