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The Beauty And His Beast
Part One
By Cathy Roberts

Rating: NC-17
Series: 1/3
Pairing: Luka Kovac/?
Date: October 20, 2000
Archive: Please ask first

Disclaimer: "ER" and all its characters belong to Warner Bros. No infringement of their copyright is intended. This story was written for the enjoyment of "ER" fans everywhere, and may be downloaded for your own pleasure. Summary: This was inspired by the many versions of the famous fairy tale "Beauty And The Beast". I located a web site that holds a lot of fairy tales, including several versions of this classic. The URL is: Needless to say, this isn't the Disney version!

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Once upon a time in a town by the sea, lived a man with three sons. Luck had made Donald a fortune as a merchant, and luck had given him a beautiful wife and three strong sons. Donald and Angela had fallen madly in love at first sight and she had been the joy of his life, as he was hers. Their oldest son, Robert, was a fireball with red hair and a quick temper. Mark, the middle son, was fair of skin and blonde. The youngest son was named Luka and he was tall like Mark, intense like Robert, and he had his mother's beauty, with thick dark hair and hazel eyes that would turn a dark emerald green when he was overcome with emotion. Like his mother, he was kind and generous, and he clearly adored his older brothers. Unfortunately, his brothers did not adore him. They looked upon Luka with cold eyes, not sure what to make of a child who looked upon the world withintense eyes. But, the indifference of his brothers was unnoticed by Luka as long as his mother was alive. She gave her love freely to all her children, not choosing favorites.

One day, when Luka was still in diapers, Angela went to the fields outside of the city to pick flowers. A bee stung her and within minutes she lay dead upon the yellow blossoms. Donald gave her a grand funeral, and the entire town mourned the loss of such a fine woman. Donald hired a woman to take care of his sons and he turned his attentions to his business, not caring for life now that his beauty was dead and buried.

Without his father to guide him further, Robert grew into an ambitious young man, determined to win his own fortune at any cost and by using any means. He was not quite a cruel man, but his heart was cold and his eyes devious.

Mark grew into a man who easily took the side of the strongest in an argument, and he hated having to make decisions. He would say nay or yea, depending on which way the wind blew. He wanted to be successful, but he didn't want to have to work hard to be rich. He was content enough to enjoy the bounty of his father's hard work.

Luka grew into a quiet young man, starved for love and affection, for after his mother died, the nanny would not him to play with his brothers or allow him to see his father, telling the child that Donald was a busy man and should never be bothered. No one paid much attention to Luka as he grew up and he found company and solace in the fine library in his father's house. Books became everything to him, a means to visit new and different worlds where love was felt and celebrated. During this time he also grew into a fine young man whose beauty was noted by all around. Hisbrothers were jealous of the looks that Luka received from the town maidens and from some of the men in town as well. They took to teasing him, calling him "Beauty" and telling him that no one would ever love him for himself. They would only want him for his money or his beauty and for no other reason. And Luka grew up believing what he was told.

One day Donald exited his study and informed his sons that he was now a poor man. Several ships had sunk in the treacherous seas and all had been lost. Robert smirked at his father's ill fortune as he had some money of his own tucked away. Mark had been aghast at the news, as he was totally dependent on his father for his upkeep. Only Luka seemed unmoved by the news, except for expressing his wish that they could do something to help the families of the dead sailors. Donald took a good hard look at his youngest son and saw the shadow of the woman he still loved and his heart melted a bit. He had neglected his children, Luka most of all, so he released the nanny from duty, sold his house and removed the family to a small farm he owned out in the countryside. Once settled there, Donald began to rebuild his business while leaving the upkeep of the small farm to his sons. Robert cared nothing for farming and he closeted himself in his room, going over his own financial books and planning what he would do with his riches.

Mark had blisters on his hands the first day he chopped wood and he cried from the pain, declaring that he wasn't cut out for work such as that. Luka dutifully cleansed and bandaged Mark's hands and agreed with him that he should take it easy. Neither Mark nor Robert would attempt to cook or keep the cottage clean, so Luka did all the chores on the farm.

Not that Luka minded. He was quite happy to help out and basked in the praise his father gave him when a meal was prepared properly and all was running smoothly on the small farm.

One day a messenger arrived at the farm and he and Donald were locked away in Donald's study for hours. When the messenger left, Donald cheerfully told his sons that the cargo from one of the ships had been found. He would need to go to inspect the goods, but initial reports indicated that the contents were unharmed. They were no longer poor. Robert and Mark were delighted with the news and each one his made plans for the money. Robert wanted to invest his share and watch hiswealth grow. Mark wanted new clothing. When asked, Luka only said that he had everything he wanted right there and didn't need more.

On the day that Donald was to leave for the coast, he gathered his sons around him. He told Robert that he was in charge and needed to watch carefully over his brothers. He then asked each of them what present they wanted him to bring back. Robert, feeling frivolous since the present wasn't being paid for with his money, asked for silk shirts, knowing that silk would last and that he would be spared the expense of buying shirts for himself. Mark asked for a new suit of clothes, complete with boots, hat and kerchief. Luka merely shrugged and told his father that he could think of nothing he wanted. Donald pressed Luka for an answer, telling him that there had to be something that he wanted something that couldn't be bought or found in town. Luka, wanting to please his father, blurted out that he would like a rose that could be rooted in their garden, as there were no rose bushes to be found where they lived. Donald thought that a rather odd request, but then, Luka was a rather odd young man, so he nodded and then rode away. He looked back once and saw that Robert and Mark were talking with Luka, probably giving him a talk about how he shouldn't worry about their father leaving. In truth, they were teasing him about asking for a flower.

Donald's journey home was a hard one made with a heavy heart. He had arrived in the town to find that he owed taxes on what was found. When all was paid in full, he was left with barely enough money to pay for his lodgings there. There was no way he could bring back what his sons had wanted. Along the way, it began to snow, so Donald took another route, one that took him along less used roads, roads which were close to being reclaimed by the surrounding forest. Soon he found himself in an even darker part of the woods, with the snow seeming to follow him. Shivering, Donald rode on until he found himself in the courtyard of a castle. Through the snow he could make out a building that had, at one time, been well kept. Now it looked run down and deserted. Donald put his horse in what remained of the stables, then ventured inside. A lone fire burned in the main hall, but a small table sat in front of the fire, all set for dinner, with freshly prepared food heaped upon it. Donald called out, but no one answered him. His stomach began to growl, reminding him that he had not eaten since the day before. Giving in to his body's demands, Donald ate the dinner and drank the wine, remembering to loudly thank his unseen host when he was finished. Realizing he was tired, Donald yawned, but his eyes flew wide open as candles sprung to life, illuminating a grand and sweeping stairway. Donald walked upstairs, with the lighting leading him to a fine room where another fire burned in the hearth. He found nightclothes laid out on the bed and Donald changed, then crawled under the warmed covers to sleep. When the morning came, he arose and went to the window to see what was there. Below him he saw a fine summer garden, no snow lay
upon the ground and all kinds of flowers were in bloom, most especially roses. Turning away from the window, Donald saw that clean clothes in his size were laid upon the bed. Loudly thanking his host, or hosts, Donald changed and went downstairs, finding a fine breakfast on the table. He ate, then went outside.

While he had intended to saddle his horse and ride home, Donald's feet took him into the garden that he had seen from his room. From the ground, the garden was even more magnificent. Fountains bubbled; the immaculate beds were full of every kind of flower imaginable and some that weren't, and marble and granite statues were strategically placed throughout the garden, giving it a grand, yet peaceful feeling. A thought occurred to Donald then. He couldn't buy what Robert and Mark had wanted, but he could bring back a rose for Luka. Reaching out, he gently chose a strong cane and cut it at the base, knowing that Luka could make this root take and grow into a fine rose bush.

A roaring filled his ears and Donald turned to see a ferocious beast storming down the path at him. Trembling, Donald found his mouth go dry as the beast stopped in front of him.

"I gave you food and a bed to sleep in and you repay my kindness by stealing my roses?" The beast roared at him.

"I...I am sorry, my lord. It is a gift for my son."

"Don't call me 'lord', merchant. For stealing from me, you shall meet your death."

"Oh, please, beast, don't kill me. My sons are awaiting my return and will not know what has happened to me. Please let me go home to say farewell to them."

The beast pondered Donald's request, then asked, "You have sons? How many?"

"I have three sons, beast. It was my youngest one, Luka, who requested a rose that he could root."

"And is this son a virgin in every way?"

"Yes, beast, he is untouched. The maids and men of the town call him "beauty" but he cares not for their endearments. Please give me a chance to say good-bye. I give you my word that I will return to accept your punishment."

"Hmm," the beast said. "You can keep your life provided that you allow your youngest son to take your place here."

Donald felt himself shaking once more. "I cannot do that, beast. I will not ask my son to die in my place."

"Did I say he was to die, merchant? I am lonely and seek companionship. It will be pleasant to have a beauty to look upon. Bring him to take your place and there is no debt to repay. Take the rose and go, but I will have Luka here before seven days have passed or your life is forfeit."

Donald bowed his head. "I understand, beast."

Then the beast ran off and Donald went to the stables. His horse was already saddled and ready to go. With a heavy heart and the rose cane clenched tightly in his hand, Donald continued on his way home. He would rather die than have Luka imprisoned with that beast and he spent his time riding going over all the arrangements that he would need to attend to before dying.

When Donald alit from his horse at the door of the cottage, he found himself surrounded by his sons. Robert and Mark asked for their gifts while Luka asked him if he had a safe journey. Donald broke into tears then, seeing that his son was so kindhearted. He handed the rose cane to Luka, telling him to tend to it carefully. Luka thanked his father, then went to prepare it for planting. When Luka returned to the cottage, he found his father seated in his favorite chair telling Robert and Mark about his troubles with the cargo.

"There was no money left over?" Robert asked.

"I fear not, Robert. If I had known about the taxes beforehand then I would have chosen cheaper lodgings, but, alas, I did not. I am afraid that the only gift I could bring back was the rose and that gift has cost me my life."

"No, Father," Luka exclaimed from the doorway. "No gift can ask that price."

"Your gift has, my son." Donald smiled warmly at Luka. "Fret not over it, for it is not your fault. I chose to cut the cane. But the owner of the rose bush had not given me permission and he wants me to die for stealing from him."

"Father, please, let me go and take your place." Luka got on his knees in front of his father, his eyes pleading. "It was for me that you cut the rose so it is only right that I be the one to be punished."

"Our beauty is finally right about something," Mark said. "Let him take the blame, Father."

Robert nodded as he thought of how much more money there would be if there were one less mouth to feed in the household. He didn't bother thinking about who would do all the cooking, cleaning and farming once Luka was gone.

"I cannot," Donald said. He reached out and tenderly caressed Luka's cheek. "You look so much like your mother, Luka. Your brother's are right about one thing, you are a beauty. A rare flower to be cherished and not wasted upon the company of a beast."

Luka looked confused. "I thought that he wanted you to die?"

"He does. But, he said that I could keep my life if I brought you there to be his companion."

"Then there is nothing else to do, Father, but to let me go. What are the measure of my days if your life can be spared?"

"Luka is quite right, Father. If he won't be put to death by this beast, then there is no reason for him to not go there to live." Mark said, hiding a grin. With Luka gone, then there would be more money available to be spent on him.

"Please, Father," Luka plead once more. And this time his pleas moved Donald to agree.

"We will leave tomorrow for the castle of the beast. Pack your things tonight, Luka. I made a promise to return by a certain day and I will not break my word."

"Yes, Father."

Luka got to his feet and his father hugged him tightly, reluctant to let him leave but knowing it was for the best. After supper, Luka went to his attic room to pack his few belongings. Going over his things, he chose but a few changes of clothing, a small painted portrait of his mother and father and as many of his books as he could fit into the bag. Then he crawled into bed to attempt to sleep. While he was sad over the fact that he was leaving his family, he was also excited about seeing new places and living in a castle. Perhaps the beast liked to read? Luka thought. If so, then they could have interesting conversations about a variety of topics. Luka had realized a long time ago that he couldn't talk about his books with Robert or Mark. If it didn't involve money then Robert didn't want to hear about it and if it didn't involve him, then Mark didn't want to hear about it.

The ride to the castle was a short one for Donald and a long one for Luka. Luka was still curious about what would happen once he reached the castle while Donald was already mourning the loss of his son. They rode into the silent courtyard of the castle and dismounted. Leaving their horses out front, they entered the castle and Luka carried his few belongings inside with him.

"It's so quiet here," Luka said to his father.

"The beast appears to live alone. I never saw another soul while I was here, even though someone or something did prepare meals for me."

"Do you not believe in magic?" growled a voice from behind Donald.

Donald and Luka quickly turned to face the beast. As he met the beast's stare, Luka shivered but once. Yes, the beast was ugly and looked ferocious, but despite his dark brown fur and animal characteristics, he looked much like a man.

"I am Luka," he introduced himself.

"You will do." The beast turned to Donald. "You will find a trunk on the other horse. It is filled with gold and other earthly delights. Use it wisely."

Donald bowed his thanks even as he felt that he was being paid for the life of his son. He then turned to Luka. "Be strong and brave, Luka. And above all else, remember that I love you."

"I love you, too, Father. And Robert and Mark as well. I will miss all of you."

They hugged each other tightly and then a warning growl from the beast let Donald know that he should go. He hurried outside and found the trunk as the beast had said. Getting onto his own horse, he sadly led Luka's horse home.

"Where should I put my things?" Luka asked, holding up his bag.

"You have your pick of rooms, Master Luka, for you are now the Master here. All that you wish shall be yours. All you have to do is give a voice to your wants and desires and the castle and I will do all we can to fulfill them. I am merely your servant."

"I think this is the first time that a servant has ever been the jailer." Luka joked. The beast merely stared back at him. "Do you have a name?"

"You can call me 'Beast'. It's as good a name as any."

Luka nodded. "Very well, Beast. Then my first wish is that you shall call me Luka. I am no one's Master, not man nor beast."

The beast bowed. "As you wish. I will leave you alone now. Feel free to look around while choosing your room. When you are ready to eat, just say so and it will be prepared and waiting for you when you come down to the dining room."

Luka nodded. "I will remember that. Will you not show me around?"

The beast growled as he shook his head. "Not now, Luka. It is time for me to...feed." With a roar the beast dropped to all fours and ran out of the room.

"Maybe he is a bit more dangerous than I thought," Luka said. He headed for the stairs, admiring the portraits of dead kings that graced the wall beside the stairway and Luka wondered what had happened to them all. Perhaps there would be books that could answer that question for him. As Luka opened the doors of rooms long unused, he found none to his liking. He only had two rooms left to look at when he found a room that he could easily live with. When he entered the suite of rooms, he walked into a small library, then into the bedroom proper. A dressing room was behind the door to the left and a bathing room through the door to the right. Luka nodded and placed his bag on the bed. He would unpack later. Right now there was more of the castle to explore.

Luka stepped out into the hallway and pulled his door closed. A flash of light above his head startled him and he looked up to see the words "Luka's apartments" now etched into the wood above his door. "Magic indeed," he murmured. Then he continued his explorations.

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End of Part 1