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Title: Strip Tease 9


Author: Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer: Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers: Season 6 ending. AU after that.

Summary: A trip to L.A.



Mogur nodded at the two men as they took their usual place at the bar. “Evening, boys.” He continued to wipe down beer glasses, huge hands surprisingly gentle with the fragile things. “Glad you’re in early tonight.”


Spike and Xander exchanged grins. “What’d you need, Boss man?” Xander asked.


Mogur shrugged. “I was wondering if you’d be interested in a little vacation.”


Grins turned to frowns. “Why? What’s wrong?” Spike demanded.


“Nothing is wrong.” The huge Hartuan assured them. “I got a call from a friend in L.A. earlier this evening. He’s been working out some business deals and has recently come into ownership of a strip club.” He set down the glass he’d finished polishing and slung the towel over his shoulder. “It’s a demon strip club and it caters to nearly anything you can imagine. Problem is…it’s been under some poor management who’s been staffing it with the dregs of society.”


Spike grinned at that. “Dregs of society. That’s sweet.” Mogur returned the grin.


“Actually, it’s not. A Lanasai demon owned it. He rounded up addicts and street whores to do the entertaining so he could keep his profits in his pocket. They worked for drugs or food or just a place to crash for the night.” Xander winced; having grown up on the Hellmouth didn’t always prepare him for the ugliness out there.


“So where do we come in?” Spike asked, snaking a supportive arm around his boy’s waist.


Mogur took a moment to smile at the picture the two of them made. “Well, Lorne…that’s my friend…wants to class the joint up a bit. He’s looking to hire all new staff and remodel the whole thing. I told him about you two bringing in the big bucks and he’s interested in the couple angle. I thought you two might be interested in taking a trip out there to help him scout dancers.”


Xander blinked.


Mogur sighed. “I owe the man a helluva lot. He did my family a favor back in the day. Not to mention that I’ve been singing your praises for weeks to anyone who’d listen. He just got wind of it and is really eager to see what you two have to offer.” The Hartuan leaned on the bar. “He’s a good guy. And he’s willing to pay for your time, your trip, your lodging and your upkeep while you’re there. So… you interested?”


He watched as Spike and Xander spent a moment searching each other’s faces. ~I wonder if they can actually see what the other is thinking?~ Then grinned and turned as one. “Yeah. We’re interested.” ~Guess so.~




“Is this it?” Spike asked, a hint of horror in his voice. Xander checked the map against the directions Mogur scribbled down for them, and then glanced up at the monstrosity of a building.


“Unfortunately…. yes.” He replied.


The edifice stretched two stories plus a horrible tower jutting up from the center. The whole structure was a dirty gray and boasted barred cell windows at 15-foot intervals. Garbage fluttered around, getting caught in the wrought iron fence surrounding the lot and a pile of trash in the back corner reached nearly the bottom of the windows. Xander let the hand holding the map fall to his side.


“Dear God, Spike. Are those…?”


Spike followed his gaze upwards and sadly shook his head. “Yes, luv. Those are bloody great stone gargoyles perched up on the tower.”


The front door flew open and Spike shoved Xander behind him, ready to defend his mate. What came flouncing out of the entrance, though, nearly made him jump behind Xander. A tall, green skinned demon, complete with horns and red eyes sashayed towards them. His polyester leisure suit reminded Spike of some of the horrible Hawaiian shirts Xander used to wear.


“Welcome, gentlemen!” the demon called jovially. “Would you two be my saviors from the great land of Cajun Queens?”


“Spike?” Xander squeaked. “What is that?”


The green skinned man came to a halt directly in front of Xander. “Well, hello stud-muffin of my dreams,” he waggled his brows as he took in Xander’s form. “Aren’t you just the tastiest thing I’ve seen all day.”? He turned to Spike and his eyes opened wide. “And aren’t you the long, cool drink of water I’ve been dying for?” He whistled through his teeth and eyed Spike’s ass appreciatively.


“I don’t know.” Spike answered Xander’s earlier question, feeling rather like a haunch of beef on display.


“Allow me to introduce myself, lovely ones.” The demon bowed. “My name is Lorne. I am the new proprietor of this…” He turned, his arm sweeping across the building behind him. “Well, at this point, the only safe word is ‘dump’, but that’s what you two are here to help with!” He turned back with a grin. “To change this rat’s nest into the hottest, sexiest, most sought after club in L.A. Gentlemen? Welcome to Diabolico.”



“C’mon, Willow…It’ll be fun!” Buffy begged. “We’ve been here a week and you haven’t set foot out of this hotel for a fun time.” Willow shook her head, trying to keep her panic from showing.


“Buff, no.” She repeated. “I’m up for a movie, o-or ice cream, or a trip to the mall, but this is…just way too much ‘fun’ for me.”


“Quit being a baby, Willow.” Cordelia said briskly, standing up and smoothing her linen pantsuit. “You’re going and that’s it.”


“Cordy, if she really doesn’t want to go…” Angel began, then his jaw snapped shut at the icy glare from Queen C. “You, ah…should go find something to wear now, Willow.” He finished lamely. Buffy smothered a giggle while the L.A. crew, Fred, Wes and Gunn rolled their eyes almost simultaneously.


“C’mon, Willow,” Fred smiled understandingly. “I’ll help you find something.” She took the redhead’s arm and gently led her away, chattering on about how wonderful Lorne was and how they had the best appetizers at his opening galas. Willow followed numbly along, clearly not even listening.


“That was mean, Cordy.” Buffy admonished.


Cordelia just cocked her head and smirked. “Your point?”


Buffy held her hands up in surrender. “No point. None. I’m pointless girl.”


Cordy turned her eye on Angel. “You go get changed too, Brood boy.”


Angel frowned. “If you girls are going, I really don’t need to…” He caught her eye. “Yes, Cordy. I’m going.” He sighed and moved dejectedly up the stairs.


Gunn burst into laughter. “I gotta tell ya, Cordy. You’ve got that vamp wrapped around your little finger.”


Cordelia smiled sweetly. “I just have a way with men, I guess. Now, as for you, Gunn. What will you be wearing tonight?”


Gunn blinked. “I…I, uh…” He looked wildly around the room in search of an exit. What his gaze lit upon was something other than that. “If I gotta go, then so does English!” Wes gaped at the panicked Gunn.


“You bloody Benedict Arnold!” His voice rose.


“Oh, hell no, English. I ain’t goin down alone.” Gunn crossed his arms. Cordelia just pointed to the stairs. Glaring at her and at each other, the two men stomped up the stairs muttering the whole way.


Cordy turned and beamed at Buffy. “And that, Slayergal, is how it’s done.”



“Welcome, one and all,” Lorne led the L.A and SunnyD crew to a reserved table up near the stage. “You’re looking fabulous tonight, Cordy.” He kissed the brunette’s hand. She smiled and let him hold her chair out for her. “And Winifred…you positively sparkle.”


Fred blushed. “Oh, Lorne, you big flatterer, you.” She giggled as he seated her too.


He turned his startling red eyes on Buffy and Willow and maneuvered himself in-between them. “What treasure trove of gorgeousness do we have here? Angelcakes…intro these lovely ladies before I faint dead away.”


Angel pulled out a chair and settled into it. “Lorne…Buffy and Willow. Buff and Will…Lorne, the owner of Diabolico.”


Lorne kissed each of their hands, “Enchante, my loves. I do hope you will have a fantabulous time this evening. Let me know if you need…anything.” He stood with a flourish and sailed away through the crowd after a quick handshake with Gunn and Wes.


Buffy and Willow looked at each other and then at Angel. “What the hell was that?” Buffy asked, shell-shocked.


Cordy grinned. “Lorne is a born host. He loves to make people feel welcome and he can’t help but flirt with everyone. Every gender, every species. Its like an addiction.”


“So, I hear there is a special performance by these two guys from New Orleans.” Cordy said conspiritally. “Rumor has it, that Lorne flew them all the way out here to handpick the entertainers.”


“A-are all the…entertainers men?” Fred asked nervously.


Cordelia flashed her a 100-watt smile. “Nope. Word is, these guys hired men, women, demons and everything in-between. They trained them how, not only to dance, but how to put on a show. These aren’t just run of the mill strippers.”


Buffy rolled her eyes. “You make them sound like the gay Barnum and Bailey.”


Gunn snickered and quickly found somewhere else to look as Cordy turned her glare on him.


“Fine. Doubt me if you will, Buffy.” Cordy fluffed her hair. “But I hope you packed a spare pair of panties in that purse of yours.”



For all her original panic, Willow was pleasantly surprised at how tasteful it all was. She blushed the color of her hair with the first act, sneaking peeks from between her fingers and glaring at Buffy and Cordy for laughing at her. But, as the acts progressed, she found herself mesmerized by the smooth and seductive movements of some species she’d never even realized could dance. Multiple limbs really can make a difference, she thought.


Soon, she and Fred were giggling and whispering between acts and clapping and whistling after them. The LA gang grinned at Fred’s obvious interest in the redheaded witch and Buffy sighed in relief at the first sign of flirty happiness Will had shown in months.


“And now, ladies, gentlemen and those of indeterminate gender,” Lorne’s voice rang out through the microphone, “I have the piece de resistance. The pair you’ve been waiting for…the sexy and ever-so-delicious…Spike and Xander!”


Applause roared through the room at a deafening level. But, not one set of hands were placed together at the table in the front row. Instead, an intense silence fell and one set of eyes searched out another and another until everyone at the table turned as one to the stage.


~No way in hell~ Buffy unconsciously shook her head.


~Could it really be him?~ Willow watched the stage, perching on the edge of her seat.


~Isn’t Spike the name of Angel’s childe?~ Fred frowned, but continued to wait for their entrance.


~Dear Lord. This is not going to be good.~ Wes sighed and fought the urge to reach for the glasses and handkerchief he no longer carried.


~There’s no way this could be a coincidence. I’m going to kill him.~ Angel growled audibly.


~Why is Angel growling?~ Gunn wondered.


~Hell yeah! Shake it Xan!~


“Hell yeah! Shake it Xan!” Cordy shouted, then glared at the others. “What? Xander has a very nice ass as I’m sure you remember Buffy and Willow.” The girls blushed and Cordy rolled her eyes. “From the swim team? Honestly…why do we bring you out in public?”


A low beat began to thrum through the room and the lights dimmed. A single spotlight flared up, illuminating a dark-haired young man standing onstage. Xander let his eyes flutter closed for this part…he was dancing alone anyway. His leather-covered hips began to roll to the pulse of the music. His arms slid up his stomach, over his white tank, pausing a moment to outline the hoops piercing his nipples, and moved up his neck. He lolled his head back and stretched his arms up over his head.


So focused on the magnetism rolling off of Xander in waves, no one noticed the slight shadow slip up behind him until pale arms snuck around his torso and drew invisible lines down Xander’s body. Spike swung around him and pressed his own black clad body against his lover’s. Columns of ashen flesh traced their way from bare feet to writhing hips, broken only by the leather laces holding the vampire’s leathers up.


A button up sheer black shirt couldn’t hide the luminous skin that lay beneath it, nor the piece of barbed wire wrapped around Spike’s neck above it. Spike spun them around again and slid his hands up to Xander’s shoulders. In a quick movement, he shoved the human to his knees. Xander slid bonelessly to the ground, bowing his head in submission.


Gasps were heard all over the room at the promise of what was to come. Buffy frowned at Angel as one of the gasps issued from his lips. Wes shook his head wryly and adjusted his pants slightly, knowing he’d need it in a moment.


As the music throbbed through the speakers, Spike snatched a handful of Xander’s hair. He jerked it back and thrust his hips into Xander’s face. With a lazy grin, Xander extended his tongue and slowly licked the slick leather around the prominent bulge in Spike’s pants. Spike transferred his grasp to a handful of Xander’s wife beater tank, wrenching the boy to his feet.


Willow eeped. Buffy glared at Angel. That was definitely a moan this time. Yes, Wes thought. I was right. More room was needed.


Spike rotated Xander to face their audience and let his other hand crawl up Xander’s chest slowly until it met its mate. In a quick movement, he ripped the material down the middle and divested Xander of it. Nonchalantly, he threw it into the crowd. Bringing his hands back to the human, he raked nails down Xander’s tanned chest, leaving reddened welts. Xander let his head drop back onto Spike’s shoulders as his own hands reached back to pull Spike’s ass tighter against his own.


Spike stepped back from Xander’s clutching hands and placed a stranglehold on the bulge in Xander’s trousers. Immediately, Xander became subdued again. He stood, feet spread, hips gyrating sensuously to the rhythm pulsing through him. Spike circled him, pausing to lick here, nibble there, and run a lingering finger across his pierced nipples until Xander shuddered visibly.


He stopped behind his boy again and eased his fingers beneath the waistband of Xander’s pants. A beat and a half later and Spike wrenched the velcroed trousers completely from Xander’s body. Once again, he threw the offending garment into the crowd, leaving his boy clad only in a leather thong and a sheath strapped to his ankle.


“Fucking hell.” Angel breathed, squeezing his eyes closed briefly. Wes had to concur. He also had to stifle a chuckle at the infuriated look Buffy wore.


Xander shimmied up against Spike and rolled his body against the vampire’s as he circled his way around him. Spike held his arms out to the side as he rocked his hips into Xander’s crotch to the beat of the song. He was clearly giving Xander permission to unclothe him now.


Grinning ferally, Xander dropped to his knees again and freed the blade nestled in his ankle sheath. He traced the length of his lover’s leg from foot to hip with his hand and followed it back down gently with the knife. Then gentle left the lithe form and he hooked the tip of the blade under the first leather X. With a smooth motion, he pulled the blade up Spike’s leg, parting the laces one by one.


The knife was obviously razor sharp, as it didn’t hang up once. And those with sharp eyes caught the first beads of red appearing all the way up Spike’s limb. Xander eased his hand to the other side and performed his trick again. He gave a final tug and the two pieces of Spike’s trousers fell apart at his feet leaving the vampire clad similarly to his human.


Xander shoved the pants offstage…


Right into Angel’s lap.


A low growl issued from the brunette vampire’s throat as he snatched at the mangled leather. His eyes shot through yellow as he lifted them to his face and inhaled the familiar scent of his childe’s arousal.


Xander bent to the floor and placed his tongue at the beginning of the cut on Spike’s ankle. In one long swipe, he dragged his tongue up the score mark, swathing away the line of blood. Groans issued from all sides of the audience, but especially from the table in the front row. Spike lolled his head forward and then back at the feeling of his mate’s tongue on him.


The barbed wire dug into his pale flesh, causing rivulets of blood to trickle down his chest and disappear into the sheer shirt below. Xander got to his feet and slid his arms around the blonde. They ground into each other in time to the drums and Xander took the opportunity to wrench Spike’s shirt apart. The blood had made a crimson trail from Spike’s throat to his navel


Spike shrugged out of the silky shirt and purred blissfully as Xander smeared the rich blood into Spike’s chest. The boy wriggled around Spike’s side and adorned Spike’s flesh with the vermilion liquid. He painted a vivid slash down his chest with the blood and then raised his hand to Spike’s lips. The blonde flicked out his tongue and tasted his own essence on the silver platter of his love’s fingers.


With an audible growl, his eyes bled yellow and his face melted into ridges. He snatched the knife out of Xander’s hand and flung it to the ground. Spinning the boy around again, he jerked him to his chest and splayed his fingers, sharp with vampiric nails, over the vulnerable skin of Xander’s belly. Intakes of breath were heard all over the room and there was no sound save the pulsing rhythm of the music.


Xander smiled beatifically and submissively bent his head to the side, baring his neck. His hands came up to cover Spike’s possessive grasp and he closed his eyes as needle like fangs pierced his flesh. As the music cresendoed to it’s finale, a single, heavy drop of blood escaped Spike’s lips and marred the perfection of Xander’s chest.


They stood stock still as the last note echoed through the room…and then the spotlight went off and the room was dropped into darkness.


A moment later, the lights came back up to reveal an empty stage and the crowd exploded. Screams, thunderous applause and sounds, which couldn’t have possibly been made by human vocal chords, filled the room.