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Episode 6~ Buck Hill Inn

Buck Hill Inn

Excellent Episode!! It didn't have the feel of the last three episodes and was very scary! Bravo MTV!! The script that was mentioned online must've been totally fake because the dares mentioned on them did not match the shows, and this is a clear documentary on that MTV is not inside of the place scaring the kids. This episode ranks highly in my book, it ties with W.V.Pen!


the Buck Hill Inn, a place possessed by evil with a long history of violence, murders, suicides and multiple reports of ghost sightings and strange noises. The hotel has been abandoned for over 10 years. One day the hotel owner committed his wife to an insane asylum, locked the front doors and never returned. The inn is built on land formerly owned by Quakers. The hotel's beautiful gardens were designed by one of the landscape architects who designed New York City's Central Park.

Buck Hill Inn is the site where a number of people have met bizarre fates. One victim, whose name is being withheld, was on his way out of the hotel when two gunmen pulled up in a black sedan and fired five .38 caliber rounds before speeding away. A drunk employee fell to his death from the fourth story, apparently while trying to get into the room adjacent to his. His body was found the next morning impaled on an iron railing. A visiting psychic reported that his death could have possibly been a suicide. In 1968, a local cabdriver was found alongside the hotel, shot to death in his car. One man was murdered in the laundry tunnel, allegedly because he was unable to pay his gambling debts to the Mafia. The case was never solved.

Guests of the inn have woken up to strange voices, shaking beds and even ghostly apparitions hovering above their beds. Eventually, the Buck Hill Inn's business suffered because of its growing reputation for being haunted. The hotel's bookings fell over 50 percent in just one year. Numerous guests have reported strange occurrences, ranging from bizarre electrical phenomena to actual ghost sightings.

The hotel owner's dog, Bradley, even refused to enter the hotel when brought near the premises.

James Wilson, former security guard, would routinely walk the perimeter of the hotel making sure all the lights were out in certain areas. Even though he knew these areas of the hotel were empty, he was constantly turning off the same lights and locking the same doors over and over again, all night long. Windows and doors in the hotel are notorious for opening and slamming shut of their own accord. Electrical devices (lights, televisions, hair dryers, etc.) at the hotel often turned on and off on their own. Even after wiring all of the aforementioned doors and windows shut, they continue to slam all night long. The noise was so bad that the hotel's neighbors often complained.


Andrew, 20. Boston, MA. Public relations student ~Mission Completed

This man was so funny! While he was in the men's room i was cracking up! But you could tell he was trying to keep his cool~ notice the sweat all over his face?! Lol. Great Job!

Michael, 18. Austin, TX. Museum guide, student ~ Mission Completed

What can I say, he had the hardest dares! Sitting in Room 354 for 30 minutes would be tough! Good Job man!!!

Heidi, 18. Portland, OR. Aspiring model ~ FAILED

By far the longest surviving female in the episode. I totally wouldn't have done the exorcism, i feel for you Heidi!

Jennifer, 19. San Francisco, CA. Student of dance ~ FAILED

I can't beleive she quit with twenty something seconds left! She must've been hearing some strange noises to quit that fast. It is tough having one of the first dares.

Amy, 21. Durham, ME. Student and waitress ~ FAILED

Why quit so fast? I wish she at least did a dare. It would've been very cool to watch, and maybe she would've been able to complete it and win the money!

Jesse, 20. Revere, MA. Deckhand on lobster boat ~ Mission Completed

That exorcism dare was so gnarly! I couldn't of done it though! The GUYS ruled in this episode! Great job!