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Title: Lost Part 5



Author: Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer: Joss is God. I own nothing.

Distribution: Sure. Just lemme know where my baby’s going.


Summary: A surprise visitor and a familiar ritual may be the answer.


The next two days went by in relative peace. Angel said he had to wait for an answer to his phone calls so Buffy let him stay on the couch. It made for a few tense moments, especially when Buffy came downstairs in her long t-shirt, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She’d forgotten Angel was there until they met face to face in the kitchen doorway. They stared like deer in headlights, then Angel turned back into the kitchen and Buffy turned tail and raced back to her room.


Willow, Tara and Giles spent most of their time researching spells, microchips and brain damage in books and on the computer. Dawn made a point to follow Angel around giving him pointed looks and innuendo-ing his every comment about Buffy and Spike. Angel thought it was amusing at first, until Dawn came out and asked him who was better in bed? Her sister or Spike? He avoided both Summers women after that, practically living on the phone.


He never said names, never gave descriptions. The people he called sometimes spoke English, sometimes not. Giles was sure he heard Angel speaking at least two different demonic languages. And then there were Spike and Xander. Now that Spike was allowed to touch Xander ‘like that,’ there wasn’t a point that the two men were in the same room that they weren’t touching or cuddling. Spike’s ass never saw the sofa or the floor or even a chair. The only place he would sit was on Xander’s lap. It was convenient that Xander wasn’t about to complain.


Spike also began eating again. Willingly. All Xander had to do was hold up a bag and say please. Spike was at his side in an instant, drinking every bit Xander put in front of him. But the most wonderful part was when Spike began speaking in sentences that were more than one word long. Granted, he didn’t turn into a motor mouth, but he usually used a noun followed by a verb. Sometimes, if Xander were holding him, he added a few adjectives.


All in all, the Summers/Rosenberg/McClay/Harris/er…Spike house was well and happy. Then at dusk of the second day, a knock sounded at the door.


Angel leaped to his feet, cutting Dawn off as she went for the door. All eyes were on him when he stopped at the door and whirled around. “Okay,” He held his hands up. “Now I don’t want anyone to freak. I asked her here to help Spike. That’s all she’s going to do. You have my word on it.” Skeptical look from Xander notwithstanding, the gang nodded and Angel opened the door. “Come in, Dru.”


The figure from Spike’s partial recall on the night of the claiming spun into the room. She pushed a packaged object into Angel’s hands and then gracefully moved across the living room floor to stop in front of Xander and Spike. Smiling, she bent over and tapped Spike on the nose.


“There you are, my Spike.” Drusilla cooed. “I couldn’t find you. All lost in light and mist.” She stood up. “Daddy called for me to help my boy.” Spike squeaked and burrowed into Xander’s arms.


“Please, Sire.” He whispered. “Don’t send me away.” Xander’s gaze swung from Spike to Drusilla, confusion in his eyes. Angel took pity on the boy.


“Xander, he knows Dru is his Sire.” The older vampire stated quietly. “He thinks you called her to take him off of your hands.” Xander squeezed Spike tighter and glared at Dru.


“Hell no, you psycho fruitcake!” He snapped. “I’m not letting you get your nasty claws into him again. He’s mine now. You left him. So just back the hell off!” Dru smiled happily and whirled around the room, circling Angel.


“Oh, Daddy…look at our boy.” She sing-songed. “He’s found his little dark kitten. All will be well now.” Angel gave up trying to follow Dru’s passage and reached out to grasp her arm.


“Not exactly, Dru.” He said firmly. “Spike is hurt. Too badly hurt for just blood to heal. I called for you because I have an idea to help him.” At this point, Buffy stood angrily.


“Fine then, Angel. What is this plan? And it better be a damn good one to make up for inviting the loony bin escapee into my home!” Angel sighed and gestured back to Buffy’s chair.


“Sit down and I’ll explain.” He answered. “Dru, you sit down too. You’re making me dizzy.” Dru giggled and plunked herself at Xander’s feet. She began to draw little patterns on Xander’s leg with her dagger-like fingernails. “Alright. I’m sure you all remember when Spike tried the ritual to heal Dru?”




“Well, I think that’s our best bet.” Willow raised her hand cautiously. Buffy rolled her eyes.


“For crying out loud, Wills, you don’t need to raise your hand.” Willow shot an embarrassed smile at the Slayer and cleared her throat.


“Um…didn’t that ritual require the life’s blood of Drusilla’s Sire?”


Angel nodded. “Yes, but I think I’ve found a way around that.” Giles perked up and sat forward.


“Do tell, Angel.”


“When Spike healed Dru, she only got a partial amount of my energy. Buffy stopped her before she could drain me. So, I was thinking…Dru is Spike’s Sire. I’m Dru’s Sire. I believe the connection is close enough that if both Dru and I healed Spike together, he would get the full benefit of the spell and neither one of us would die.”


Pandemonium broke out. Willow and Giles began to excitedly debate with Tara offering comments in the empty spaces. Buffy stood and began shouting at Angel about the risks involved and what if he was wrong? Dawn got in on that conversation by yelling at Buffy to leave him alone, he was a 200+ year old vampire who wasn’t sleeping with her anymore; she had no right to tell him what he could or couldn’t do.


Xander looked down at Drusilla. She laid her head on his knee and smiled fondly at him. “I’ll do it.” She whispered, the sound carrying to Xander’s ear even through the din of noise. “I heard the loveliest song today. Ringing through my head.” She gently stroked a finger over Spike’s leg.


The blonde vampire shivered, but met her gaze. “I heard the little birds singing about my boy. They told me you care for him, little kitten.” Xander swallowed then nodded.


“Yes. I do.”


Drusilla wrapped her arms around Xander’s leg and closed her eyes. “Then all will be well, little kitten. All will be well.”



Giles, having dredged up the ritual of Eligor again, gladly retired back to his apartment to wait for the new moon three days hence. He was highly thankful that he was not part of the bizarre household that had formed under duress; one slayer, two witches, three vampires, a living key and a construction worker in a pear tree.


However, just because he wasn’t present, didn’t mean he was left out. He was on the receiving end of at least a call an hour the first day. By the second, he’d begun letting his answering machine take it. By the third, he’d slunk away to the park to research so that the scoobies wouldn’t come over to complain in person when he didn’t answer their calls.


Spike was frantic. He didn’t understand all of the intricacies. He only knew that the two people he remembered belonging to were now living in the house with him. And though Xander stayed close, never refusing to strengthen his claim when Spike needed it, Spike lived in constant terror of being taken away from his ‘Sire.’ Taken away and given to these two dark creatures who stirred such strange emotions in him.


Xander reveled in the new closeness he had with Spike. He tried to force his mind away from the ugly scenarios that played out concerning a cognitive Spike and the knowledge that Xander had taken advantage of him. Mostly, he could concentrate on reassuring Spike that no one was going to take him away, but sometimes…when Angel or Dru sniffed the air in the wake of a ‘re-claiming’ session…the panic threatened to overwhelm him.


Dawn stayed near one of the scoobies 24/7. The first time she wandered off alone to make a snack in the kitchen, she wound up playing ring around the table with Drusilla. The dark haired vampire danced gracefully around the table, spinning and laughing and asking for just one little taste of Dawn’s lovely blood all lit up with green sparklies. Dawn was just about to yell for help when she tripped over her own coltish legs and raked her arm down the side of the counter.


Never in her whole life had she been so grateful to receive an injury. Dru honed in on the tiny droplet of blood left on the pointy corner, giving Dawn time to run for it. Dru nearly floated out of the kitchen, by which time Dawn had ensconced herself behind her sister. The vampiress gazed knowingly at her and smiled a sweet little smile, licking the digit she’d used to transfer the blood from the counter to her lips.


Dru never again tried to corner her, but when she wasn’t lurking near her ‘boy’ and his ‘dark kitten’, she was nearby, smiling strangely and humming some old lullaby.


Buffy’s vampire senses were tingling off of the map. She felt like she had hundreds of ants crawling over her skin; the wrongness of Spike, the memories of Angel’s body, the utter wigginess that was Dru. She began carrying a stake with her everywhere. The circles under her eyes grew and she began to look over her shoulder in paranoia at every new noise.


Willow and Tara spent most of their time researching. After the first time Tara tried to pleasantly coax Dru into a conversation and wound up peeling the older woman’s hands from her neck, she wisely chose not to approach her again. Apparently, Dru sensed that Tara had a sympathetic power. She felt that Tara was trying to come between Dru and Miss Edith because Miss Edith wanted to sit with the pretty witch at dinner. Willow had never liked the creepy brunette and so was very happy to spend time with Tara…away from the nutball vampire.


The group rarely saw Angel. He cloistered himself in the basement, purportedly to work on the ritual and research more on the Du Lac cross, contained in the package Dru had arrived with the first day. He spent sometime in meditation preparing for the ritual and every now and then ventured up to haul Dru downstairs with him when she pushed too far. Mostly, though, he spent his time remembering the blue-eyed, honey-blonde-haired young man that superimposed himself over the leather clad punk badass that his Childe had become.



When the night of the new moon arrived, nearly everyone was in a panic. Giles and Willow were sure they were going to forget something necessary to the ritual and spent the 6 hours before sunset racing madly from the Magic Box library to Giles’ private library and back to the Summers’ house. Buffy had gone ahead to scout out their chosen church and make sure there were no pesky monsters about to interrupt the ritual.


As such, poor Tara was left to try to calm Giles and Willow down while playing keep-Dawn-away from Dru. She briefly considered asking Angel to help corral Dru, but the storm clouds brewing on his face changed her mind. Xander had taken Spike up to their room when the vampire had begun to whimper at the chaos whirling around the living room and kitchen.


She peeked in on them every couple of hours to see if they needed anything. Each time, she found them curled up under the covers, Spike’s face buried in Xander’s neck and Xander’s arms wrapped around Spike’s waist. She was sure they were going to be as stiff as boards by morning, but they looked so contented just holding each other that she crept away each time with a smile on her face.


As soon as the sun set, the group began slipping away in ones and twos to the church. Giles and Willow, of course, were the first to leave. Tara and Dawn followed soon after, Drusilla only minutes behind them. Angel waited a little longer, but eventually took to the streets of Sunnydale once again.


Nearly an hour later, Xander roused Spike with a kiss. “Hey, gorgeous.” He whispered. Spike smiled dozily up at him, making Xander smile in return. “Time to get up, lazybones. Time to make you better.” Spike crawled into Xander’s lap, straddling his legs. He looked seriously into Xander’s face, his eyes tracing every line. Xander’s smile grew wider. “What are you looking at, you silly vamp?”


Spike reached up, gently stroking Xander’s cheek. “Don’t leave me, Sire.” He whispered, a pleading note in his voice. Xander frowned, and turned his lips into his vampire’s palm.


“I won’t leave you, baby.” He promised. “Never. Even when you’re all better and back to being the Big Bad, I’ll still be here for you.” He smiled sadly. “I’ll still love you.” Spike’s eyes widened a bit and a tiny smile crept onto his face. Xander chuckled. “Yeah, I have shitty timing. I know.” He kissed Spike’s hand and looked up again. “Waiting til now to tell you that I love you. But I do, you know.” He captured the vampire’s hands in his own.


“I want you to know that.” He said fiercely. “I want you to go into this fucking ritual that may take you from me forever knowing how much I love you. I want it to be the last thing my William remembers before Spike comes back.” He blinked back the tears stinging his eyes. “I want…” He choked on his words and just pulled Spike into a tight embrace, letting the cool flesh absorb his hot tears.


Spike soothingly ran his fingers through his Sire’s hair. “Love you, Sire.” He said softly, worried when his words caused a pained whimper from the human. Xander gave himself a few more minutes to hold the blonde that had become his very world before resigning himself to get a move on.



Xander had to stop in the doorway of the old church. ~This is it. This is where I lose him.~ He took inventory of the room, committing the contents of what was soon to be the most reviled room on Earth to memory. Spike looked at him in confusion when they paused. Xander forced a smile and took the vampire’s hand in his own before moving forward.


Buffy nearly had to pry their hands apart when she and Giles stepped forward to strap the three vamps into position. She shot him a look of sorrow, but firmly dislodged his grasp. Xander stepped back, the loss of Spike’s hand a tangible pain. He felt a warm arm on either side of his waist and looked down into Tara and Dawn’s understanding faces.


Spike was placed in-between Angel and Dru’s bodies. Leather straps were wrapped around the three to ensure they remained together for the duration of the ritual. Buffy coaxed Spike’s arm up above his head and he splayed his fingers obediently. Dru raised her own arm in a mirror of his and waited for Angel to do the same. She laced her fingers with her Sire’s, Spike’s fingers trapped between them.


When Giles strapped the leather around their wrists and cinched it down, Spike moaned and looked wild-eyed and ready to bolt. Xander stumbled across the broken floor to his side. He ignored the sated smile Dru wore, the brooding, pained look on Angel’s face. He had eyes only for Spike.


“Shhh,” He whispered. “It’s okay, baby. We’re gonna make you better.” Spike calmed a bit and nuzzled the hand Xander placed on his face. Xander smiled through the hazy sheen in his eyes and leaned forward to kiss the blonde one last time. “I love you.” Spike nodded, sadness on his face.


“Love you, Sire. Always.” Came the whispered reply. Tara gently pulled him back away from the trio bound to each other on the alter. Tara, Dawn and Xander formed a tight embrace as they scooted against the wall to get out of the way of Willow and Giles’ pacing and chanting.


Giles swung a brazier, filling the room with incense while Willow held a sheaf of papers and read out loud. As they began, Buffy pulled out the Du Lac cross and unsheathed the blade within the base. She waited, eyes carefully watching Giles and Willow.


Willow’s voice rang out, steady and clear, through the rafters of the old church. “Eligor, I name thee. Bringer of war, poisoners, pariahs, grand obscenity! Eligor, wretched master of decay, bring your black medicine. Come restore your most impious, murderous child. From the blood of the sire he is risen! From the blood of the Sire shall he rise again.”


Willow nodded briefly in Buffy’s direction. In one swift movement, the Slayer impaled the hands of the vampires, cutting through bone and tissue; imbedding the blade into the wood behind Angel’s hand. Xander flinched, but didn’t take his eyes off of Spike as each of the vampire’s howled at the force of the blow.


Blood spilled down their arms, marring pale flesh. Energy crackled around their hands, causing those watching to squint against the light. Buffy stepped back and flung open the cooler behind her, exposing nearly two dozen blood bags filled with human blood for the end of the ritual. She waited, prepared to wrench out the knife and separate the three should her Watcher or Willow indicate a problem.


Dru cackled madly, she leaned her head back and pressed her hips into her Childe’s, erotically grinding into Spike who, in turn, was forced into Angel. Angel averted his head from the group but made no move to stop his wayward Childe’s actions. Spike slumped almost immediately, a low whine emerging from his throat.


Soon, even Dru was unable to move and they hung there like meat on a hook, waiting for the witches to end the pain. After an eternity, Willow nodded at Buffy again and the Slayer yanked the knife from its fleshy resting place. She used it to cut the bonds holding the vampires together. Giles stepped up to grasp Drusilla as she canted sideways. Buffy actually lifted Spike from in-between his Sire and Grandsire and carried him to blankets arranged by the blood cooler.


Giles made as if to assist Angel as well, but the older vamp waved him off, opting to slide down the pole to the floor. He gestured to Giles to hand him Dru, and the Watcher gratefully placed the dark haired vampiress into Angel’s arms. Xander, Tara and Dawn broke their own embrace and rushed to help Buffy distribute blood.


Tara and Dawn fed Angel and Dru while Xander took Spike into his arms, cradling the blonde head in his lap. He gently fed Spike as he had so many times in the past few weeks. He smiled when he saw the vamp begin to swallow purposefully and continued to feed him until Buffy tapped him on the shoulder.


“We’re out of blood.” She said softly. “Angel and Drusilla are okay to walk. Do you need some help with Spike?”


Xander thought how uncomfortable Spike would be slung over his shoulder all the way back to Revello Drive and smiled gratefully. “Yes, please.”


Buffy grinned and helped the men to their feet, throwing one of Spike’s arms over her shoulder. Silently, they made their way back to the house.



Buffy and Xander placed Spike back into bed, and then Buffy disappeared downstairs. Drusilla and Angel came in as Xander was washing the dried blood from Spike’s arm and chest. He managed a smile and a polite nod and then went back to his task. When he looked up again, they had retrieved chairs from somewhere and were sitting at the bedside, nearly touching him.


He started, and then blushed as Dru giggled. “Silly kitten,” she placed the end of her finger between her teeth. “We won’t hurt you. We just want to be close to our William.” Xander hesitated briefly, then decided ‘what the hell?’ He leaned forward and kissed the insane woman softly on the cheek. He then turned to Angel and extended his hand. Dru tittered appreciatively and held her hand to her face while Angel looked calmly from Xander’s outstretched hand to his determined brown eyes.


Nodding once, he grasped the human’s hand. Neither man shook; they just clasped hands for a long moment. Xander turned back to Spike and climbed onto the bed beside his lover. He gathered the blonde into his arms and kissed his forehead. With a final smile to Dru and Angel, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, wrapped around his vampire for the last time.



Spike slowly became aware of his body. He was slightly sore and for some reason, his hand hurt like a bloody demon. He opened his eyes and took stock of the two figures in front of him. “What the bloody hell are you two doing here?” He growled, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat, wondering for a moment why he felt like he hadn’t spoken in a month of Sundays.


“You’d better get out of here.” He continued, warily watching his Dark Princess and his blasted Grandsire grin at him. “I mean it. Princess, the Slayer will stake you in a heartbeat. And I have no idea why you’re here, Peaches, but I know if you don’t get out of here, I’m gonna get blamed for it.” He frowned in confusion as the other two vampires began to laugh. “What the bloody hell are you about?’ He growled.


Angel leaned forward. “How are you feeling, Spike?” Spike shrugged cautiously.


“Fine. Am I supposed to be feeling poorly?”


Dru giggled. “My lovely boy is all better, Daddy.” Angel nodded in agreement.


“He does seem to be, Dru.”


Spike glared. Angel took pity on him.


“Do you remember the last few weeks, Spike?” Spike frowned, opening his mouth to berate the older vampire that he was chipped, not dipped. He then realized that he was actually having some trouble with the remembering. He concentrated ferociously, gritting his teeth, feeling the answers just on the edge of his comprehension.


“I remember…fighting? And burning?” He ventured hesitantly, looking up for concurrence. Angel nodded again. “I remember…pain and…” He tilted his head in confusion. “And X-Xander? Taking care of me?” Angel nodded more vigorously. Spike closed his eyes and raked his hands through his hair. “Why would Xander take care of me, Angel?” He sighed. “Boy hates me.”


Dru poked him with a sharp fingernail. His eyes shot open and he glared at her. She just smiled secretively and pointed behind him. He turned his head and nearly fell off of the bed. Xander Harris. In bed. With him. Sleeping peacefully. With an arm slung over his waist? His gaze shot back to the other vampires and he snapped his mouth closed.


Angel shrugged. “The boy took care of you every second of the day for the last few weeks. He healed your wounds and brought you back to sanity. Giles called me to ask if I could help restore you to full health and so I came.” He grinned wryly at the brunette on the bed with Spike. “You have yourself one hell of a protector, there, Childe. He guards you very possessively.”


Spike looked back at the sleeping human. “I…I remember…claiming?” He whispered.


“Yes.” Angel answered. “You were so lost, Spike. You needed to be grounded. Claiming was the only way.”


Spike gave a narrowed glare to the older vampire. “You?”


Angel laughed. “Unfortunately, no. The boy wouldn’t let me. Wouldn’t let me near you. He claimed you, Spike. By sex and blood.” He finished quietly. “By love.” Spike’s head shot back up to meet his Grandsire’s gaze. He read the truth in those sorrowful brown eyes and then looked back down at Xander.


“Did…did I…reciprocate?” He whispered.




Spike leaned over and began searching the long column of Xander’s neck for his mark. As he searched, Xander’s eyes fluttered open and stared up into his lover’s blue gaze. With a sleepy smile, he reached for the blonde vampire. “Hey, baby. Looking for some reassurance?” He languidly tilted his head and wrapped his arms around Spike’s waist.


Spike didn’t move. He just stared in openmouthed shock. Xander glanced up when he didn’t feel the vampire’s teeth on his neck and saw Spike gaping at him. Xander opened his eyes fully and caught sight of Dru and Angel by the side of the bed. “Oh, shit.” He murmured, coming totally awake. “I take it that it worked?” He grinned weakly at Spike. Then began to babble.


“Well, I’m sure you probably have a lot to catch up on with Angel and Dru. And I bet you’ll want to take a shower. And get into some clean clothes. Hey! I bet you’re hungry too, huh? How bout I go on downstairs and get you a mug of blood? Or-or I could make you some eggs or something? Maybe pancakes? I could make the happy faces. Oh, wait, evil again. You probably wouldn’t want the happy faces. Well, I can make angry faces…I think. Why don’t I just get up and go see if I can? Okay? Great! Well, ummm….gotta go! Ummm, bye?”


Xander leaped from the bed while Spike was still processing the Xander babble. The brunette bolted from the room and took the stairs two at a time, not stopping until he had made it to the kitchen. He skidded to a halt and gasped for breath, waving off the worried looks from the ladies of the house and Giles.


Spike looked from the empty doorway to the other two occupants of the room. “What the hell was that?” He asked calmly. Dru stood and leaned over the bed. She caught his lower lip between her fangs and nipped him. As he started, she pulled back, licking the blood from her lips.


“My time here is over, Spike m’love.” She purred, swishing the long sleeves of her dress. “You are better now and Daddy and I must leave. Your dark kitten fears our presence. Too many mummies, there are.” Spike blinked.


“Mummies? Kittens? What are you nattering on about now, Princess?” He sighed.


Dru just smiled sweetly. “We will see each other again, my Spike.” She turned to walk out of the room. “Hmmm, I wonder if I could have another taste of the sparkly green bit before I go?” She murmured. Spike sat upright, a worried look on his face. Angel laid an easing hand on the blonde’s arm and shook his head.


“She won’t. Buffy won’t let her.” When Spike lay back against the pillows, Angel chose not to remove his hand, allowing himself the pleasure of touching his boy before being forced to return to the subject of Xander.


“What did she mean about too many mummies?” Spike demanded. Angel inwardly sighed. ~So much for that thought.~


“He thinks you allowed him to claim you only because there was no other choice and that he somehow manipulated you into loving him.” Spike blinked rapidly.


“Loving him?” He repeated.


Angel nearly smirked. “Yes. He thinks that you felt you owed him the claim for taking care of you. Or at least that’s how I interpreted it. He was very worried that you would hold it against him when you returned to normal. Are you planning to?” He asked casually, watching the heat flare in Spike’s eyes. He sighed again. Yes, he’d truly lost his boy. And to a human. Not just a human…but Xander Harris.


“I have to follow the claim, Angel.” Spike muttered. “I can’t not follow it.” Angel looked at him with a raised eyebrow. First, the blonde looked away. Then he began fidgeting. Then he growled. “Fine, bugger it all. I don’t really mind the claim.”


Angel nodded and finally removed his hand. “So you love him.” He stated.


Spike hunched under the covers with a glare. “Yeah, so what?”




“When, what, Peaches?” Spike snapped.


“When did you fall for him? When you woke up and began treating him like a surrogate Sire? When he Claimed you? When?” Angel could hear his voice getting more demanding and he tried to tone it down. The last thing he needed on top of the humiliation of losing Spike to Xander Harris was Spike knowing how much it bothered him.


He needn’t have worried. Spike had a dreamy smile on his lips and was staring at the empty doorframe. “When he tied me to that bloody chair and tried to force me to admit I wanted to bite him.” He answered quietly. Angel frowned.


“You were in love with him before you were hurt?” He asked incredulously. Spike focused on him again and snorted.


“Oh, hell no! I usually grab live power wires while standing in a fucking puddle with a demon gnawing on my ankles for some bloody twit I don’t even like!” He rolled his eyes and threw back his covers. “I’m getting dressed, Peaches. Stay or leave. ‘Sup to you.” He went to push past the older vampire but was stopped by a gentle hand on his wrist.


“Spike…William.” Angel breathed, gazing up at his boy. “I just wanted…I wanted to tell you that I’m glad you’re all right. I’m thankful the ritual worked. And I’d do it again in an instant.” He stood, pressed against the shorter vampire. “I just wanted to let you know that, if you ever need me…for anything…I’ll be here.” Spike’s eyes met Angel’s and Spike could see the underlying emotion.


“Angel.” He returned, resting his hands on the bigger man’s hips. “Thank you for helping me. For convincing Dru to help. For letting Xander Claim me. I know how hard it must have been to see your Childe in need and not be able to comfort him.” A tiny smile appeared on his lips. “I do love you, Angel. I always will.” He whispered. “You were my absolute everything…once upon a time.”


Angel closed his eyes briefly, letting his head fall forward to rest against Spike’s. “But not this time.” Angel said wryly, trying to cover the ache in his voice.


Spike rubbed his forehead on his Grandsire’s. “No, Sire. Not this time.” Angel dropped his head a bit and captured Spike’s lips. For long moments, he imprinted the feeling of his boy’s mouth to his mind; committed the boy’s taste to memory. Then he let go. Without a backwards look, he left the room. Spike stood in place, his eyes still closed, listening to the front door close, a car start and his Sire drive out of his life again.


Then, he gathered up some clothes and headed for the bathroom.



Downstairs, Xander managed to impart the story of Spike’s return without crying. The Scoobies were ecstatic. Xander was glad someone was. The girls began bustling around the kitchen making Spike’s happy face pancakes while Xander moved out to sit on the couch in the living room.


He watched Dru float down the stairs like a shadowy vision and he smiled. “Leaving now, are you?” He asked. Dru nodded and came to perch on the arm of the couch.


“Kitten, you must promise me to take very good care of my boy.” She warned, a long lacquered finger pointing at his chest. Xander laughed humorlessly.


“Yes, ma’am.” He whispered.


Dru smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Goodbye, my dark kitten.” And she was gone in a whirl of black silk and lace. Xander leaned back against the couch and pondered the bizarreness of his world that insane Drusilla would kiss him goodbye more tenderly than any of his own family ever had.


Not too long after, Angel swept down the stairs as well. Unlike Dru, he only spared a look for the man on the couch. And it wasn’t a very pleased look. He nodded once and then shut the door behind him. Xander grinned. “Now that’s the goodbye I was expecting.”



Xander had almost convinced himself to just run out of the house like a terrified little girl when he saw Spike making his way down the stairs. The blonde stopped when he noticed Xander watching him. He smiled. Xander sat up a bit straighter and tried to smile back.


“So, feeling better after a shower?” Xander asked. ~Could you ask any lamer of a question, dumbass?~


Spike nodded. “Yeah. Ready for some of those happy faced pancakes, I am.” ~Could you come up with any stupider reply, wanker?~


“The girls will be happy to hear that! They’ve been getting ready to hug the stuffing out of you since I told them you were awake.” ~Sure, make with the nicey nice talk. Direct his attention to the girls and not to the fact that he woke up next to you. And let’s make sure he doesn’t have to talk about how you practically begged him to bite you.~


Spike looked at him seriously and continued his way down the stairs, coming to a stop in front of the human. “And what about you, Xander?” He asked softly. “Have you been waiting to hug the stuffing out of me, too?”


Xander swallowed. Then swallowed again. ~What the hell is in my throat, exactly?~ “I…er-“


Spike reached up and cupped his cheek. “Or do you regret all the effort you put into me and look forward to getting rid of me?” The spark that flared in those brown eyes caused the pain in his chest to ease a bit.


“Of course I don’t regret it!” Xander snapped. “And I’m not particularly looking forward to getting rid of you. You kind of grew on me. On all of us, actually.”


Spike smiled softly. “So, you’re not kicking me to the curb, then. That’s nice to know. Are you planning to leave yourself? Find a new place to live? Refuse to invite me in?” Xander just stared, transfixed by the vampire’s husky voice. “Are you planning on leaving me?”


Xander shook his head slowly, a look of wonder crossing over his face. Spike snuck his arms around Xander’s waist and leaned forward to rub his cheek on the human’s more abrasive one. “Don’t leave me, Sire.” He whispered. Spike could feel Xander’s body jerk in his arms, and he gently licked the curve of the brunette’s ear.


“Don’t leave me now that I’m all better and I’m back to being the Big Bad.” He nuzzled the curve of Xander’s neck. “Because I’m not, really. I’ll never be all better if you leave. And being the Big Bad just doesn’t compare to being the Claimed of Xander Harris.”


Xander pushed away to stare into Spike’s eyes. He could see the truth shining there. And he felt the dam of emotion break within him. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes; uncontrollable laughter from his throat. “I love you, Spike.” He choked out.


Spike kissed a tear away and smiled back at his lover. “I love you, too, Sire.”