The Devil in Disguises
Chapter Eleven - Unwillingly Forced
By Ayoe

"ER" and all its characters belong to Warner Bros. No infringement of their copyright is intended. This story was written for the enjoyment of "ER" fans everywhere, and may be downloaded for your own pleasure. However this story may not be used, distributed or archived without the permission of the author.

Rated: NC17 - harsh language and sexual contents.

A HUGE thanks to my excellent editor Cathy Roberts...don't know what I should do without you!!!

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Time was standing still. The clock slowly passed five p.m. No one in the room spoke. John was hardly even breathing. Come on, dammitt! Ring! He was staring at the silent phone, thinking he couldn't take this much longer. Dalton was pacing up and down the floor and it was driving John crazy. He was just about to say something to him when the phone rang. 

A gasp when through the room. Everyone turned their attention to the phone. The sound of the ringing almost sounded threatening.  

"Okay, John. Here we go." Dalton gave sign a to his men who turned on the trace-system. John picked up the phone.  

"Yes. Hello?" his voice trembled.

"Ahhh...haha..I knew you would do as I told you." The cold words cut through John's insides when they filled the silent room. Dalton gave him a comforting nod. "You're alone, right?"

"Yes." John cleared his throat, "I'm alone."

"Good! We don't want the little princess to get hurt because you are stupid, now would we?"

John shivered. He closed his eyes trying to avoid the images filling his mind. Images of the woman he loved in pain. "No..." His voice was thick.

"Good. Can I also assume you've got the money I want?"

John swallowed, glancing sidelong at Dalton, "I have the money." Dalton nodded once again. "Can I please just speak to her? I want to make sure she's okay." John closed his eyes, praying he would let him have his way. There was a short pause.  

"Fair enough. You want to take a look at the goods before buying it, right? But I have the feeling you've taken a very close look at the package," the man laughed. The icy laughter Kerry had so well imprinted in her memories.

John trembled. "Please put her on."

He could hear voices, a small pause and then a voice said his name, a voice that made him stand from the chair.


Her voice trembled as she repeated his name, "John! John, I'm okay. I'm not hurt."

"Kerry...are you sure? I swear if he so much as..."

"NO! I'm okay. Please, just..." She was crying. John felt an anger, he'd never experienced before flaming inside him. " me out, okay. Just do what he tells you to, okay."

"Oh sweety, don't worry. I'll do whatever it takes."

He could hear Steven grabbing the phone and yelling at Kerry to get back on the bed, and then threatening her.

"Don't you HURT her, you BASTARD!!!"

Dalton stood, making signals for John to calm down. John sat, trying to control his rage. He couldn't risk upsetting the man. He might turn it on Kerry. Steven laughed.

"Relax. I won't leave permanent marks on her, don't worry."

"Leave her ALONE!!!!" John could feel Peter's glare. The man was obviously pretty surprised to the unusual behavior John was showing right now. Peter had never seen him this upset before. Then again, no one had. Not even John himself.  

"Calm down," the other man laughed. "Let's get on with our business."

John ran a hand through his hair. "Okay...what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to bring me the money," the hoarse voice groaned.
(groaned makes me think that Steven is in pain.  Growled sounds more demanding if you don't want to use 'ordered'))

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Steven had explained where they should meet. In an alley downtown. John hated that idea. Yes, the police would be ready to arrest Steven as soon as he got out of the alley, but until then him and Kerry were on their own. Anything could happen. And maybe be wouldn't be able to protect Kerry. Dalton and Benton kept trying to calm John down, but they didn't succeed. Steven wanted it to be tonight. John just wanted it to be over. He wanted to much to have Kerry back in his arms. To hold her close and tell her she was safe and it was all over.

He was sitting beside Lucy on the couch. She was gently stroking his back. Every once in a while he could feel the tears in his eyes. Dalton was arranging things for tonight with his men. John didn't hear anything of the conversation. His mind was only on Kerry. He was startled when Reggie sat in front of him, saying his name in wonder.  

"John? You still with us?"

John slowly nodded.

"We have to go over the plans for tonight," Reggie said.

John could feel the tears emerging once more. "I can't....I can't take this anymore," he sobbed. "I can't do this anymore."

Lucy took his hand. "John . You have to," she whispered. She turned his head to face her. "You have to hold on."

John shook his head. It was like every ounce of strength had left his body. He was sure he couldn't even stand if he tried. "I don't have the strength," he whispered.

She gave him a faith smile, "You have more strength than you think, John. You can do this. You can do this...because you're doing it for Kerry."

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It was cold outside, but nothing compared to the cold inside of him. John pulled the collar on his jacket up to shelter him from the icy night-air, but it didn't help much. He shook Dalton's hand before climbing into his Jeep. Now he was on his own. The only connection to the police was the microphone on his thigh. But that made him even more nervous.

He turned the key and returned Benton and Lucy's waves. They were standing on the sidewalk sending him smiles. One more nervous that the other. Then he was on his way.

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It was like the town had gone silent. Everything felt wrong, like a scene in a bad movie. It felt surreal. The cars sounded wrong. The people moved too slow, even the colors weren't like right. And on the top of it all there was this constant thud. It took some time before John realized it was his own heartbeat.

He spotted the alley further down the street and found a place to park the car. He turned off the engine and took a deep breath, squeezing the steering wheel. This was it....the point of no return.

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