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Title: Just This Side of Bent Part 4



Author: Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer: Joss is God. I own nothing.

Distribution: Sure. Just lemme know where my baby’s going.

Spoilers: Season 7 for living arrangements, i.e. Xander has his place and Spike and Andrew are bunking at Buffy’s.

Summary: Spike shares a bit of ‘hands-on’ assistance to help Andrew go after Xander. (Oh, the combinations of S/X/Ad)

Dedication: To the fine folk at Xandrew (yahoo) for sharing in my new obsession with Xandrew and the wonderful listsibs at Nummytreats for enjoying the warm comfy goodness that is Spander. Ummm…does this make it Spandrewer? ~snert~



Xander stared at the TV, ‘watching the movie’ with abandon. Actually, he was watching his two guests out of the corner of his eye. Could they get any weirder? What the hell was wrong with them? Ever since he opened the door they’d both been wiggy as hell. Why were they doing all that gasping? And what was wrong with his offer to let Spike smoke in the house? He flushed a little.


Okay, Harris, even you have to admit that you hopped right over the bounds of vampire-hater extraordinaire with that one, he sighed slightly. He felt bad for the bleached menace. The poor guy got no peace, all those girls doing, er…girly things around the house all the time. Spike was busting his ass to fit in, to be useful. And did anyone appreciate it? Hell no! He got locked up in chains in the basement for his troubles and paraded out as the token vamp for patrol practice!


It wasn’t fair at all. Xander hated it. So, Xander decided to do something nice for the vamp, even if it was just letting him smoke inside so he could still feel a part of the group. Nothing wrong with host politeness. He shoved back the niggling voice that told him ‘bullshit it’s host politeness; you have a hard on for Bleachy’ and moved his thoughts elsewhere.


What the hell was up with Andrew and his goofy Grease impressions? He swore, sometimes he just didn’t understand that boy. He knew for a fact that Andrew was a flaming poof, to coin one of Spike’s turns of phrase. So why was he strutting around like some jerk jock? And what the hell was up with that ‘only sissy’s drink from glasses’ thing? He knew that Andrew hated drinking from bottles for the very reason Andrew had abortively tried to wash his hands: he hated germs. He’d made a point to soak a few of his glasses in bleach water before washing them this morning so that Andrew could have a perfectly sanitized drinking receptacle.


The former Troika was obsessed with germs. That was the only reason why the Summers’ household continued to be kept in such immaculate condition even with 30 girls living there. Andrew simply did not tolerate messiness. Xander thought it was sweet. He’d been ready to hand Andrew a clean dishtowel for his hands earlier when the boy decided to smear the water all over his tee. He could tell that, even now, Andrew wanted to sneak into the kitchen and sneakily clean his hands again. He kept shooting longing looks that direction.


Or was that in Spike’s direction? Speaking of which, what the hell were Spike and Andrew doing hugging each other on his sofa? He narrowed his eyes. And why the hell did he care? Sure Spike was…well, okay he was the corporeal form of sex: gorgeous, fit, sexy, and after watching the two men together…definitely bi. All the things a growing Xander was looking for. He sniggered. If only Willow had realized he’d meant what he’d said. He was done with women. No good came of the female sex and Xander in a relationship. He was moving on up, Wheezy.


Which left open the very scrumptious temptation of Andrew. The boy wasn’t as ‘doncha wanna fuck me?’ as Spike, but then no one was. However, he was Xander’s perfect match. He loved the same things Xander loved. He could hold an interesting conversation. He got all of Xander’s weird references. He was Xander’s yang. Or was it yin? Either way, he was all of those things and hot as hell as well.


Xander wondered, not for the first time, if Andrew and Warren had had a thing. He was pretty sure of it. He was also pretty sure that if they did, Warren had hurt the younger boy. Hurt him with his presence, his desertion, and his reappearance as the First. And Xander would have like to resurrect the idiot to kill him himself for that. He sighed.


But that was neither here nor there. It appeared that Andrew had found someone to cuddle him and that Spike had found someone to cuddle. Neither one needed Xander’s interference. He wondered if they picked up on Xander’s gay vibes and realized that the Harris house was an okay place to be together; that Xander wouldn’t kick them out or tell them they were disgusting if they just wanted some time to be together.


He hoped so. It was the next best thing after actually being with one of them. Another sigh. He wondered how soon he should disappear into his bedroom to give them some time alone.



“Well, make a move numb nuts,” Spike slurred, waving his shot glass in the direction of the kitchen and Xander’s disappearing ass. Andrew shook his head vigorously.


“I can’t,” he stage whispered back. “I just don’t have the balls,” he added mournfully.


Spike sniggered and nearly spilled his glass. “From what I remember, pet, you have quite the pair.”


Andrew blushed, but grinned and smacked Spike gently on the knee. “Shuddup,” he giggled. “Sides, Xander’s been staring at you all night anyway.”


Spike blinked in comic amusement. “You’re out of your bloody mind, Drew,” he chuckled. “Xander Harris wouldn’t find me sexy if I stripped down to a leather thong and gave him a lap dance.” Spike continued to snigger to himself, not noticing Andrew’s eyes glaze over and the drool begin to collect at the corner of his mouth.


“Boy’d need way more than the…how many 6-packs of beer has he had? Anyway,” Spike shook his head to clear it a bit, “Point is, Harris would need to be a lot drunked…more drunker…have more to drunk...well bugger. I seem to have forgotten my native language!” He turned to Andrew. “I’m all tongue-tied mmrrpphh!”


He was cut off by 150 pounds of heated flesh slamming him into the back of the sofa and a very nimble tongue twining with his own. He tried to keep his purpose here tonight in mind. Truly, he did. He was here to get Xander and Andrew…oh, fuck I didn’t teach him that! Who taught him that? Can you do that to my dick next? Andrew swung his leg over Spike and eased down onto his lap.


Small, warm hands wriggled their way under Spike’s duster and onto his bare skin. He moaned in appreciation and lifted his own hands up to thread through Andrew’s gelled spikes. Andrew pulled away for a moment to look into Spike’s face and smiled at the expression of wanton lust he found. Thoroughly enjoying himself, he dove back down to the vampire’s neck and began to nibble.


Spike caught the whimper as it attempted to erupt from his lips and he tried to formulate a thought. “Drew,” he could barely recognize his own voice. “Drew, please. You have to…oh, fuck right there…No! I mean you have to stop now. Xander will be coming out in a minute and you won’t get very far with him if he sees you lick—yesyesyes…nonono! No licking. I mean it, Drew.”


Andrew ignored Spike’s plea. The swelling against his ass proved that the vampire was all talk. Anyway, between watching Xander look like a dark haired Adonis all night and watching Spike look like a…well, er…a light haired Adonis all night, he was as hard as a rock and slowly losing his mind.




Andrew and Spike had the presence of mind to glance up at the sound of breaking glass. Xander stood, holding his hands as though he were still in possession of the plate lying broken at his feet. Andrew took in the horrified expression, the shaking hands and the frozen body and sighed. He pulled his leg off of Spike and flung himself down on the couch next to the vampire.


Well, that was that, he mourned. If seeing Spike spread out with another man sitting on his lap, blue eyes heavy with desire and mouth gasping in lust weren’t enough to turn Xander on, obviously Spike was wrong. Xander was as straight as an arrow.


Spike sat up quickly and attempted to salvage the situation. “It’s not what it looks like, Harris.” Andrew cracked open a disgusted eye. Not what it looks like? Well, what the hell else could it be? What? Spike had something in his eye?


“I, er…I had something in my eye, and Drew was just getting it for me.”


Oh dear fucking Lord, Andrew snorted.


“Right,” Xander replied, not sounding at all convinced. “It—it’s okay, you know. That you two are together,” Xander tried to sound reassuring. Although how reassuring he sounded was hinging on how fast he could clear the room before they noticed his hard on. “I’m glad that you feel comfortable enough here to do…er, that.” He smiled and began backing away. “I’ll just leave then?”


Spike growled and came up to his knees in a single movement. “What? Drew and I?”


Xander waved a hand, careful to do so well above his waistband. “Like I said, I’m supporto guy. Go to it. Get it on. Whatever you need to do. I’ll just be in my room…er, not disturbing you.”


“No,” Spike growled. “You won’t be. I didn’t come here tonight to get Drew in the sack. I came here to get Drew and you in the sack with each other.”


Xander stopped dead in the middle of the floor. Andrew moaned in quiet humiliation and flung his arm over his eyes. “You did what?”


Spike leered at him, and Xander felt his cock twitch in response. “So, the question that should be asked here is, why don’t you take the pet in the other room and shag him senseless while I finish watching this movie?”


“I-I, but I…but you two…and he,” Xander seemed to have lost control of his speech. He just shook his head in bewilderment.


Spike flung his hands up into the air. “Bloody hell, Harris! I know you want him. I’ve smelled it all night. Just shag him already!” Andrew moaned again and threw up his other arm to cover his face.


“I-I couldn’t,” Xander stuttered.

Spike growled. “Fine. Pass it up. Bloody well idiotic if you ask me. Boy’s been pining after you for weeks and finally decides to do something about it and all you can say is…’oh, my!’” his voice rose into a falsetto. “’Oh, I just couldn’t’.” Another snort and he jerked his duster from his body. “Well, if you aren’t going to do anything about it, then I sure as hell am.”


Another growl and he jerked Andrew’s shirt open, sending buttons flying everywhere and dragging a startled meep from the younger man. “Between the pheromones you two have had floating around all evening, and fucking well going down on the lad earlier, I’m about ready to explode. You don’t wanna fuck him? Then you can watch me fuck him.”


Spike dropped down over Andrew’s chest and captured an enticing nipple between his teeth. The boy whimpered and arched his back into Spike’s mouth. Xander stared, floored by such an abundance of lustful emotion from the boy Xander had seen as just plain mousy. Spike truly must be a fucking Sex God. As the wild thought raced through Xander’s head, he fought off hysterical giggles.


Spike…the vampire was fucking Andrew…the mouse on the couch of Xander…the getting really horny and hey, no fair! This was his goddamn house. And Spike did ask him to join. And, er…well, and Andrew had apparently come to fuck him in the first place. He wanted to slap his hand against his forehead. Great, Xander babble disrupts the sex fest in my living room.


He unconsciously moved closer, needing to see what Spike’s teeth looked like closing over Andrew’s nipple; needing to see the slick, wet line where Spike’s tongue dragged over Andrew’s flushed pink skin. He didn’t even notice when he knelt, ass on heels, and whimpered in his loneliness.


Spike, however, heard him quite well. He lifted his head from his adamant perusal of Andrew’s belly button and eyed the nearly panting Xander. He smiled and continued to rub Andrew’s sides, keeping contact with him.


“I-is his skin as soft as it looks?” Xander whispered hesitantly.


Spike’s smile turned into a grin. He held out his hand to Xander. After a moment of pained hesitation, Xander took it. He allowed Spike to pull him up to the edge of the couch and he scrunched as close as possible. Spike tugged his hand over Andrew’s stomach and gently set it down on the surprisingly washboard surface. Xander let his hand stay motionless for a long moment, then slightly twitched the ends of his fingers.


Andrew thrust up into his touch and Xander’s eyes darted up to meet lust filled blue ones. “Y-you like that?” he asked shakily. Andrew nodded fiercely and so Xander moved his hand in ever growing circles, careful not to venture past nipple or below waistband. Andrew closed his eyes again and reveled in the feeling of Xander’s big, comforting hands cupping his tummy.


Spike continued to watch, an indescribable glint in his eye. Xander turned his head to the blonde vamp. “A-are you as soft as he is?” he asked, marveling at his own audacity. Spike’s eye twitched and he sucked in a tiny breath.


“Dunno, pet. You could either ask Andrew there…or you could find out for yourself.” The dare was obvious in his eyes, just a few shades lighter than Andrew’s. Xander hesitated, darting his glance from Spike to Andrew and back again.


Andrew solved his problem for him. “Touch him, Xan,” he whispered. “He’s like cool silk over hard iron.” Spike’s gaze heated to molten as he exchanged glances with the youngest of the trio.


Xander reached out with his other hand, ignoring the tremble in it, and let it hover over Spike’s shirt. Knowing that Xander wasn’t quite ready for undressing another man, he yanked his shirt off over his head and locked his eyes on Xander’s face. Xander took the offered opportunity. He settled his hand against Spike’s chest, right between his nipples, and stroked softly.


It felt like a brand on Spike’s cooler skin and he heaved a pleasured sigh. He watched Xander through heavily lidded eyes as the boy stroked first Andrew, then Spike. The light feathery movements of his hands were driving Spike crazy and he could tell from Andrew’s continuous bucking up into Xander’s hand that the other man was being sorely tested as well.


Eventually, Xander’s hands stilled. He looked straight ahead at the back of the sofa and ducked his head. “Um…so, is kissing guys the same as kissing girls?” he questioned almost below the range of normal hearing. Good thing for Spike that normal wasn’t even in his vocabulary. He leaned forward and invaded Xander’s space.


“You tell me,” he whispered onto Xander’s lips just before claiming possession of them. Xander felt his insides turn to mush. Kissing Anya hadn’t been like this. Kissing was a by-product of sex; what you did just before interlocking body parts. Not to mention that you got sticky, waxy lipstick all over and it tasted like crap. This? This was as close to kissing as a popsicle was to a Baskin and Robbins trip.


Spike’s lips teased and coaxed Xander into responding. His tongue flicked out against Xander’s bottom lip, demanding entrance. When granted, it dove inside Xander’s mouth and mapped out its territory. The taste of whisky and salt mixed with a hint of smoke and curled around a tangy, spicy flavor that Xander somehow knew was Spike alone.


He moaned deep in his throat and tilted his head to allow Spike more access. Instead, Spike pulled away, nearly reducing Xander to tears. The vampire grinned at him. “So, love. Do I kiss like a girl?”


Xander shook his head dazedly. “Hell no,” he panted. Spike waited until Xander had caught his breath before kissing him slightly on the nose. Xander blushed, but didn’t look away from Spike’s face this time. “Boys kiss much nicer,” he added.


Spike smiled seductively. “Yes, they do, luv. Why don’t you kiss our little Drew now? See if you like him any better.”


Xander glanced down at Andrew, watching him with hooded eyes that darkened with desire. Andrew held his hands out to Xander and the brunette fell against him bonelessly. Andrew’s lips were soft and delicate where Spike’s were firm. Spike was masterful, but Andrew just nuzzled the corners of Xander’s mouth, driving him nuts with tiny kisses and nibbles.


Xander pressed his lips to Andrew’s forcefully, crushing the pretty pink into a deeper red. Andrew just moaned and opened up underneath his assault. Xander took another page from Spike’s book and traced Andrew’s lips with his tongue. They too fell open at Xander’s bequest and the dark-haired boy dove in to plunder the sweetness.


Andrew tasted of salt as well, but also of the beer that he and Xander had been drinking. A hint of sweetness...Twinkie? And something else…what the hell? He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it was the most intoxicatingly sweet thing he’d ever tasted. Irritated, he pulled up and away from the younger man staring down at him and looking for an answer.


“What the hell is that taste?” he whispered. “I can’t—“


“Peaches,” Spike supplied with a grin. “It’s peaches.”


Xander looked pole axed. Spike was right. It was indeed peaches. And looking down at the flushed and sexy Andrew, his skin looked like peaches too. Xander couldn’t resist the comparison and leaned down to Andrew’s neck. He sank his teeth in gently, once again tasting the faint hint of peaches. Andrew yowled and bowed upwards.


When Xander moved away, Spike looked at him knowingly. “So, what’d you think?”


Xander looked back down at Andrew. “It’s amazing,” he breathed. “You, you’re like…fuck, like a steamroller. You just take what you want and by the time you’re done getting it, the other person is begging for it.” Spike grinned and looked pleased. “And him,” Xander looked down at Andrew, “He’s just…whoa. Pliant, soft, sweet…kissing him is like a drug that you don’t want to give up.”


“So, don’t,” Andrew said huskily.


Xander shied away again, pulling back to sit on his heels again. “I-I just don’t know,” he whispered.


Spike pounced on Andrew, tugging his shirt off, unbuttoning his jeans and yanking off his shoes. When Andrew was nude, Spike looked pointedly at the bulge in Xander’s jeans. “Don’t you?”


Xander moaned again and gave in. He leaned forward and took possession of Andrew’s lips again. He heard the rustle of clothing behind him and knew that Spike was now undressed as well. What startled him were the cool hands on his own clothes, helping him to remove them without breaking contact with Andrew’s sweet lips. As the last piece of clothing came off, Andrew pulled his head back.


Smiling, he reached down and wrapped a small hand around Xander’s raging hard on. The room went dark and all feeling in his body came down to that soft hand encircling his hardened flesh. “Look at him, luv,” Spike whispered in his ear. Xander shook off the darkness and gazed down at Andrew. “Isn’t he gorgeous? Seeing him all spread out like that, waiting for you…wanting you, doesn’t it make you want to fuck him until he screams?”


Xander shuddered and leaned back into the supporting vampire; the vampire who slipped a small tube into his hand. Xander looked down to find a tube of lube, opened and ready to be used. Shakily, he squeezed a bit out onto his fingers and reached down to the cleft of Andrew’s ass. He paused, suddenly terrified. “A-are you sure you want this, Andrew?” he asked.


Andrew nodded. Then shook his head. Then nodded again. “Jesus, Xan,” Andrew moaned in reply, “I don’t know. I’ve never done this before. I want to, but I’m scared.” Xander smiled. Somehow, Andrew’s fear calmed his own and all he wanted to do was comfort the younger man.


“I’d never hurt you, Andrew,” he whispered. “I hope you know that. If I scare you, or do something that you don’t want, just tell me. I promise I’ll stop.”


Andrew nodded and smiled. “I know. I trust you.” Xander eased his hand down and slipped a finger against Andrew’s hole. The boy twitched, but lay still. Carefully, Xander inserted the finger, marveling at the tightness and warmth. He stared in amazement at the myriad of expressions on Andrew’s face: awe, pain, pleasure.


Spike whispered words of encouragement into Xander’s ear, telling him how to touch Andrew to make him feel good. “Drew?” he asked softly, “How you doing, luv? It feel okay?”


Andrew laughed a bit hysterically and nodded. “I never imagined…Christ it feels amazing!”


“See, luv?” Spike whispered to Xander. “He loves it. You’re doing fine. Doesn’t it feel so fucking hot?” Xander nodded helplessly. “Just imagine…if it feels that good on your fingers, what it will feel like around your cock.”


Xander whimpered and Andrew thrust up at Spike’s words, making the vamp smile fondly at his two students. He reached around Xander’s hip and grasped his cock. Xander gasped as Spike manhandled his flesh to Andrew’s hole and tugged away his fingers. He placed the head of Xander’s cock against the opening and gently shoved Xander from behind with his own hips.


Xander sunk into the slickened, warmed channel and twin screams of pleasure rocked the walls of the living room. Xander couldn’t pull out to thrust, Andrew was gripping him so tightly. So, he settled for rocking his hips back and forth. As he did, he hit Andrew’s prostate and stared in shock and wonder as Andrew screamed again and cum shot out of his cock in ropy ribbons.


Andrew lay gasping, holding Xander still until the aftershocks wore down. Spike leaned forward and licked at the creamy puddle on Andrew’s stomach. “Ain’t the prostate a wonderful thing, luv?” he grinned.


Andrew sighed. “I’m sorry, Xan, Spike. I came too fast. I couldn’t help it.”


Spike pshawed him. “It’s not over by a long shot, Drew. Since when does a red blooded American male only come once a night?” On that cue, Xander began to rock again and, like magic, Andrew’s flagging erection began stiffening again. Xander made sure to hit ‘that spot’ with every thrust and watched happily as Andrew became quickly incoherent again.


He craned his neck to look at Spike. “Could you…I mean would you…” he faltered to a stop.


Spike grinned wickedly at him. “Could I would I what, luv?”


“Fuck me?” Xander whispered. Spike groaned and leaned forward to own Xander’s mouth again. As his lips and tongue made short work of Xander’s brain, Spike snagged the tube of lube off of the cushion and slicked up his own fingers. He prodded gently at Xander’s hole for a moment, then slipped a couple of fingers in, curling them upwards immediately.


Xander yelped and slammed forward, causing Andrew to scream and thrash wildly under him. After a moment, Spike positioned his own cock against Xander and pushed gently. Xander froze and began breathing so hard that Spike began to worry about hyperventilation. Then, he nodded determinedly. “Fuck me, Spike.”


And Spike began to thrust. As he shoved inside Xander’s heat, Xander was thrust into Andrew. Their voices began to harmonize in whimpers and moans and Xander lay forward onto Andrew’s chest, burying his face in Andrew’s neck. Andrew’s cock was now trapped between the two friction-causing bodies and it slid through the cum from his first orgasm.


The slightly tickly hairs on Xander’s stomach caused his own stomach to quiver and he looked up, over Xander’s head to catch Spike’s yellowed eyes. With a wicked grin, he wormed his hand between his own body and Xander’s and scooped a bit of cum up. Eyes still locked on Spike, he snaked his hand around and, by stretching, could just barely insert his finger between Spike’s thrusting ass cheeks.


Spike’s eyes widened as Andrew brushed against his hole and then rolled up in his head as Andrew thrust suddenly, encasing his finger in Spike’s cool body. Spike’s moan grew in strength until it was nearly a howl and he began shuddering, his climax overtaking him.


He slammed his quivering hips into Xander, brutally ramming the head of his cock into Xander’s prostate until Xander, too, began to shake. As the tremors ceased in Spike, they took up in Xander and he slammed into the heat wrapped around his own cock. Between the look on Spike’s face, the vigorous thrusts against his own sweet spot and the feeling of Xander’s hard muscles rubbing against his cock, Andrew gave up on the whole idea of maintaining eye contact.


He squeezed his eyes shut as his second orgasm of the evening rocked through his body, ending the quivering where it had begun. They held their poses for long moments, too exhausted to move. Then Spike pulled slowly out of Xander and went in search of a washcloth. When he returned, Xander had pulled out and lay cuddling Andrew in the crook of his arms.


Spike knelt before them with a smile and gently wiped away the evidence of their passion. “So,” he said softly, throwing the cloth onto the coffee table, “You boys ready to discover new worlds in the bedroom, or would you just like to explore a few more movies?”


Xander snorted at the unlikeliness of that particular option, and Andrew just giggled. “Fuck the movies,” they said in unison.


Spike wiggled his eyebrows. “How about I just fuck the both of you?”


With matching grins, Xander and Andrew bounced from the couch and into Spike’s arms. Xander nodded seriously. “That sounds like a perfect idea. I’m pretty sure that’s why we made you in charge of the away missions.”


Spike rolled his eyes affectionately and tugged both of them into the bedroom. As the door shut, Andrew giggled again and one word floated back through the living room…

