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Title: Lost Part 4



Author: Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer: Joss is God. I own nothing.

Distribution: Sure. Just lemme know where my baby’s going.


Summary: Angel’s back. Spike gets what he wants.



Xander snapped out of the trance he’d put himself in. Though he’d been staring at Spike for hours, Xander still needed to check on him now that he felt coherent again. He heard voices in the kitchen, female and male and he perked his ears up long enough to hear the accent. ~Giles is here. Wonder when that happened?~


He looked back at Spike.


Still hadn’t moved.


He set his jaw and stood.




~Fuck it.~ He walked to the chair and scooped his vampire up, cradling him to his chest.


No response.




Spike turned his head a minute inch and nuzzled Xander’s neck. Relief washed through the human and he sat back on the couch with Spike in his arms. He lost track of how long he sat, cuddling the blonde, dropping soft kisses on his head. He was startled at the sound of knocking on the front door. ~Who could it be? Everyone’s here.~


Buffy came out of the kitchen, smiling when she saw Xander holding Spike. She opened the door and stepped back. “Come in, Angel.”



Angel moved into the living room, after a brief nod at Buffy, he had eyes only for his small, frail-looking Childe and the dark-haired man wrapped around him. He sat in the chair recently vacated by his Childe and absorbed the non-verbal signals being given off by both men.


Spike was plastered to Xander’s neck, his lips having found the reassuring pulse located there. His hands were curled into Xander’s shirt, clutching with desperation. Xander’s arms were coiled around the vampire’s back and he had his lips and nose buried in the soft blonde curls on top of Spike’s head. He was watching Angel as one would watch a particularly poisonous snake; warily and with fear tinged bravado.


His body language was practically screaming, “Don’t touch me or mine.” Angel cleared his throat and tried a smile.


“Xander,” He began softly, “Giles seems to think I might be able to help you with Spike.” Xander raised an eyebrow, an expression that tugged at Angel’s heart. Did the boy know that he’d picked up Spike’s quirks?


“How can you help?” Xander demanded quietly, so not to disturb Spike.


“I think I might be able to reach him. We have quite the history together.” ~Well, that was just about the stupidest thing I could have said.~ Angel berated himself as Xander’s arms tightened and the eyebrow dropped into a glare. “Spike knows me. I’m his Sire. He is bound to me.” The glare got deeper. “His demon knows that he belongs to me even if he doesn’t remember it.”


Xander carefully set Spike down on the couch next to him, glancing worriedly at him when the vamp let out a tiny whimper. But, Spike settled into the pillows and Xander gave his attention back to Angel.


“Spike does not ‘belong’ to anyone.” He growled.


Angel held up his hands in a gesture of peace. “I just meant that his demon knows that I am his Sire. The demon is bound to my own in a way because I created him.” Xander didn’t stop glaring. Nor did he move away. He just gestured for Angel to show him. Xander could hear the others gathering behind him. Buffy must have let them know that a testosterone war was commencing in her living room.


Angel stood over Spike’s prone form. “William. William, your Sire demands your presence.” He saw an eye flicker, nothing more. “William. You will wake now. I require you, boy.” A twitch from the blonde vamp, a visible tensing of the dark haired man. He sighed inwardly. ~Wil, m’boy, why do you always have to do things the hard way?~


He shifted into game face and bit the inside of his wrist. In one swift movement, he snatched Spike’s head up by his hair and thrust his wrist into his face. “William, you will obey or punishment will follow!” He roared.


He wasn’t sure the result had anything to do with his authority as Sire, really. He only knew that Spike’s terrified blue eyes snapped open accompanied by a frightened whimper. Xander returned Angel’s roar with one of his own and slammed him, knocking Angel over the coffee table and onto his ass on the floor.


Feminine shrieks brought his attention to the swarm of bodies trying to tear an enraged Xander from his chest. He could see a flash of red hair, a blonde ponytail, hear a cultured British voice saying something cultured British voices never say, and then they were gone. Xander was hauled off of him but the boy’s human hands were replaced by much stronger hands…with much sharper nails…attached to a blonde man in game face seemingly determined to rip Angel’s throat out.


It was all he could do to keep Spike’s teeth from his flesh, his nails raked deep furrows down Angel’s face and sides. He was a bit amazed that the vamp was this strong after being hurt so badly.



“For fuck’s sake, Xander! Get him off of Angel! He’s crazed!” Buffy screamed, throwing herself back into the fray after picking herself up off of the floor where Spike had thrown her. Xander entertained the thought of letting Spike rip his Sire into shreds, but then decided they may need the bastard later. He sighed and waded in himself.


“Spike! Spike, let go…Come on, Spike! Wil? Wil, please let go. Let him up. Please, Wil? Baby, come on, come back to me.” The battle was over as quickly as it had begun. Spike leaped to his feet, shifting out of game face, and lunged for Xander. He stood in the circle of Xander’s arms, shaking and sucking gently on the pulse point in the boy’s throat.


Xander rocked him, holding him close and whispering shushing sounds into his ear while shooting hate filled daggers at Angel. Angel let Buffy help him up and place him on the couch. Tara appeared from nowhere and presented the Slayer with a first aid kit that she proceeded to use on the older vamp as he watched his Childe and his Childe’s mate comfort each other.


He wondered how Buffy would take it; Spike and Xander being mated. Because they were. Only the formality of a claim was left to perform. A Childe never touched his Sire in anger. With intent to kill. And never because of a mere human. Angel was the exception because of his soul. It seemed that William was the exception because he loved and was loved by the fiercely protective and fiery-eyed human male in his arms.


Eventually, Childe and mate made their way back to the couch. Xander pulled Spike up onto his lap and clutched him tightly to his chest. He and Angel continued to exchange unspoken messages, sent between equally dark eyes. Xander threatened Angel should he lay another finger on his vampire. Angel asked to be given a chance to help his Childe. Neither paid any attention to the rest of the gang as they found places to sit, well away from in-between the two men.


In due time, Xander remembered Angel had come to help and tried to bank the fire in his gut. If it would help Spike, he could put up with Angel. For a while. A short while. “So, Deadboy. What else do you have for us?” He asked harshly.


“Xander!” Buffy exclaimed in exasperation. Angel held up a hand.


“No. It’s okay. It’s more than okay, actually.” He answered quietly. “I’m glad that Xander is so protective. It helps a lot, because I’m pretty sure Xander is the key to pulling Spike out of this.”


Xander narrowed his eyes. “How?”


Angel sat back. “Giles has told me everything you’ve shared with them. From what it looks like to me, Spike thinks you don’t want him.” Xander’s jaw clenched tightly, but his grip on Spike gentled.


“That’s bullshit. He knows I care about him.”


Angel sighed. “Caring about him is all well and good for a human. But Spike is a vampire and as such has different levels of needs. He’s treating you like a Sire. You matter more to him at this point than his own existence does. He can’t help it. He seems to have reverted to fledgling in some ways.” He noted Xander’s jaw unclenched and he tilted his head as he considered Angel’s words.


“What ways?”


“Well, as a Sire, you provide protection, shelter, and food until they can hunt without putting themselves in danger…”


“I do all of that.” Xander interrupted.


“You do all of that. Yes.” Angel agreed. “And that is probably why he sees you as his Sire. But a Sire also does other things. A Sire provides comfort, a safe haven…love…after a fashion.”


Xander frowned. “But, he has those things too.”


Angel shook his head. “You need to prove it to him in a way his demon can understand.”


“And how is that?” Xander growled.


“Claim him.”




“Umm…what does that include exactly?” Willow asked nervously.


“You can do it one of two ways, though doing both is the preferred manner.” ~This is going to go over like a ton of bricks.~ “You can claim with blood or sex.”


More silence.


“Can I just say, eww?” Buffy interjected.


Giles looked at her disapprovingly and she blushed. Angel leaned forward again. “The part of him that’s human knows you care for him. It knows that he belongs to you. The demon hasn’t figured it out yet. It doesn’t get that being nice and loving to Spike means he belongs to you. It expects to be dominated. It wants to be dominated. I think the demon is what is keeping Spike practically incoherent. It won’t let his body heal correctly because it can’t see a reason for it to do so.”


Xander blinked. “You want me to dominate Spike’s demon.”




“In blood.”


“Yes. You need to mark him with a bite. You need to taste his blood and allow him to taste yours.”


Xander opened his mouth to say something, and then quickly closed it. Giles spoke up for him. “But with Spike not being…all together…what if he tries to drain Xander?”


Angel sat back again. “He won’t. It’s ingrained into his demon. You obey your Sire in all things. When he allows you to feed from him, you take only as much as he allows and no more. All Xander has to do is say stop. Or enough. Or even tug on Spike’s head a bit. He’ll stop.”


“But I’m not his Sire!” Xander shot at him.


“He thinks you are. It doesn’t matter what you think. Only him. But if you don’t want to claim in blood, you can claim in sex.” The girls blushed and Giles fidgeted. “You just have to take control. Be the dominant one. Take the lead.”


Xander sputtered. “Okay. I’m not all into the draining me idea, but I know for a fact that I am not having sex with Spike.”


Angel looked at him sadly. “The claim is bigger than sex, Xander. The sex is just a pleasant side effect. Sex is sex. It is an expression of affection at best. Claiming through sex is…well, more. I’ve had sex with Spike plenty of times, but the one time I claimed him…” He shuddered slightly, his eyes drifting closed in remembrance. He was brought back to reality by the gasps and squeaks his statement brought forth.


Giles seemed not to be surprised at all, just deep in thought. Tara blushed and refused to make eye contact. Willow gaped, looking like she wanted to pummel him with questions. Buffy looked shocked/betrayed/squicked. Dawn…sweet accepting Dawn. He wanted to laugh at the wicked grin that appeared on her face. He had to raise his hand to cover his mouth when she cut her eyes at her sister then Spike and gave him a raised eyebrow.


He dared to look back at Xander. ~Hmmm. Mental note. Never tell one half of a mated pair you had sex with his other half.~ Xander looked ready to kill. His jaw was clenched again and could looks kill, Angel was sure his stint in hell would have been more pleasant than what Xander was planning for him.


“I’m sorry.” He said into the heavy silence. “But if we are going to get Spike any better, you might have to hear some unpleasant things.”


“Hear, fine. Do? No.” Xander growled.


Angel stood in anger. “Someone has to claim him, dammit! He’s floundering! He needs to be anchored to someone.” He looked pointedly at Xander. “If you won’t do it, then someone else will have to.”


Xander eased Spike off his lap again and stood nose to nose with the older vampire. “And are you suggesting you be the one to claim him…again?” He snarled.


Angel leaned in; hoping what he was going to do was worth it. “I’d claim in an instant, Harris.” He whispered with a smirk. “I’ve been waiting for decades to make my Childe mine again. The things that boy can do with his tongue…”


Buffy sailed out of nowhere and slammed Angel to the ground just as Xander reached for a stake. Willow and Giles each grabbed one of Xander’s arms and held him, hoping he loved them enough not to take them out before going after Angel.


Dawn stood up, pissed, and shouted, “Hello? People! Has anyone thought to ask Spike who he wants to have chomp on him and screw him silly?” Everyone ceased movement.


“Dawn, language! But I agree with you.” Buffy said from her place on Angel’s chest. “Why don’t you ask Spike who he wants to belong to?”


Xander shook off Willow and Giles arms and glared at Angel. “Fine. Let’s do that.”


Angel rose to his feet and nodded. “Fine.” He turned to the figure curled on the couch watching them with terrified eyes. “William,” He said softly. “You need to choose, Childe. Choose whom you will belong to.”


Xander glared at him again at the possessive tone in his voice, but his expression faded into one of loving warmth as he took in Spike’s frightened pose. “It’s okay, baby.” He said soothingly. “It’s okay whoever you choose. We just want to get you better.”


Spike eased himself to the edge of the couch and tentatively stood. He looked between the two brunettes, feeling the tension radiating from them like a physical field. He sniffed. The one on the right smelled familiar. He brought to mind warm nights, warmer blood. The man also brought the sense of loss. Sadness. Anger. There was someone else…He struggled to remember, to see the elusive figure as it twirled around wildly, face to the sky.


He looked to the man on the right. Safety. Comfort. Warmth. Belonging. Love. He searched his malfunctioning memory for any unhappy memories of the man. All he could find was worry, longing.


He could feel a corporeal connection with the one on the right. He didn’t share that one with the one on the left. But there was something else. He couldn’t put a name to it. He frowned in frustration as he struggled to identify it. He sifted though his broken memories again. He remembered the feeling of flying, realizing he was held tenderly in strong arms. He could almost hear the words spoken to him.


Shouting. Anger wafting through the air. Then he was flying again. Same arms. Same tender care. He remembered the man being with someone else. Someone who hated him. Someone…


He cocked his head and looked at the man on the right. ~He left me.~ Spike didn’t know when, nor why. Only that the man deserted him when he needed him. He looked to the man on the left. ~He left…for me.~ Once again, he didn’t really remember the circumstances, only that when offered a choice…he chose Spike.


Mind made up, Spike moved toward Xander.


“Sire?” He whispered.


Xander felt his eyes stinging.


“Sire? Claim?” Spike took the final step forward and buried his face in Xander’s shirt, feeling safe, warm, loved…chosen as Xander’s arms closed around him. Xander shut his eyes against the rest of the room. He nuzzled the untidy curls and breathed deeply of the scent that was purely Spike.


~He chose me.~ Xander smiled into the vampire’s hair, trying not to cry. ~He actually chose me.~


Angel had known whom Spike would choose from the second he saw them wrapped up in each other. But he was glad that now Xander knew it. He couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy that went through him at the sight of someone else holding his boy. But, he just smiled and herded the others into the kitchen to give the men a moment of privacy.


Unknown minutes later, Xander pulled his head away and looked down at Spike. “Wanna go upstairs, baby?” He whispered. Spike nodded and allowed Xander to lead him to their room.


After making sure Spike was comfortable, tucked in and warm, Xander shucked down to his boxers and climbed in as well. He took the vamp in his arms and pulled him close. “I’m so sorry for making you think I didn’t want you, Spike.” He said into the darkness. “You’re the most important thing in the world to me.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “And if you need me to claim you, then I guess that’s what we’re gonna do.”


Spike sat up and Xander could see him looking quizzically at him in the soft moonlight that crept through the window. ~Gotta remember to shut that before morning.~


“Sire?” Spike asked.


Xander smiled. Nodded. “Yes, Spike. I’ll be your Sire. In any way you need me to be.” ~Please, God. Let me be able to do this.~ He tilted his head to the side and drew Spike’s face down to the juncture of his neck. The vampire gently rubbed his face over the tender skin, dropping tiny kisses and licks as he went.


Xander shivered at the cool lips and tongue caressing his flesh. He threaded his fingers through Spike’s curls and gasped as blunt teeth nibbled. Spike laved his chosen area carefully; making sure every square millimeter had his attention. Xander could feel his cock begin to stir and doubt flared to life again.


Spike could smell the fear as it bled through the pleasure. He looked up at his human, a worried look on his face. Xander smiled wanly. “Sorry, baby. It’s not the bite. I’m okay with the bite. Really.” Spike looked as though he didn’t believe him. Then the vamp brushed his leg against Xander’s erection, causing the man to jerk and gasp. Spike seemed to understand because he placed a gentle but brief kiss on Xander’s lips and went back to his perusal of Xander’s neck.


Soon, Xander was so focused on the feelings Spike was evoking by his careful scrutiny that he stopped thinking and just let himself feel. Just as he thought Spike wasn’t going to bite him tonight, he felt tiny pinpricks against his skin. His mind told him…run! Vampire! Danger, danger! His body? It begged…more, please more.


He chose to listen to his body and arched into the pain as fangs pierced his neck. There was a deep burn as Spike’s teeth sank into muscle, then the vamp began delicately sipping from him and the burn vanished in a bloody, pleasure-filled haze. He had a sudden thought that he just might actually die from this. He didn’t think he would be able to make Spike stop. The feeling of the vampire drinking from him…needing his blood, his life…it was too heady.


But Spike stopped anyway. Xander whimpered slightly in protest, but Spike just lapped at the wounds on his neck and then snuggled down onto Xander’s chest. “Sire.” He muttered happily, slipping into slumber as the heartbeat of his Sire reassured him with its steady rhythm.


Xander snuggled closer to his vampire and fell asleep thinking how he could mark Spike without hurting him.



Xander woke to a wandering hand mapping out his chest. He smiled and caught the hand with his own. As he blinked sleepy eyes at Spike, the vampire cringed. Xander sat up. “What’s wrong, Spike?” Spike held up their twined hands and shook his head. He reached out as if to touch Xander with his other hand, then jerked it away and shook his head again.


Xander winced. “Oh, baby, what did I do to you?” He whispered. He smiled reassuringly at the vampire. “It’s okay, Spike. Having Angel explain what was going on with you helped.” He grinned wryly. “Actually, having Angel threaten to claim you if I didn’t helped the most. I won’t give you up.”


Spike curled back against Xander’s side, the worry gone from his eyes. Xander placed the vampire’s hand back on his chest and raked Spike’s fingers over a nipple. Xander groaned at the jolt of pleasure and led Spike’s hand over to the other one to duplicate the feeling.


Once the blonde realized Xander wasn’t going to shove him out of bed like yesterday, he became bolder. His hand slid down Xander’s chest, following the dark patch of hair into the man’s boxers. Xander hissed when Spike’s cool hand wrapped around his stiffening cock.


With a growl, he flipped them over and pinned Spike to the mattress. The blonde looked up at him without fear. All Xander could see in his blue, blue eyes was pleasure and anticipation. He quickly divested Spike of his boxers and sat up to look at his vampire. “Gods, Spike. You’re gorgeous.” He whispered reverently, ghosting a hand down the pale flesh.


He followed his hand with his lips, marking the vampire every few inches with a biting, bruising kiss. Spike whimpered and arched into Xander’s mouth. “I’m supposed to claim you.” He murmured against Spike’s skin. Spike whined and nodded. “So, does that mean I have to take you hard, or just take you so that you know you’re mine?”


He glanced up to see Spike’s answer but the blonde had his eyes closed and his mouth open in a silent plea. Xander smiled. “How about a little of both?” He swooped down and took the vamp’s cock into his mouth, throating him. Spike howled and grasped the top of the headboard as his body rocketed off of the bed.


~Hey, not too shabby for the first time I’ve ever had dick in my mouth.~ Just thinking that made Xander grow harder. He suckled Spike, massaging his sac with one hand and tickling his perineum with the other. He heard Spike’s head thrashing back and forth and little whimpering grunts issued at each new addition.


He could feel Spike’s balls tightening up and he had a brief moment of panic as he realized he was about to have another man’s cum in his mouth. Then it was too late and Spike was thrusting into his mouth even as his seed spurted down Xander’s throat. Xander closed his lips around the shaft so as to not dribble. He tentatively allowed himself to analyze the liquid filling his mouth.


Cool, salty, not as bad as he’d imagined. But best of all, it tasted like Spike. He swallowed and used his tongue to clean up any remaining drips, then crawled back up the vampire’s body. He nibbled on Spike’s lips until the blonde opened them for him. Xander shared this new wonderful taste with his lover. Spike seemed very appreciative, sucking on Xander’s tongue to glean every bit of taste from the human’s mouth.


Xander sat up and smiled wickedly. “Well, baby, you ready to be claimed?” Spike shuddered and his cock twitched back to life. Xander reached for the only bottle on the end table slippery enough to do the job. As he popped the lid he grinned. He’d never have another sunburn without remembering Spike laid out before him like a sacrificial virgin, waiting to have Xander prepare him with aloe vera.


Xander eased one slickened finger into the vampire’s hole, gasping a bit at the tightness. After another moment, he added a second and began pumping them gently. As he pushed in, he ran his fingers over a nubbin of flesh. He stopped, terrified of hurting the blonde, when Spike screamed.


“Oh, gods, baby…what did I do? I’m so sorry!” He yanked his fingers out of Spike’s ass and looked up to stare into Spike’s eyes. Eyes that took a moment to unglazed, only to look at Xander in disappointment. He whimpered and tugged Xander’s hand back down between his legs. Xander frowned. “Was that a good scream, then?” He asked. Spike nodded vigorously.


Only slightly reassured, Xander cautiously re-entered the vamp. This time he searched for the spot tentatively, touching it only slightly this time. Spike still moaned and shoved himself down onto Xander’s fingers. Gaining confidence, Xander began to thrust in earnest, actively seeking to hit that spot each time.


Just watching Spike writhe around on his fingers, pale porcelain against his own tanned skin, was causing his stiffened cock to ache. Giving into temptation, he pulled his fingers out…much to the vampire’s displeasure…and lifted Spike’s knees. He loosed one hand to guide him into Spike’s slick hole, then grasped the vampire’s leg again as he thrust in; sinking into Spike until his balls slapped against the blonde’s ass.


Spike moaned low in his throat. Xander shuddered at the feel of cool walls clutching him, holding him, drawing him deeper. “Spike, look at me.” He demanded hoarsely. Blue eyes met his. “Watch me, baby. Tell me if I hurt you.” Spike nodded and wrapped his legs around Xander’s waist. “Is this what you wanted, Spike?” He began thrusting, pulling out until only the head was left in Spike’s ass and then slamming home.


“Is this how your demon wants to be claimed? To be owned? Is this how you want me to make you belong to me?” He barely recognized his voice, raspy with emotion and pleasure. Only Spike’s whimpering and eye contact kept him grounded enough to remember to acknowledge to the demon that this was indeed a claim.


“You do, you know. You always have. You’re mine, Spike. Mine, William. All mine.” Spike’s eyes began to bleed into gold and Xander smiled. “Yeah, let it go, baby. Let the demon out to play so he can see first hand who he belongs to now.” Ridges formed and fangs elongated.


Xander hadn’t thought he could be more excited, but seeing the true face of the vampire below him…knowing that, as far as the demon was concerned, it belonged to Xander…it was enough to send telltale tingles through Xander’s body. “I’m gonna come, Spike.” He whispered. “Come with me?” He didn’t know if it was a request or an order. Thankfully, it didn’t matter.


As he felt himself let go, he leaned forward and latched onto Spike’s neck. With a ferocity that surprised him, he bit down. He could taste the blood welling into his mouth, feel the power in it. Spike screamed again and clenched so tightly onto Xander’s cock that the human saw stars. He vaguely recognized the feel of cool liquid spurting out between them.


Still worrying his bite mark, he reached up and tugged Spike’s head down to his own neck. Without hesitation, Spike bit down into the marks he’d made the night before. Finally, Xander lifted his head and licked the jagged gashes his teeth had made in the perfect, pale flesh. Spike retracted his fangs and licked Xander’s holes closed as well.


With a sigh, Xander pulled Spike on top of him and wrapped arms and legs around the smaller vampire. Spike smiled shyly and Xander had to grin. “So, baby…how do you like being mine?”



Angel flinched at the sound of his Childe howling in pleasure. On one hand, he was thrilled that Xander had decided to take his advice and do what Spike needed to have him do. On the other hand? He squeezed his eyes shut at the memories of hearing the boy make those same sounds because of something Angel had done.


With a sigh, he rolled over and picked up the phone from its spot next to the couch. He dialed a number from memory and waited for the other end to pick up. “Yeah. It’s Angel. I need you to locate someone for me…”