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Instant Attraction, Part 15
Getting the Shift
By Miesque

SPOILERS: “Match Made In Heaven”

STORY SYNOPSIS: Luka struggles with his feelings for Carol, makes peace with his brother, and contemplates the joy of
killing a Napoleon complex-suffering Chief of Staff.

DISCLAIMER: The characters of Luka Kovac and Kerry Weaver are the sole property of NBC, Warner Brothers, Amblin, and Constant C.  

SONG: “Iris” by The Goo-Goo Dolls

CROATIAN WORD: “Kako”, which I think means “What”. That’s what the book said, at least. And since Intertran doesn’t work for me anymore...(grrr)

PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: Instant Attraction; Room For Rent; Fired; Blackout; On The Line; Point of Refuge; Heart to Heart; Double-Take; Broken Valentine; In Memory...; Paint It Black; Hope Springs Eternal; Bridges; My Brother’s Keeper

PRAISE TO: Canada, for editing, suggestions and constant encouragement. Where would I be without you? :) (Probably still trying to get Part I punched up, I’m God, has it really only been a couple of months since I started this new series? Luka is quite the muse, eh? :) )

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He drove a little too fast, getting out of the area as quickly as possible. At first, he didn’t really think about the fact that he had more or less abandoned Kerry, but he was certain Davor would give her a ride home. He made a mental note to apologize to her for his behavior. It was inexcusable for him to just leave her there like that, no matter how upset he’d become.

Luka had avoided the Croatian community of Chicago with great care. It wasn’t that he never spoke Croatian-he dreamed in his native language, and whenever he talked to himself, he spoke in his own tongue. He even thought in Croatian. But he couldn’t bear to be around ‘his own people’, as Davor called them. Dealing with his ‘cousin’ Herb had been bad enough, just to get a damned car. His other cousins-Goran, Mikal, Aleks, Ruza, Meljko-were all native Croatians. Refugees-like him. They had fled the trauma of the war, and had started new lives in America. None of them had suffered the kinds of losses he had endured. They still had their spouses and children. They had homes, were working hard, getting ahead in their lives...maybe that was why Luka couldn’t cope with seeing them.

For almost an hour, Luka drove around Chicago until he finally ended up at the lake-where he always ended up when troubled. The sounds of the water and the boats still soothed him.

He sat at his favorite spot, looking out across the lake. He hadn’t eaten much of his meal that morning, so his stomach was growling. Looking around, he spotted a hot dog stand and walked over. Some breakfast, he thought as he sat down again, watching the water and eating a meal that he knew would just make him sick later.


He nearly jumped out of his skin and turned around, startled, to see Davor coming toward him.

“I figured you’d end up back here,” Davor said in Croatian. “You had me worried.”

“I’m sure of that,” Luka answered shortly, and turned around. He was in no mood to talk to his brother.

“Luka, I just want to talk to you. You think I came to Chicago to see cousin Herb?”

That caught Luka off guard, and he couldn’t keep from smiling. Davor grinned and sat down beside him. “’re my brother and I’m only looking out for you, you know? I only want you to be happy.”

Luka said nothing, so Davor continued. “We’ve always been different, Luka. We never really saw eye-to-eye, did we? On much of anything, really. But one thing I think you’ve always known is that I’ve always loved you and wanted the best for you. So it was funny...that you were the one who was left in charge all the time.”

“Well, you did like to play with matches,” Luka answered smartly, taking a bite of his hotdog. He threw the rest away, despite how guilty that made him feel-wasting food.

Davor grinned widely. “Listen...Luka. Just listen to me for a minute. I want you to hear me out, okay?”

Luka finally nodded.

“I’m sorry I got on your case again this morning. It was very wrong of me, and I don’t feel good about it at all. do need to try, Luka. You need to move forward. You can’t keep looking back, or it’ll kill you. I guess Kerry was right-that it’ll always define you, what happened at Vukovar. You lost everything, and I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through. I don’t know that I want to imagine it.” He looked down, quickly brushing away tears from his eyes. “But no matter what happens, matter what you do, or what you get yourself into, I’ll always support you. You can’t deny that I was loyal to you. I did what I thought was best at the time... maybe I was wrong, but I was only thinking of you. It was a horrible thing for me, to put you in that...”

“Madhouse,” Luka said wearily. He was still staring out at the water, but he was listening to his brother’s words, and could tell it was difficult for his practical, reality-minded brother to say such things.

“Yes. Madhouse. I’m sorry I did that to you, Luka. And I’m sorry for pressuring you.”

Luka finally looked at his brother. He didn’t know what to say- he had never seen Davor like this before-humble and contrite. He couldn’t even feel angry any more, even though he knew Davor still wanted him to get on with his life.

“What do you mean by what I get myself into?” Luka asked suddenly.

Davor paused a moment, trying to phrase what he wanted to say very carefully. “Well, first of all, there’s this Carol person. There’s something I don’t...I mean, if she makes you happy, and if you think you have a future with her, fine. I’ll be happy for you so long as you’re happy. But there’s something about her that I don’”

Luka glared at Davor for a moment, then swallowed and looked away.

“I’m not saying she’s totally wrong for you," Davor continued. "I don’t know what it is, and I’m certainly not the judge, but I just want you to... to realize that you’re putting yourself out on quite a limb...exposing yourself and making yourself open to a lot of pain if things don’t work out. I don’t want to see you go through that again. I think I know you well enough-my introverted little brother-to know that reaching out to anyone is excruciating for you. It was rough on you even with Tatjana, and I know it’s got to be hard now, after all you’ve been through...”

Davor watched his brother’s expression carefully, and for some reason, at this moment, he knew what Luka was thinking. His brother was remembering his courtship of Tatjana-how scary it had been for Luka, and yet how happy he had been to have won the woman of his dreams-his soulmate.

“I’m glad you’re trying again, Luka. I’m glad you’re reaching out...but...”

“But you think Carol is the wrong woman?” Luka asked, looking directly at his brother for the first time. “You think I’m setting myself up for a fall?”

“I don’t know. Just be careful.” Davor swallowed. He knew Carol was wrong for Luka. He had known that from the moment Luka had brought her up. But he knew he couldn’t tell Luka what to do. That was dangerous territory, and it was best to merely imply things, not state them outright. No one, Davor knew from experience, told Luka Kovac what to do.

“We’ve both lost a lot, haven’t we?” Luka said quietly. “I lost Tatjana and the children... you lost a lot of your friends. We both lost our innocence, that’s for sure.”

Davor couldn’t hide his tears now. His troubles were minute compared to Luka’s. Luka’s entire world had come crashing down around him, at none of his doing. It would have been somewhat reasonable if Luka had been some kind of monster-a cruel, hateful man who deserved a lifetime of misery. But Luka was the kindest, purest soul Davor had ever known. And God help him, he would never let anyone hurt his baby brother. Not even a pretty nurse.

“I’m glad you found somebody, Davor,” Luka interrupted his thoughts. “I hope I’m heading in the same direction.”

“Well, there’s always hope, isn’t there?” Davor smiled sadly, still feeling that Luka was backing the wrong horse. “We’ve
always got to hope.”

Luka stood up and walked to the rail, leaning over the edge to look at the cold water. “This is my favorite spot in the city,” he told his brother, who followed him. “It reminds me a lot of home. You know, the harbor and the boats at night.”

“Yeah.” For a moment, the brothers stood side by side, and anyone watching them would have been amazed at how similar they were. But they were almost like opposing forces-two strong wills with different views, different ways of thinking, different values, almost always in conflict. Yet now, they had finally made peace. Davor finally sighed and pulled his brother into a strong embrace, shedding his own tears for his brother’s sake-for the brother he would always love and admire, no matter what happened. They stood by the water for a long time, saying very little-just watching the seagulls and listening to sounds that reminded them of home and their life before tragedy struck.

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Luka’s day-his fourth shift in three days-started rotten and went downhill from there.

It all started with Romano. Looking back on it, Luka figured most of the bad things that happened in the ER started with that little jerk. His suggestion that Luka take over Kerry’s position as chief was almost beyond Luka’s imagination. He had seen enough of what Kerry had to do-along with other ER chiefs he had dealt with in the past-to know that it wasn’t a job he wanted. No way. But to be threatened with dismissal if he didn’t take yet another shift-a fifth!-was almost the last straw for Luka. It had taken all his restraint to keep from dragging the little demon into the bathroom and sticking his head in the

Then it was Carol. He couldn’t understand the sudden cold shoulder he was receiving from her. And that woman in Doc Magoo’s! Damn her for exposing him like that-saying that he and Carol and the twins made such a ‘beautiful family’! It had scared Luka, and what had really scared him was the look on Carol’s face. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking at all. Then, later, he had been hoping that she would be receptive to him, but her icy reaction to his well-meaning joke about the Hathaway twins-she’d said “Ross...their name is Ross,” without even bothering to look at him...the words still cut him like a knife. He had backed away quickly, respecting Carol’s need for space, beating a hasty and, now that he thought about it, ungraceful, retreat.  But she had never mentioned the twins’
father to him before, and now...

Of course, there was Mr. Simpson. Luka could certainly relate to the man’s sorrow. First, he’s going through a horrible
divorce from someone he loves, and is being separated from his own son, then he’s got leukemia and only a few years of life
remaining. A decent, good-hearted man destroyed by circumstances beyond his control.

Last but not least...the pictures. It had brought out a new kind of pain for Luka. He couldn’t even describe it, or push it away-it was, as Davor had put it, excruciating. Again, he felt exposed, as he had twice that morning, only this was incomparably worse. His spirit was shattered all day, and then to have to see pictures of Kate and Tess, when he only had one picture of his own family, and then not even one of his Marko. His only means of maintaining his composure was to get out of the lounge as quickly as possible, to get away from the situation and protect himself from the pain.

His confusion was made worse when Carol came out to talk to him, asking to see his precious photo of Tatjana and Jasna. Luka had reached out for that lifeline like a drowning man, desperate for some warmth... some attention, after having been ignored or belittled all day, and the reward-her kindness and compassion - was worth having painful memories being dredged up in the process.

Now, he was working another shift. Midnight to eight in the morning. His back was killing him. His head ached. He was basically sleep-walking. Thus, he kept an alert nurse around at all times, to double-check his orders and make sure he had filled out each chart correctly. Kerry would expect that of him... only now, Romano was in charge.

Lydia was watching Luka walk-or actually stagger-down the hall toward exam three, where he hoped to catch a few minutes’ worth of sleep, and she sighed sadly. “I can’t believe Romano is making him work a fifth shift. It’s a mess down here!” she murmured to Haleh.

Chuny, about to get off for the night, came up behind. “And then we were standing around looking at baby pictures in the lounge while his own kids are dead!”

“Who told you that?” Lydia asked.

“Carol... she would know, wouldn’t she? He talks to her.”

“I wonder where he lives,” Haleh asked. “And if he has any friends outside this hospital.”

“Well, he has Carol,” Lydia said darkly. “But I can’t say I’m too thrilled about what could happen there. If only for Luka’s sake.”

“Me neither,” Haleh agreed. Just then, Romano came bustling down the hall.

“Where’s Kovac?” he bellowed.

“Taking a break,” Haleh answered him icily. “He’s been awake now for the last, what, forty-eight hours?”

“We’ve got a GSW coming in and we need him. Go wake him up, Haleh.” With that, he turned around and bustled down the hall, blue scrubcoat flapping around his knees.

“Little twerp,” Lydia muttered. The nurses all watched sadly as Haleh made her way to exam three and opened the door. “He’s not brave enough to wake Dr. Kovac up himself!”

“Luka’d kill him, I’m sure,” Chuny answered.

Luka was lying, more or less unconscious, on his back on the gurney. Well, at least he doesn’t snore, Haleh thought. “Dr. Kovac?”  she asked, shaking him gently. He sat up, clearly alarmed, and stared at her.

“Kako?” he asked, his voice shaky. Then he realized where he was. “What?”

“We’ve got a GSW coming in. Romano says he needs you.”

Luka said something in Croatian-very likely a nasty word, to Haleh’s thinking-and swung his legs off the gurney. His ran his hands through his hair, shook his head, and stood up in a moment, wavering only a little. “Damn it all to hell,” he said at last. He went to the sink and threw cold water on his face, trying to wake himself up a little. Haleh watched him sadly.

“All right,” he said at last. “Thank you, Haleh.”

“For what...waking you up?” she asked as they walked out into the hall. Lydia and Lilly were talking now at the front desk- Lilly had come in to replace Chuny-and they smiled at Luka.

“No...for helping me out tonight. Good thing I’ve got you keeping an eye on me. I can barely read right now,” he said wearily, rubbing his eyes and suppressing a yawn. “And if I have another run-in with Romano, I may need help wiping my fingerprints off the gun...”

She chuckled and followed him into the trauma room, where Romano was barking out orders. That did little to improve Luka’s mood.

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Luka was so exhausted that he decided he’d better ride the El home. He figured he’d only have a wreck and be forced to treat whoever he injured, and at this moment, he doubted he had the wherewithal to save a chicken, much less a human being. That made him laugh, he was so punchy from lack of sleep. At least I’d have a good dinner then, he thought.

He fell asleep on the way and missed his stop, so he had to get on another train to get back. By the time he got to Kerry’s front door, it was ten-thirty in the morning. He had to lean on her door for a while, sorting sleepily through his keys, before
he found the right one. Just as he was opening it, he was nearly thrown to the ground when she opened the door.

“Luka?” she said, startled at his haggard appearance. “You were leaning on the doorbell!”

“Oh...sorry,” he said. He couldn’t suppress his yawn, though, and was appalled at how bad his manners got when he was tired. “Oh...yeah. I forgot to apologize to you about... about breakfast with Davor... a few days ago. How many days was it? I had no excuse for leaving you like that...”

She had no idea what he was talking about-in fact, his speech was a little garbled. He looked awful - as bad as she felt, in fact.  But she decided it’d be best to accept his apology, whatever it was about. “It’s all right, Luka. Come on... I take it you’ve been pulling double shifts?” Because of me, she thought. Damn that little weasel Romano, putting Luka through this.

He didn’t seem to hear her. He staggered into the living room and collapsed on her couch. “I just don’t have the strength to make it downstairs...afraid I’ll fall and break every bone in my body. Funny what you think about while you’re falling down stairs.” He yawned, and apologized. “My mother fell down the stairs once, a long time ago...when I was a kid. I had been telling her that she should drink more milk to build up strength for her bones, and she told me later that as she fell she was thinking, ‘Luka was right...I should have drank more milk! Now all my bones will be broken!’”

Kerry smiled. He was lying there, a dark Adonis in her living room, already falling asleep but mumbling something under his breath. “Romano...kill the little ba...” Then he was out. Kerry sighed and stood there a moment, then retrieved a warm blanket and covered him with it. Then, briefly, shyly, she touched his face, feeling the rough growth of five-o’clock shadow against her palm. He stirred slightly, and she pulled away, ashamed of herself. Stupid, stupid, she berated herself, getting up. He wants Carol to touch him like that, not me!

Quickly, she crutched into the kitchen and turned on her radio, keeping the music soft so as not to wake him.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now

And all I could taste is this moment
And all I can breath is your life
And sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

Damned stupid fool you are, Kerry Weaver, she told herself. He’s asleep on your couch and you don’t even have the nerve... the courage... to tell him how you feel and just leave it at that. You could at least tell him while he’s asleep. If you don’t say it now, after you’ve been thinking about it for the past several days, you’ll never say it. ‘Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all’. Humph, she thought. What a crock.

“All right...” she said, her voice shaking. She poured herself a glass of Scotch and raised it in the direction of her living room. “I love you, Luka. There, I’ve said it and it’s done. He’ll never have to know, and it’ll spare him having to let me down easy, and we can avoid the... the damnable awkwardness of it all. He’ll be happy with Carol... but she’d better know how lucky she is!”

She drank down the last of her Scotch, rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, turned it on, and went upstairs to bed. He didn’t have to know. He didn’t have to see her tears. He didn’t have to watch a fool break down.

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To be continued...