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Sex Diaries
Part Twentyeight - A Handful of Pebbles
By Miesque

RATING: PG-13 (mild language, sexual situations)
SETTING: Season Seven (aka "Season of the Pod People") into Season Eight. Luka has long since broken up with Droopy
McHangdog (a.k.a., Abby Lockhart) and is Alone Again (naturally...)
CATEGORY: Luka Kovac/cast. Romantic/comedy/drama, vague spoof of 'Bridget Jones's Diary'...may be rather humorous, may be angsty, may end with a nuclear bomb wiping out all of Chicago...who knows?
ARCHIVE: If you must, but please inform author. :)
SPOILERS: For Season Seven and Wishful Thinking for Season Eight
TRANSLATION: 'Io avuto sesso sei pausa la notte scorsa. E due volte stamattina'. According to InterTran (, this means 'I had sex six times last night. And twice this morning'.
PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: Starter Pistols and Sex Diaries; Fishin' for the Runnin'; Heat Stroke; Grocery Store Cowboy;
Cheesecake and Whine; Times Of Your Life; I Want A Cave Man, I Want A Brave Man!; A Bigger Mousetrap; Bless Me,
Father; For I Am About to Sin; Out On A Ledge; Have An Egg Instead; Charity; The Devil Cuts Loose; Toads and
Falsehoods; Ready to Go; Saying Goodbye; Crazy From the Heart; Danger; Forty Black Balloons; Partied Out; This Is Not
A Sweeps Episode; Price Check; Going Once...; Check, Please; Eighteen Patients and a Dozen Roses; Life Is Good
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to Ellen Hursh for editing and several 2AM brain-storming sessions. :)

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Alexandra rolled over, her arm slapping onto Luka's chest,
startling him out of a sound sleep. He gasped and sat
up. "Shto?!" She was still moving though, her legs pedaling
slightly for a moment, kicking him-hard. "Ouch...Alexandra!"

She didn't awaken. Instead, she literally *punched* him in
the stomach. He winced, and was just recovering when she
began to practically climb over him, shoving against him. He
was too late in trying to counter her 'attack', and in trying to
edge away from her, fell out of the bed, landing painfully on
his elbow. "Ouch!"

He got up and looked at her, seeing that she had taken 'his'
side of the bed and was now sleeping peacefully, curled up in
the fetal position, hogging the blanket, as beautiful as an
angel. An angel that shoved her boyfriend out of bed. For a
moment, he stood there, a bit startled, but decided that it
wasn't any kind of deep-seated hostility on her part. Instead,
he figured it was just the adjustment of sleeping with a man
for the first time in what he *assumed* was quite a while.

Rubbing his elbow and muttering under his breath, he climbed
in on the other side and lay on his back, closing his eyes. He
wasn't surprised, however, when she began moving again,
rolling over and smacking him again with her arm-right across
his throat. He yelped from the pain and waited. She finally
moved her arm away, tossed for a few more moments, then
her arm came back for another well-aimed hit. This time,
however, he caught it just before it hit him. After a few
moments, Alexandra rolled back to him, snuggled into his
arms and sighed happily.

"That's better," he said with a smile, kissing her forehead.
Her fingers were slipping down a little lower now, making it
impossible for him to sleep now. "Alexandra?"


"If you're gonna do that, I'd prefer you be awake."

"Oh...yes," she lifted her head and smiled at him. "Perhaps I
should be. Would you like me to continue?"

"Well, if you *have* to..."

She gave him a squeeze, which caused him to growl and
wrap his arms around her waist. A quick reversal of positions
and Alexandra was on her back, giggling as he began nibbling
at her neck. "I think you're gonna have to now, Luka," she
said softly.

"Once I get started, I never can seem to stop," he admitted.

"I'm very relieved to hear that," she said with another
giggle. "I must say, I like this bed. Quite sturdy enough to
handle what've been doing these past couple of weeks."

"Yeah..." he muttered from between her breasts. "At least it
doesn't squeak like yours."

"And I really like this mattress," she said, sighing and writhing
a bit as he went lower. "Nice and firm..."

"Yeah." He had just reached the right spot and was taking his
time, listening to her soft sighs of pleasure. He knew she
liked it when he did this to her, and had, in the past few
nights, become quite adept at making her come at *just* the
right moment. Being a doctor certainly had its benefits.

"Ohh...oh God..." she gasped. "Mmm...Luka..."

"Shh...not yet..."

"Need to...oh...please..."

Oh, what the hell, he thought, grinning. Hate to deny a lady's
request. He moved back up, trailing kisses back up her body
and moving between her legs. Alexandra gasped and
wrapped her arms around his neck, crying out his name,
digging her fingernails into his back. "Oh...oh, yes..."

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Later, tired and satisfied, Luka pulled Alexandra into his arms
and hugged her tightly. She made a whimpering sound and
caressed his chest with her fingertips. "Love you," she said

"I know."

"And I really like you, too," she said, raising her head and
smiling into his eyes. "Don't know anyone I like more."

"It's nice to be liked," he grinned.

"Don't you love *me*?" she asked. He heard a bit of worry in
her voice, and laughed.

"Of course I love you, Alexandra. What's not to love?"

"I'm terribly forgetful, I'm temperamental..."

"You're strange, a tad on the loony side, easily distracted, and
*constantly* horny..."

She sat up, giving him a lovely view of her breasts, and
glared at him. "Why you scoundrel!"

"Aren't you though?"

"Of course I am, but that's hardly something I want to hear!"

He pulled her back down to him, kissing her deeply, to
confuse her. "Told you you were easy to distract," he said,
grinning at her. She pretended to be annoyed with him, but
that didn't last long. She kissed him back, then began kissing
his face, his neck, his chest.

"What was I talking about?" he asked, having lost his train of

"Haven't a clue, darling," she answered, making her way

"Yeah...we can talk later. Right now, I think wild sex is much,
*much* better."

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30 October 2001

9:30AM Luka claims I assaulted him last night. All I
remember is particularly fun sex. But he does have a hickey,
so perhaps it was something along the lines of assault. Luka
says that I flopped around and kept *hitting* him, which is
utterly ridiculous. But it is odd that despite great sex he
doesn't look v. well rested. We made love this AM before he
left for work and he told me everything he likes about me:

I'm always late
I can't remember where things are
I have a weird sense of humour
I am always losing my keys
I'm fantastic in bed (!!!)
I'm v. nice
I treat him v. well
I let him talk
I don't snipe at him or treat him like a feather in my cap
I don't think I know everything (and I certainly *don't* know
I have a terrible temper
I cannot cook

It is v. nice to be in love. So many things I like about *him*.
He is utterly gorgeous, but that is perhaps a bit frivolous. He
never yells even when he's v. angry at me (like when I ruined
one of his favorite shirts last week), and is so sweet and
gentle in bed. Passionate and...insatiable, but still v. sweet
and gentle and that's about as good as a girl can hope for. I
have been sleeping at his place almost every night the past
two weeks and am starting to wonder where we are going.
Shall refrain from buying books on how to manage a
relationship and Make It Work. But am a tad worried
sometimes. Perhaps he doesn't want to Commit.

10:45AM Realised that tomorrow is Hallowe'en, a holiday I
am not too thrilled about. Do not know what to wear, first of
all. Secondly, I find the idea of consuming enough sweets to
kill a thousand hummingbirds to be quite unappealing. I
mean, yes, I am a chocoholic and would happily consume
every chocolate ice cream bonbon on the planet, but the idea
of a entire day being set aside for just that kind of thing
makes me feel even more guilty about my addiction.

11:15AM Perhaps I'll go as Lady Godiva tomorrow night, just
for Luka. Or perhaps as Eve, so long as he will go as Adam,
pre-Fall of Man. Shall have a *private* Hallowe'en party at
Luka's flat. Should be quite fun. He is quite uninhibited about
being naked...well, not in public, that is. I cannot imagine
Luka going au naturel in a public setting. Tho' I'm sure that
would thrill Chuny. And anyone else hormonally equipped to
appreciate the sight of a naked Luka. Which I suppose would
include every heterosexual female alive, along with a large
portion of the male homosexual population. Also sure a
certain red-headed 'lesbian' would be quite thrilled as well.

11:45AM Cannot believe I just wrote that. Perhaps I am
becoming a sex fiend.

12PM Must be at work at one, so finally in process of getting
ready. But not feeling v. motivated. Oh, damn, 'phone!

12:30PM Bloody hell. Johnny calling from New York. He is
on his way to Chicago, intent on visiting me and vetting Luka.
Happy to be seeing brother, but not happy about telling
brother I am having out-of-wedlock affair with widowed

12:40PM Damn, damn, damn, going to be late *again*!!

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"I'm just saying that I don't understand why they're called
Giant Pandas," Luka said, gesturing with his hands. "I mean,
are there Pygmy Pandas? If not, I don't get why they're called
Giant Pandas. If there's just one size, then shouldn't they just
be called Pandas? I mean, *giant* seems a tad misleading.
It would cause people to start looking for *miniature*

Randi stared at Luka for a moment. "You've never seen the
keychains?" she asked. Luka rolled his eyes.

Kerry stared at him, exasperated. "Luka? I'm gonna say this
once. Shut up."

"Well, excuse me for being curious! Is it my fault that English
isn't my first language?"

"What was your second language?" Randi asked. She had
been the cause of the argument at the front desk. She had
been showing Luka an article on Giant Pandas from 'National
Geographic', which had led to a rollicking discussion on the
oddities of the English language in general.

"Italian," Luka grinned.

"Oh, really? Say something in Italian," Randi said. She had
heard Luka speaking Croatian several times, and though she
thought the language interesting, it didn't really appeal to
her. Italian, however, would be kind of cool coming out of
Luka's mouth, particularly with that sexy accent of his.

"Okay. 'Something in Italian'."

Kerry rolled her eyes, and Randi whacked him on the
arm. "Come on!"

"All right, all right...uh...'Io avuto sesso sei pausa la notte
scorsa. E due volte stamattina'."

"What does that mean?" she asked.

Luka shrugged. "Look it up."

Randi glared at him, then snickered and went back to her
donut and the article about

"Speaking of difficulties in communication," Luka said, getting
up and following Kerry down the hall. "I wanted to talk to you
about this team system of yours. I think we're having some
problems with it."

"Really?" Kerry asked. She looked up at him, struggling not to
look *too* much. Was that a *hickey*?!

"Yeah. I mean, the system has it's good points, don't get me
wrong. But I think it also has several disadvantages."

"Like what?"

"Well, first of all, you have everyone on the same team, all
the time. That doesn't really help the students learn from
different doctors. It's a good idea to have them learning from
one resident on a regular basis, but it's also good for them to
receive input and advice...even criticism...from *other*
residents and attendings. That way, they get a wider
spectrum of methods and ideas."

"I think my system is very efficient!" Kerry said, balking. She
had to admit, Luka's idea was an excellent she
hadn't thought of.

"Yes. Efficient," Luka said, shrugging.

"I think efficiency is a very good thing," Kerry continued.

"So did the Nazis."

She glared at him. "Are you calling me a-...?"

"No, no, of course not, Kerry. I'm sorry. But will you at least
consider my suggestion?" he asked, looking right into her
eyes. Kerry bit her lower lip for a moment, trying not to get
caught up in his bold gaze. Doesn't he realize what he does
to women? she thought.

"All right," she nodded. "I'll think about it."

"Good, good. I'll see you later."

"Yeah." She watched him walk away, exhaling slowly. As
hard as she tried not to, she couldn't keep from feeling
jealous of Dr. Alexandra Morgan. She knew Luka and Dr.
Morgan were sleeping together, but Kerry also knew that their
private relationship had not affected their working relationship
in the least. They both behaved perfectly well at work, and
no matter how jealous she was, Kerry wasn't petty enough to
try and break them up with departmental
matter what Doug had thought!

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Luka went into the radiology room for a few minutes to be
alone, needing some time to think. It was strange how he
always found himself in this room when he was in a 'mood'.
There was something strangely comforting about the
darkness. So, whenever there was something he needed to
think seriously about, he would gravitate to this room and
stand there, studying X-rays.

He really needed to sit down and talk to Alexandra. He
needed to tell her *everything*, just so she'd know what she
was getting into. He had given her a few minor details about
his past, about his marriage, but he still hadn't shown her the
photograph of Danijela and Jasna, and he was feeling guilty
about that. Alexandra deserved to know. Besides all those
things he liked about her-loved about her, in fact-he knew she
was understanding and caring. She had been there for him
while his father was dying. She had been patient about his
reticence regarding sleeping together. And it was heartening
to him, now that he thought about it, to have seen her
jealousy when he'd been forced to go out with Savannah.
That was a good sign. He knew he'd have been furious if she
had gone out with another man, even under those

He knew he loved Alexandra. He knew he wanted to be with
her all the time. He felt happy and contented around her.
She made him feel loved and needed, instead of like an
inconvenience and an annoyance, like how he'd always felt
around Abby. Alexndra treated him with respect, considered
his feelings, and listened to him, and so he did his best to
always do the same for her. Besides, he found her easy to
respect and *fascinating* to listen to. He was never bored or
restless around her.

He laughed to himself. So many things seemed to happen to
her. She had flashed several people in her neighborhood
while trying to get back into her apartment. She kept putting
things in the refrigerator that didn't *belong* in the
refrigerator. Like shoes, remote controls...and last night, her
keys. She was simply amazing in bed, but she couldn't cook
at all. She was often confusing and even a little disorienting.
She was forgetful, temperamental, stubborn... but also kind,
tender-hearted and compassionate. She didn't think she
knew all the answers or that she was able to 'fix' him. She
was open and honest with him, and by God, he loved her.

Okay, he thought, leaning against the counter and studying an
X-ray of a broken ankle. Why not make a firm commitment?
Make some kind of statement of intent. Take her somewhere
for dinner, tell her everything, and when it's all said and done
and if it looks like she still wants you, make your wishes
known and see what happens.

He swallowed nervously and cracked his knuckles. He
remembered his proposal to Danijela. Going to her house at
two in the morning and throwing pebbles at her window until
she opened it and looked down at him.

"What are you doing?!" she had yelled. Several lights in
neighboring houses had come on.

"Danijela, I know it's two in the morning. I know I'm making
an absolute fool of myself and that you have a dozen other
men after you...and that they have money and a better future
and can give you all the things you want...but I love you and I
want to be with you forever. I can't live without you,
Danijela. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Now go home and go to bed!" Then she had slammed
the window shut and her light had gone out. Luka had stood
there on the sidewalk, confused, wondering if perhaps she
had just said that to get rid of him. Or if perhaps she was
feverish and deranged. Or maybe she had thought he was
somebody else. He hadn't got any sleep that night, that was
for sure. But the next morning she had arrived at his house
and asked to see him. "When are we going to have the
wedding?" He had almost fainted when she'd asked him that-
and then kissed him.

He was feeling that same kind of elation now. It kind of
overwhelmed him, making him a bit light-headed sometimes.
Marriage, children, money problems, and long hours of work
had made things more real and even a little difficult
sometimes for him and Danijela, but that feeling of elation
had never gone away entirely. Sometimes, just sitting at the
table, trying to make a wriggling Jasna eat her toast and jam,
or changing a positively rank diaper, he would look up and
catch Danijela looking at him, smiling. It had been real love.
It wasn't *quite* the same kind of feeling he had for
Alexandra, but it was still amazing, almost miraculous.

He was forty years old. It was time to start a new life. Move
forward. But things had to be done first. He had to bring it
all out in the open with Alexandra. He had to tell her and let
the chips fall where they may. If she still loved him
afterwards, and if she still wanted him, he'd get a handful of
pebbles and wake up *her* entire neighborhood.

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To be continued...