There To Catch Him If He Falls
By Carrie Verkman
Chapter One
This sequel is being written for my own pleasure and your entertainment, not by the
popular demand of writers everywhere. I was told that it's pointless to write a sequel if
everyone else wants it but you. But I wanted to write a sequel, so here you go! And yes, I
do know that Anna hasn't been on the show for years and Carter has recovered from his drug
addiction since then, but I just wanted to finish this story.
Let me bring you up to speed as to what's happened so far. You really should have read the
first story, but if you didn't...
Anna and John finally became a couple after a few minor obstacles. John got Anna pregnant
and then Anna found out she was having twins. John decided that he should marry Anna and
she went into labor at their wedding. Anna and John were married in the ER right before
Anna delivered. They had boy and girl twins, Julia and John Junior (technically John
Truman Carter the Fourth, but we'll call him J.J. for short).
Now the twins are two years old. Anna and John are still happily married.
February 13th
John Carter yawned as he opened his sleepy eyes. Silence had awoken him. Ever since him
and Anna had twins, the old brick house (a wedding gift from Kerry Weaver) they lived in
was never calm and quiet. He was used to the sound of crying, laughter or arguing early in
the morning. There was never a dull moment in the Carter household. John, being awoke
naturally, was something he hadn't done in a long time. It was not unusual to have two
kids as their alarm clock. And once the alarm clock went off, there was no ignoring it. No
snooze button.
Now the house was completely silent. John prayed that it would last for a long time. He
had forgotten what peace and quiet was like. John smiled and lied back on his pillow.
Might as well enjoy it, he thought. John looked over to his sleeping wife Anna. He gently
brushed a lock of golden hair from her face. She was beautiful and John couldn't think of
a day where he didn't love her. He carefully planted a small, soft kiss on her lips,
trying his best not to wake her. Anna needed all the sleep she could get, since she was
the one who mostly ran the household and kept a busy job at County. No matter what Anna
did, John loved her the same.
It was still peace and quiet in the house. Anna snuggled closer to John and whispered,
"It's quiet."
"Too quiet." John said.
"The kids must be into something." Anna said, with her eyes still closed.
"I hope not." John said. "This may be our only chance for some time
Anna opened her eyes and kissed John. "Is this what you had in mind?" John just
nodded since his lips were locked on Anna's. He wrapped his arms around her.
That's when the Teddy Bear hit John in the head.
John looked away from Anna to see little John standing at the foot of their bed, smiling.
J.J., short for John Junior, was a rambunctious child, full of energy. Anna, who was the
first to call him J.J., still knew he was a mamma's boy at heart. Whether he was a mamma's
boy or not, he always got into trouble.
"What are you doing in here?" John asked his son. He was upset over the
interruption for potential lovemaking.
J.J. didn't say a word and climbed into bed with Anna and John. Anna brushed the hair out
of J.J.'s face. "You know you're not supposed to throw toys."
"Sorry." J.J. said, putting his thumb in his mouth. He squirmed his way in
between John and Anna and made himself comfortable. John and Anna both knew that Julia
wouldn't be far behind him.
Soft footsteps became louder as Julia approached the bedroom. She was dressed in pajamas
with the feet attached at the bottom, and was dragging a blanket behind her. Like J.J.,
she had her thumb in her mouth too. Julia was the exact opposite of J.J. She was quiet and
well behaved most of the time, and J.J. wasn't. John always joked that Julia was quiet
because she held a secret grudge against J.J. since he was born first. J.J. was 45 seconds
older than Julia. You could definitely tell that they were twins. They both had the same
dark hair as their father. Julia had her father's dark brown eyes and J.J. had his
Now Julia had crawled into bed with her brother and her parents. John liked the sight of
his family together.
"Hey, this is nice." John said. "Everyone I love in the same room at the
same time. Anna, you pop out one more kid, and we could have a family basketball
"In your dreams John. I'd like to toilet train these kids before I start thinking
about having another one."
John looked at the clock on his nightstand. "We're going to be late if we don't get
dressed right now. Come on kids, let's get ready." He pulled on a robe and left so
Anna could get ready.
After quite some time, the kids were dressed and ready to go. Anna and John loaded the
kids up in their nuclear family mini-van and drove to County. The family entered though
the ambulance bay doors and were greeted by the nurses who began to drool over the twins.
"Ooooh, look how big they are getting!" cooed Haleh.
"They are so adorable." Chuni said, tickling J.J. who was tugging on Anna's
Anna thanked them for the compliments. John was holding Julia in his arms.
"Anna, John, how nice of you to bring the kids by. Hi there!" Kerry said to
"Anna wanted to show them off before we dropped them off at daycare." John said.
J.J. tugged at Anna's hand. "C'mon Mommy. C'mon!"
"I guess we're going right now." Anna said.
"You two get settled in, Chuni and I can take them up to daycare." Haleh said.
"Are you sure?" Anna asked, talking off her scarf.
"It's no problem." Chuni said, taking Julia from John.
Anna kissed her kids good-bye. John and Anna walked into the lounge. Abby greeted them
cheerfully. "Good morning Dr. Carter and Dr. Carter."
"Good morning Abby. What's that you got there?" John said.
"It's a list of the people coming to the Valentine's Day party tomorrow." Abby
"Valentine's Day?" asked John.
"Don't tell me you forgot." Anna said.
"I did. I totally forgot." John said.
"I guess that means you haven't gotten anything for me yet."
John felt terrible for forgetting. "I promise you that I will get you
something." He watched Anna leave the lounge and then John picked up a phone book to
order flowers to be delivered.
"I am so exhausted!" Anna said, as she threw her tired body onto the bed. Her
and John had just given Julia and J.J. a bath that resulted in more water outside the tub
than on the inside. John gave her shoulders a massage.
"Me too. Except I am the one who always seems to be giving the massages." John
said. "Are you going to go to that Valentine's Day party tomorrow?"
"Probably not. I don't want to have to be away from the kids all day and all night.
You can go if you want. I can take the kids home with me."
"Gee thanks mom, you're the best!" John said. Anna threw a pillow at him. He
threw it back and Anna giggled like a little girl. The two of them wrestled like children
until they fell asleep in each other's arms.
End of Chapter One