You know you are an obsessed ER fan when
- You can
instantly name any episode when given the tiniest detail
- You take on
mannerisms of the characters, e.g. hold your head at an angle, talk in an English accent
- You wont
stand anyone else but you saying anything bad about it
- Your tape of
Loves Labour Lost is actually developing static lines as a result of overuse
- You tape every
single episode and catalogue your tapes
- You surf Ebay,
looking for ER items
- You set up an
ER web page or club
- You understand
the medical terminology and can explain it to everyone else
- You download
the ER Emergency Code game and win it first time
- You own the
soundtrack, and often break into renditions of Healing Hands
- You barricade
yourself in and cut all lines of communication on Thursday nights
- You imagine how
you could get yourself into an episode of ER
- You actually
ENJOY trips to hospital
- You
deliberately stub your toe to go to the ER, intent on finding a Doug Ross look-a-like
- You find the
Doug Ross look-a-like and pretend to be younger so you can be treated by him
- You spend your
lessons doodling ER scenes and writing out quotes from the last episode instead of writing
a critical review of the theatre production you had to go and see
- You follow up
everything you say with godammit! or stat!
- You use
examples from ER when discussing health psychology in a lecture
- You not only
stay up to watch for ER adverts, but you tape them as well
- You have an ER
outfit that you wear every Thursday
- You really,
really want a pair of scrubs
- You watch all
awards ceremonies just in case an ER cast member happens to either get an award or present
- You answer the
phone This is County, go ahead
- You own a
Macarena monkey
- You spend your
spare time trying to do wheelies in your grannys wheelchair
- You have a big
band-aid sticker on your bedroom door
- You cry at the
mention of Union Station
- You are the
only person on the dance floor at your cousins wedding when the band plays Tequila
- You become
convinced that Carter is a good doctor
- You watch any
old B film if you see a cast members name in the credits
- You tape any
old B film of you see a cast members name in the credits
- You can recall
parts of the script of an episode in vivid detail
- You consider
being a doctor or nurse
- You notice how
much the names move around on the staff lockers
- You diagnose
your own injuries before your doctor
- Your doctor
doesnt need to explain to you what an MRI is
- You go and sit
on the roof of your workplace and stare at the sky aimlessly, hoping someone else will
come up and talk to you
- You own every
book on ER
- You steal a
childs toy stethoscope and parade around with it around your neck
- You watch other
hospital dramas and shout at the TV, telling them they are doing it wrong
- You cant
remember when ER didnt exist
- Sometimes you
miss Doug Ross so much that you cry
- Sometimes you
miss Susan Lewis so much that you cry
- You cry
thinking about Carols imminent departure
- You refer to
the first series of ER as the good old days
- You consider
writing your own ER book
- You write a
list like this
- You have
actually done the stuff in the list, not just made it up
- You read the
- You read the
list and can think of something to add to it
©Triggersaurus and co. Created with the help of everyone on the WB
ER Message Board 1999-2000
Any additions you would like to submit, then mail me!