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Title: Mr. Boo Boo
Author: Constant Vigilance
Status: Fin

Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Spoilers: AU. Characters aged up to age of consent.
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: I own nothing. JKR is God.
Summary: Who is the mysterious Mr. Boo Boo?
Notes: January Drabble #2 for the

Harry woke New Year's Day with a blinding headache. His dorm mates’ laughter was like a jackhammer in his head. He blearily opened his eyes to see them piled on Ron’s bed.


“What’s so funny?” he grumped.


“Malfoy has a boyfriend!” Ron hooted. “Seamus heard him last night, drunk off his arse bellowing to the Slytherin common room about finding his boyfriend for a New Year’s kiss.”


Harry paled. “Did he say his name?” he gulped.

Seamus grinned. “Nope. Just that he had to kiss ‘Mr. Boo Boo’ before midnight.”


Ron looked confused.


“Harry? Isn’t that what you call your…?”