Title: Surprise
Author: Constant Vigilance
Status: Fin
Email: tirel@pcnuthut.com
Website: https://www.angelfire.com/tv2/firebird_ascending/
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Spoilers: AU. Characters aged up
to age of consent.
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: I own nothing. JKR is
Summary: A surprise waits at the
end of a trip through the forest.
Notes: Birthday Drabble for
Sputzo from TheHexFiles.net (Words used: snow, chocolate)
“Why we are traipsing
about in arse high snow when we could be bothering Dobby for hot chocolate?”
Draco snapped as stumbled for the third time.
Harry just smiled and
continued on. Draco growled and followed. Soon, they broke through the forest
into a clearing. Draco halted.
A snow sculpture awaited
his critique. It was a bit lopsided. Dirt had been scooped up in places and
muddied the pristine edifice. The first warm day would see it self-destruct
into slush.
But for now…
loves Draco” spelled out in snowballs was the most amazing piece of art he’d
ever witnessed.