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Betrayal by the Heart

This is a W/A 'shipper. It's an alternate universe that spoils Season 2, slightly, in the first part. It's rated PG-13 for some language.

Chapters 1-4       Chapters 5-6        Chapter 7        Chapter 8        Chapter 9        Chapter 10       

Chapter 11            Chapter12


Intended Amnsia

This is the sequel to Betrayal by the Heart. It's once again AU, however the rating has been bumped up to R for adult situations.. It's also incomplete.

Chapter 1        Chapter 2        Chapter 3


Any Day Now

This is another AU, and a B/W, C/X 'shipper. The only spoilers so far are of the first season and only the first couple of episodes. It's complete. I'm giving it an PG-13 for language. Disclaimer: Story contains to women (girls...whatever) in a relationship. If it's not your thing then don't read it.

Chapters 1-4         Chapter 5        Chapter 6        Chapter 7     Chapter 8    Chapter 9        

Chapter 10            Chapter 11      Chapter 12      Chapter 13        


So this is the continuance of the Any Day Now series that I promised. I haven't come up with a title yet. But here you go.

Chapter 1

Obsessed in Red

The actual only short I've written for the Buffy fandom to date. It's W/F, that means two girls in love (sorta) so you've been disclaimed. It spoils nothing. The rating is R for adult language and situations.

Chapter 1


This is a W/F 'shipper. Sequal to Obsessed in Red, sort of. R rated.

Chapter 1