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Carter & Anna
Together Again - Part Fifteen
By Amanda

This is a Carter/Anna Fanfic It is rated PG-13 Disclaimer: These characters are not mine blah...blah..blah.
you've heard it before!

What is this? Number 15? For a fic that has got extra parts, it isn't too bad.

Thank you to my editing gallery. Lisa, Megan and Katie.

This also has a sountrack. TOGETHER AGAIN by JANET JACKSON. I just love this song!

Ok, comments welcome at Please be tactful.

One more note: This takes place two months later. She is now nine months pregnant.

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Anna was sitting in the lounge on her break. Whoo! These days were getting harder and
harder to handle. Anyhow, starting tomorrow she was on maternity leave. Carol walked
into the lounge. " So, you ready for this kid to come out?"

" Yes, I look like the Goodyear blimp." This made Carol laugh. " Uh, oh."

" What?"

" My water broke." Carol ran out to get Mark. He came rushing in to help her get out on
a gurney. As she did she had a contraction. She held onto Carol for dear life as they headed
for Trauma 1. Carol coached her breathing. Janet Coburn was paged 911 to the ER. Anna's
contractions were now 45 seconds apart. They quickly got Anna changed into a gown.
As soon as Dr. Coburn got there, she started to

" No time to move her up to OB. This kid wants out now. Ok, Anna. Push!" So Anna
did until the baby came out.

" Cogratulations, you have a healthy baby boy."

She pushed again to get the placenta out. Coburn took a look
at the baby to make sure he was ok, Mark went to help her and Carol congratulated her and
took a peek. All of a sudden Anna felt tired. She closed her eyes. Alarms went off.

" Mark! She's bradying down!" Carol checked under Anna's gown. Sure enough, there was blood.
" She's hemorrhaging!"

Mark and Janet worket hard to stabalize her and succeded. But she was in danger
of going into a coma.

Anna saw herself above her bed. She saw her child. She looked into the corner and saw John
watching her from afar. She called out to him. He came closer and held her hand. " Anna, it
is not your time to die! You need to be there for our son. Go back, please. You are so sweet
and loving and he needs you."

" I know. And I need you."

" I am here and I always will be. Always. And when it is your time, we will be together again.
I love you, Anna. And I know you love me."

" I do John, and I love our child. But I love you so much that it hurts that we are not

" It hurts me too Anna, but someday we will be. Now go. I will continue for now and forever
to watch over you."

Anna kissed him and headed for her body.

Mark was watching her vital signs personally, when he noticed her eyelids flutter. 'Come on,'
he silently urged. She opened her eyes and smiled. She asked for her baby, and he told her
that she would see him soon. Anna agreed and slipped back to sleep.

A week later Anna was still in the hospital. She turned on the radio to listen to a song.

There are times,
When I look above and beyond.
There are times,
When I feel your love around me baby.
I'll never forget my baby.

Anna smiled, thinking of Carter. Everything would be alright and one day, they would be
together again.


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by Janet Jackson

There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel your love around me baby
I'll never forget my baby
I'll never forget you
There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel your love around me baby
I'll never forget my baby

When I feel that I don't belong
Draw my stregnth
From the words when you said
Hey it's about you baby
Look deeper inside you baby
Dream about us together again
What I want us together again
I know we'll be together again cos

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smiling back at me
Dancing in moonlight
I know you are free
Cos I can see your star
Shining down on me

Good times we'll share again
Makes me want to dance
Say it loud and proud
All my love's for you
Always been a true angel to me
Now above
I can't wait for you to wrap your wings around me baby
Wrap them around me baby
Sometimes here you whispering
No more pain
No more worries will you ever see, now baby
I'm so happy for my baby
Dream about us together again
What I want us together again baby
I know we'll be together again cos

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smiling back at me
Dancing in moonlight
I know you are free
Cos I can see your star
Shining down on me

Good times we'll share again
Makes me want to dance
Say it loud and proud
All my loves for you

There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel you smile upon me baby
I'll never forget my baby
What I'd give just to hold you close
As on earth
In heaven we will be together baby
Together again my baby

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smiling back at me
Dancing in moonlight
I know you are free
Cos I see your star
Shining down on me

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smiling back at me
Dancing in moonlight
I know you are free
Cos I see your star
Shining down on me


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Thank you especially to Cathy. For the encouragement.
Well thanks for reading! I hope you like it! I love feedback