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9Sex Diaries
Part Thirtytwo - Thud
By Miesque

RATING: PG-13 (mild language)
SETTING: Season Seven (aka "Season of the Pod People") into Season Eight. Luka has long since broken up with Droopy McHangdog (a.k.a., Abby Lockhart) and is Alone Again (naturally...)
CATEGORY: Luka Kovac/cast. Romantic/comedy/drama, vague spoof of 'Bridget Jones's Diary'...may be rather humorous, may be angsty, may end with a nuclear bomb wiping out all of Chicago...who knows?
ARCHIVE: If you must, but please inform author. :)
SPOILERS: For Season Seven and Wishful Thinking for Season Eight
PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: Starter Pistols and Sex Diaries; Fishin' for the Runnin'; Heat Stroke; Grocery Store Cowboy; Cheesecake and Whine; Times Of Your Life; I Want A Cave Man, I Want A Brave Man!; A Bigger Mousetrap; Bless Me, Father; For I Am About to Sin; Out On A Ledge; Have An Egg Instead; Charity; The Devil Cuts Loose; Toads and Falsehoods; Ready to Go; Saying Goodbye; Crazy From the Heart; Danger; Forty Black Balloons; Partied Out; Young Men Coming Aus; Price Check; Going Once...; Check, Please; Eighteen Patients and a Dozen Roses; Life Is Good; A Handful of Pebbles; The Horror...the Horror; Gumballs and Gurneys; It's Not the Flu
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to Ellen Hursh for editing and several 2AM brain-storming sessions. :)

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23 December 2001

9:30AM Not quite so queasy this AM. Feeling fairly good, in fact.
Having another ultrasound check today, per Luka's orders. But have
insisted on putting in eight hours at work, despite Luka looking as
though he wants to strangle me. He is not taking my insistence on
working 'til beginning of 3rd trimester v. well and has enlisted
Jing-Mei and Dr. Weaver's help in trying to persuade me to slow down.
But I think I'm being v. reasonable in only working eight hours a day
and I feel *fine* so what is the bloody problem? I come from healthy
stock, women in family known for being not only fertile but capable of
bearing many children (Great-Grandma Fraser, after all, had *ten*
children without a hiccup). All my tests show I'm v. healthy and
vigourous and Luka of all people should know *that*!

Ugh. Ultrasound at 11:30AM, starting work at 12:30PM. Luka already
gone to work. Stood in front of mirror for a while, trying on
maternity clothes and skivvies. Quite ridiculous. Why can't they
(whoever they are) design maternity clothes that are comfortable and
don't look like awnings?

Have changed into scrubs (elastic waistband) and am about to head off.
 Shall be interesting day, and am v. glad I keep this diary, as I can
record everything that is happening. Last night, Luka played Mozart
on my belly, but after he went to bed I played Depeche Mode, just to
balance things out. My child will enjoy the Classics, but shall also
have a bit of Tacky and Foolish to make him normal.

11:55AM Ultrasound was...oh, let's just go verbatim, shall we?

Dr. Coburn: First of all, let me tell you that you are enjoying
*perfect* health, so Dr. Kovac can stop flapping around and giving
himself headaches. However, if he does stop flapping around and
acting like a deranged lunatic, I'll slap him across the room. Now,
the only thing you'll need to remember to do is to take your pre-natal
vitamins, get the right amount of exercise [she handed me a packet of
sample pills and an exercise/diet book], drink lots of spring water,
and be sure and sleep at least eight hours a night.

Me: [slightly breathless as I'm trying to balance packet of pills and
pamphlets on my knee] When can we know the sex?

Luka: Do we want to know the sex?

Me: Of course we bloody do! I'm not going to buy six thousand little
pink outfits and then end up with a boy!

Luka: Perhaps he can star in Broadway musicals?

Me: [angry glare]

Dr. Coburn: Now, if you'll just undress and get on the exam table,
we'll do the ultrasound. I'll leave you two alone. No hanky panky.
[She leaves]

Luka: Damn, no hanky panky at all? And here I was in the mood.

Me: Shut up and help me undress.

[15 mins later...what was Dr. Coburn doing? Playing parchesi?]

[I'm on my back, goop all over my stomach, arm tucked under my head,
Luka standing beside me, staring at the monitor and the little blobs
blipping around on the screen. Dr. Coburn points at a blob]

Dr. Coburn: Okay, that's Baby A...see the head?

Me: Baby A?

Dr. Coburn: And that's Baby B.

Luka: [thud]

[He is lying on the floor, spread-eagled and v. handsome in state of

Dr. Coburn: Dr. Kovac? Dr. Kovac! Stacy, come help Dr. Kovac
up...put him in that chair and put his head between his knees. Dr.
Kovac, are you awake yet?

Me: Bloody hell.

Luka: [muffled sound, something in Croatian]

[Stacy, I think, quite enjoyed the experience of putting her hands on
my fiance.]

Dr. Coburn: I wonder if he should be allowed into the delivery room?

Me: Twins, huh? Can you determine the sexes? [Have always been this
way... things get too quiet and I freak out, but in moments of great
crisis I am v. calm...well, so I lied about that.]

Dr. Coburn: Not quite yet. Maybe in a few more weeks. Stacy, wake
the man up!

Luka: [now conscious and wild-eyed] She's having...I'm gonna be a
mother? I mean, a father...twins? How...I mean, what the...[v.
strange to see usually calm and level-headed fiance babbling and
vaguely loony]

Me: We're having twins, Luka. They run in my family a lot, I'm

Luka: Mine too. [He puts his head down for a moment, and I think he
might vomit, but instead he pulls himself together] And these twins,
I can take them home, right?

Dr. Coburn [looking a bit confused]: Yes, I think you'll have to.

Me: Are you okay, sweetie?

Luka: I'll be okay. Just gimme a minute. My head's swimming.

Me: Two of everything. Two bassinettes, two cribs, two prams...

Luka: Two college tuitions, and if it's girls, two weddings...unless
they move to San Francisco and become lesbians.

[Man is often infuriatingly practical. I throw box of vitamin pills
at him]

Me: We are going to find out the sexes, right?

Luka: Yes. I think we'll have to. And we're gonna have to announce
this to everyone, Alexandra. Pregnancy *and* engagement.

Me: Perhaps we'll announce the engagement first.

Luka: Sounds like a good idea.

[Dr. Coburn leaves and nurse wipes goop off my belly. Luka helps me
dress again and we sit in Dr. Coburn's office, looking at pamphlets
about double-load pregnancies and having first discussion about baby
names. Luka a bit iffy about giving babies Croatian names, while I'm
not too sure about giving them *English* names, so we are soon at a
loss. Dr. Coburn returns with the first photos of our babies. We
both agree that we want to give them names that are easily pronounced
and go with Kovac...and won't result in schoolyard beatings]

Me: Aww...

Luka [looking at me as though I am quite insane]: Alexandra, that may
not be a part of the baby.

Me: could be.

Luka: Oh, look...see that blob *there*?! That's MY boy!

Me: Or *girl*.

Luka [rolling eyes]: Okay. Whatever. Dr. Coburn, are there any
*work* precautions she should take?

Dr. Coburn [eyeing him for a moment, then nodding v. slightly]: Yes.
She should reduce her workload a bit, start taking more time off,
relaxing a little. Twin pregnancies are always stressful.

[What twaddle. I feel as strong as a French horse, but Luka is having
none of *that*. He has Dr. Coburn on his side, along with Dr. Weaver
and Jing-Mei. Feeling v. defeated. Am forced to only take six hour
workdays, and am forced to endure bi-weekly checkups if I am to keep
working, all because I have lovely sweet fiance.]

1:45PM Dr. Weaver sees me in the hall after I treated a little boy
with a rash (every day, I thank God for latex gloves). "How did the
ultrasound go?" she asks.

"Very well. Uh...I have to take shorter hours 'til the end of my
second trimester," I inform her. "So that leaves me with fewer hours
than I need to become an attending by the end of January.'s necessary." Wonder if I should tell her first. But
I know she has a still tongue in her mouth-she would not tell a soul.
"I'm having twins."

"Oh...oh my God, that's wonderful!" she said with a smile. "I'm so
happy for you."

Is she? I see a light kind of go out in her. Maybe she was (or still
is?) in love with Luka. Not that I blame her. And not that I feel
really *threatened* by her. Suddenly feel v. sad for Dr. Weaver. But
shan't pity her. She does not want pity and I like her-she is a v.
kind woman. But this rumor she is a lesbian is so obviously a bloody

7:45PM Luka takes me aside before I leave work and tells me that he'd
like to take me "baby stuff" shopping this PM, and maybe dinner
afterwards. Then he asks me when I'd like to tell my parents that
we're getting married and that I'm pregnant with twins. I mull it
over. Christmas only two days away. Have got everything mailed away
to family in England *except* engagement announcements. Really should
just call Mum & Dad and tell them. Have been delaying too long.

"I'll call them tonight."

"Good." He gives me a kiss and a hug and I go out into the cold. A
few moments later, Dave came running out.

"Dr. Kovac told me to walk you to your car," he tells me, huffing a
little. "And to drive you home."

"Oh, are you kidding me?!" I shouted, exasperated. "He really has
become Overprotective Fia-...Boyfriend!"

"Yeah. Well, he can't help it. Come on." He took me by my arm and
led me to my car, helped me in, buckled me up, and drove me home.
Sigh. Men!

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Shopping for baby stuff had been just as annoying with Alexandra as it
had been Danijela. Alexandra cooed over all manner of items, from
clothes to toys to shoes. Luka thought of more practical things.
Diapers, for instance. A debate began in the car about whether they
should go for disposable or cloth diapers, with Luka winning on the
side of hiring a diaper service.

In the store, he rattled cribs, testing their sturdiness, read about
crash test results for car seats, and muttered over the thickness of
receiving blankets and quilts. He looked at various kinds of bottles,
tossed back stuffed animals with sewed-on buttons, and was glared at
by a sales clerk because he kicked the wheels of a stroller, testing
its strength. He saw Alexandra rolling her eyes at him, but ignored
her. This time, his babies were going to be *safe*, if he had any say
in the matter.

Safe. God, how he hoped they would be safe. A primitive side of him,
the side of him that he knew was a tad ridiculous, wanted to herd
Alexandra liked a crazed sheepdog, never letting her out of his sight.
 He felt the same way now about the twins. He would protect them with
his life. Hell, as soon as there was even a whisper of 'war' on the
air, he'd have them out of Chicago and to safety before they could
object. To hell with courage and standing to fight. To hell with his
career. They came first. They would always come first. He had
learned that the hard way.

He leaned against the checkout counter, flipping through 'Parenting'
magazine while Alexandra bought two plush Classic Poohs. She wanted
to go with a Winnie-the-Pooh decoration theme, which he didn't mind.
At least she wasn't going with Blues Clues or those damned
Teletubbies. All he cared about was making sure Alexandra and his
babies were safe and healthy. Which reminded him-he intended to look
into finding a good pediatrician for them. Cleo was good, and he
genuinely liked her, but he wanted one with a solid practice and a
good reputation.

"Luka, look at this," she said excitedly. "Isn't it cute?" She was
holding up a plush stuffed horse with a bridle and little bejewelled




"But it's cute!"

"It's also a swallowing hazard. Put. It. Down. Put the toy down and
back away slowly."

She sighed and tossed the horse back into the bin. She suddenly
paused and put her hand on her belly. "Hmmm..."

"What?!" He rushed to her side. "What's wrong? Come over here and
sit down..."

"Luka, it's all right. Just a little bellyache. I think that steak
disagrees with me."

"We're going to the hospital..."

"No, we are *not*. I'm fine. Luka, I know you're just being a
typical PsychoDaddy and I love you for it, but if there's ever a
problem I *promise* I'll sound the alarm, okay? I would never risk
the health of our babies. Now calm down!"

He paced for a moment, running his hand through his hair. As if I can
calm down? My first two children died in a godddamned war, and now
the woman I love is carrying babies...and I'm supposed to
just be *calm*? I swear, I'm gonna make her wear a fetal monitor all
the time, he thought.

Luka breathed in slowly, trying to calm himself down. What good would
he be to her if he became obsessive and controlling? He had been this
way during both of Danijela's pregnancies, after all. He couldn't
help it-he was an expert at worrying. Danijela had merely smiled
indulgently and tolerated his frequent bouts of manic mother-henning.
He'd bark, "Sit down!" and she'd roll her eyes and sit for a few
minutes, then would stand up and get back to whatever she was doing.
It amazed Luka that Danijela and Alexandra were both a lot alike in
that area. Both tolerated him remarkably well.

"And here I've got thirty more weeks of this to endure," Alexandra
said with a smile. "You know I love you, don't you?"

"I sure hope you do," Luka said, sitting down beside her. "Because
otherwise I'm pretty sure you'd have killed me by now."

"Oh, that's more likely to happen while I'm in labor," she laughed.
"I'll have to do it twice."

"I'll be sure and wear a cup," he said dryly. "Possibly even full
body armor."

She giggled and stood up. He jumped up and hovered beside her, his
arm on her elbow. She burst into laughter, put her arms around his
neck, and hugged him. Luka put his arms around her, holding her
close, almost afraid to let her go. He squeezed her gently. "I love
you, beba."

"I know. I love you, too," she whispered. "Are you scared?"


"I am too. And that's a perfectly *rational* emotion," she looked up
into his eyes. "We're gonna be just fine. We are going to have two
beautiful, healthy babies. Think about it. They'll have your
beautiful eyes and my effervescent personality!"

"The less they look like me, the better," Luka said glumly.

She laughed again and kissed him. "You are so clueless, Luka. That's
what I love most about you."

"Really? I thought it was just the sex."

She giggled. "That too. But so long as you don't start singing
'Havin' My Baby', I think I'll be able to tolerate you fairly well."

"Oh, well, you just ruined my plans! I was gonna serenade you with
that song tonight!"

Alexandra rolled her eyes. "Don't even joke about that!"

He laughed and hugged her again, ignoring the stares of passersby on
the street. It wasn't the first time they had ever seen a couple
kissing on the sidewalk, surrounded by items purchased at baby stores.
 That was, after all, how many babies had come into being.

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To be continued...