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Title: Or…
Author: Constant Vigilance
Status: Fin

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sirius/Draco and Harry/Lucius
Spoilers: AU. Characters aged up to age of consent.
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: I own nothing. JKR is God.
Summary: A chat between a couple.
Notes: Birthday Drabble for The Drow from (Words used: angel, cold, burn)



“How’d Harry take it?”


Sirius snorted and took his angel into his arms. “Impersonated a fish, then screeched how Malfoys and Blacks were related and our marriage was wrong.”


Draco hmphed. “And father?”


“Told Harry that, regarding bloodlines, pureblooded 4th cousins might as well be strangers.”


Sirius smirked. “Harry was so red, I thought he was going to burn up. He opened his mouth again and Lucius stuck his tongue in it.”


Draco grinned. “Father’s good at distraction.”


Sirius moved closer. “But now I have a problem only to be solved by a cold shower or...”


Draco purred. “Definitely or.”