A Very Odd Couple
Part Three
By Céindreadh

DISCLAMER: "ER," the characters and situations depicted within are the property of Warner Brothers Television, Amblin Entertainment, Constant c Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement. The story presented here is written solely for entertainment purposes, and the author is making no profit.

Many thanks to the members of ERFFCC for their suggestions and comments.

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Previously on my ER

Following some manipulation by Randi.
Dave moved in with Luka.
While on his way home Dave was mugged at an ATM.

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Dave lay curled up on the ground. The two muggers had not been content to just rob him. They had given him a thorough beating before taking his wallet and ring, and riding off on his bike. He tried to push himself up onto his hands and knees, but his left arm crumpled under him with a stab of pain. His ribs were on fire with pain, and he was finding it hard to breathe.  Slowly and painfully he half crawled, half dragged himself towards the street. Finally, after he had lost all track of time he heard footsteps approaching.

Dave looked up and saw a cop standing over him. "Help me," he whispered.

The cop knelt down beside Dave, and quickly called for an ambulance. "Hang in there kid," he said. "The medics are on their way. You just stay with me."

Dave tried to keep awake, to answer the questions the cop was asking him, but the struggle was too much. With a moan he passed out.

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Luka and Kerry were enjoying a quick break in the lounge, and hoping that the quiet spell would last. "I forgot to tell you earlier," said Kerry. "Dr. Carter will be rejoining us next week."

"I trust that his medical sabbatical was a success?" said Luka as he handed Kerry a cup of coffee.

"Thanks. It seems so. Of course he'll be on probation for a couple of months. But at least he'll be back at County where he belongs."

Luka sat on the couch beside her, and said, "His absence has been noticed. I'm just surprised that the real reason for it hasn't been exposed."

"I've overheard speculation, but nobody seems to know the full story."

"Hmm. I haven't heard any rumors, not even from Dave."

"How are the two of you getting along as housemates?"

"Life is not dull with him around." Kerry smiled.

She seemed about to say something when Chuny opened the door and said, "We need one of you guys for a trauma."

"I'll take it," said Luka. "You can have the next one."

"Thanks," called Kerry as he hurried out the door.

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The paramedics rolled up to the ER.

"What have you got?" asked Luka.

"Thirty-year old mugging victim. Head injuries, fractured ribs and decreased breath sounds on the left. Also possible broken arm. He's been unconscious throughout. We intubated him at the scene and he's been stable since."

Luka glanced down at the patient. "Oh God, no," he said when he realized it was Dave. "Page a surgeon now," he yelled.

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Dave abruptly regained consciousness. The last thing he remembered clearly was deciding to go to the ATM. Now he stared at the ceiling of Trauma one in confusion. Around him he could hear voices talking about chest tubes, hemothorax's, internal bleeding. He tried to speak, to find out what was happening, but there was something blocking his throat. Instinctively he reached to pull it free, ignoring the brief stab of pain in his right hand, but someone grabbed his hand and said, "Dr. Kovac, he's conscious."

Luka was examining Dave's x-rays when he heard Chuny call his name. Fortunately there didn't seem to be any skull fractures or spinal damage. He hurried to Dave's side and grabbed his hand, noticing as he did so that Dave had pulled out his I.V. "Get another line in," he told Chuny before turning to Dave.

Dave was starting to panic now. Every part of his body seemed to be in pain. He tried to scream, but again the tube prevented him. All he could do was moan quietly. Suddenly Luka appeared in his line of vision. "Dave," said Luka taking his hand, gently.   "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do," Dave wanted to yell, but he had to settle for nodding slowly. Even that slight movement sent more waves of pain through his body.

Luka could see the fear in his eyes and he tried to reassure him. "You were attacked, but you're safe now. The paramedics had to intubate you to assist your breathing. Try not to fight it." Dave let go of Luka's hand and gestured wildly at the tube. Luka guessed that Dave wanted it removed. "We have to leave it in for a little while longer," he said. Then choosing his words carefully he continued, "We may need to bring you up to the OR."

"What's the situation?" Corday's voice cut through the trauma room.

Luka left Dave, and met Elizabeth at the doors. Quietly so that Dave wouldn't be able to overhear him, he detailed Dave's injuries to her.

"Why are you whispering?" she asked.

"It's Dave Malucci."

Elizabeth looked sharply at the figure lying on the gurney. "Bike accident I suppose," she said with a sigh. "I knew this would happen sooner or later."

"No. He was mugged. Does it make any difference?"

"Of course not. I just assumed. Oh never mind." She moved to Dave's side and made her own assessment of Dave's injuries.

Dave could tell by the way she frowned that she didn't like what she saw. He tried not to panic. Dr. Corday was one of the best surgeons in the hospital and if she was going to operate on him, he would be in good hands. "Yeah and so was Lucy, but she still died," he thought to himself. Why wasn 't she saying anything? He wanted to know what was happening. He wanted the tube out of his throat, but he knew that Luka was right about leaving it in, if he was going to be operated on. Oh God, surgery.  In spite of all his spills on his bike, he had never before needed an operation. He tried to stay calm as Luka had instructed him, but it was getting more and more difficult.

Elizabeth could see the fear and pain in Dave's eyes as she finished her assessment. Dr. Kovac was right. Malucci needed surgery and quickly. "Ok," she said. "Let's get him upstairs."

Dave clutched frantically at Luka's sleeve as he was pushed out of Trauma One and towards the elevator. "It's alright," said Luka reassuringly. "I'll come with you as far as the OR, okay?"

Dave would have breathed a sigh of relief, but was unable to do so with the tube in his throat. He settled for squeezing Luka's hand. "It's not necessary," said Elizabeth. "I can take it from here."

"It is necessary if my patient wants it."

Elizabeth shrugged and said, "Very well" and pressed the button for the OR floor.

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At the doors to the OR.

"Right, this is as far as you go," said Elizabeth to Luka.

"Give me a moment," said Luka. He leaned in close to Dave. "It will be all right. You are in good hands, and I will see you when you wake up." He squeezed Dave's hand reassuringly and said, "Be brave." The nurses pushed Dave into the OR.

"You will inform me when he is out of surgery?" said Luka to Elizabeth. The tone was more of an order than a question.

"I'll keep you posted," replied Elizabeth before following the gurney through the doors.

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Elizabeth hadn't intended to speak to Malucci while the anesthetist was prepping him, but seeing him look so scared and vulnerable while lying on the table, she relented.

"Malucci, I know you're scared and I won't lie to you. This is serious, but I am going to get you through it. Do you understand?" Dave's hand was shaking but he managed to give her a thumbs-up sign. Elizabeth gave some last-minute instructions to the nurses and then turned back to Dave. "Dr. Babcock is going to put you under now. Just relax and I'll see you in recovery."

The last thing Dave saw as the anaesthetic took effect was her face smiling down at him.

To be continued.

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"I have never understood why it is necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care, or why it should be necessary to prove it at all"
Kerr Avon
