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Episode 4~ Hopkins Military Academy

Hopkins Military Academy, a.k.a Augusta Military Academy


Hopkins Military Academy (Augusta Military Academy), built in 1864 in a remote section of central Virginia. During its peak years, the academy housed over 260 boys within the complex. Between 1864 and 1950, during its most prestigious years, Hopkins Military Academy produced some of the finest, most disciplined men to enter the U.S. Armed Forces.

In 1950, a man named Captain Alfredo Cochran was hired as a science teacher, and within several years was promoted to Headmaster of the Academy. A charismatic teacher, he commanded great loyalty from the students, particularly from the upperclassmen. Senior cadets who proved to have strength, loyalty and above all discretion were hand-selected by Cochran to become the members of a secret society known throughout the academy as "The Ranks." This elite cadre received special privileges from Cochran in exchange for carrying out his personal agenda and enforcing his personal motto: "LOYALTY, OBEDIENCE, SILENCE."

The Ranks quickly became the unspoken "law" of the academy, severely punishing any cadets who attempted to cross them or Cochran. They also perfected their own form of violent, and often ritualistic hazing. "Hazing" is the practice of older students intimidating, humiliating and often physically punishing younger students as a rite of passage.

The violent hazing often resulted in the deaths of unfortunate cadets. Over the years there were reports of suicides, hangings, beatings and many gruesome injuries seeming to result from a variety of sexually deviant acts.

Over the years as the reputation of Hopkins declined, the Academy became known as a place for troubled boys. The school became the last resort for delinquents, and soon Hopkins was filled with the worst of the worst.

The final blow to the integrity of the Academy came when it was discovered that Cochran had been manipulating the cadets into taking part in bizarre, sexually explicit satanic rituals. This came to light when students started coming forward in the early 80's accusing Cochran of mental, physical and sexual abuse. When authorities searched his living quarters in the main tower of the barracks, they discovered unidentified bloodstains, a table shaped like a pentagram, and corpses of animals--presumably to be used in sacrificial rituals. Rather than face dismissal from the school, Cochran shot himself in his living quarters.

The Academy never recovered from the damage Cochran did to its reputation, and Hopkins closed its doors forever in 1984. To this day, finding former members of The Ranks to disclose information about their activities while at the Academy is extremely difficult. (Taken from the FEAR site) This is totally wrong! If you want the real history of the place visit the link below. Never has there been a report of satanic rituals at this military academy!

Learn more about the Augusta Military Academy here!

Holly, 23. Hollywood, CA. Restaurant Hostess, Mission Completed

Holly saved the show in my opinion. I was so amused when i was watching her on the screen.

Dude you scored with a ghost...

Brian, 18. Santa Cruz, CA. Student, FAILED

Why'd he quit? He didn't seem scared one bit! But something was obviously happening inside of the boiler room.

Angela, 23. Palm Springs, CA. Communications Major, Mission Completed

"I think i met a guy.."

"DUDE you scored with a ghost.!" (Holly)

That was my favorite line out of the whole show. I really feel that she was possesed...

Ryan, 20. Portland OR. Graphic Design Major, FAILED

Something was really wrong with the boiler room. When he entered the sounds were intense! I feel for him though, staying in a pitch black room for an hour and a half is alot!

Mercedes, 18. Valencia, CA. Psychology Major, Mission Completed

I couldn't beleive the three girls made it through, it kinda makes you think.