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Judi Evans-From the Big Top to the Big Time!
by Joan Loughlin
Soap Opera's Greatest Stories and Stars
December 1983

"Guiding Light is like a dream come true," says 19-year-old Judi Evans, who plays the sweeter-than-sugar Beth Raines. "It's so much fun because I'm getting to live out all my high school fantasies."

Her character, Beth, was voted prom queen, valedictorian, and is torn between two of Springfield's most gorgeous guys. Judi, however, didn't go to her senior prom, tried out for valedictorian and lost, and is in between boyfriends.

But don't get the impression that Judi, with her pretty blonde Californian looks, is leading a dull life. At 18, she was whisked away from her native California ("born and raised there and lived to tell about it," she jokes) to screentest in New York. She won the "Guiding Light" part, despite only being a professional actress for a few months. Even though her resume isn't chock full of parts, Judi has succeeded beautifully in portraying a shy, sensitive high school girl.

Judi loves the show and her role, but who could blame her? She's working with one of the most handsome men on daytime, Grant Aleksander (Phillip). "He's so good looking," she sighs. "But he's also intelligent, nice and one of the sweetest people I know. He's breathtaking, not only in looks, but also as a person." Judi also has only good things to say about her other co-stars, Krista Tesreau (Mindy) and Michael O'Leary (Rick). Laughs Judi, "Michael always has a twinkle in his eye - he's very mischievous."

Krista and Judi share a dressing room and have become fast friends, gossiping, going out to restaurants, and sharing New York stories. Their friendship, however, got off to an awkward start.

"I saw this girl in the airport in California when I was getting ready to fly to New York for my screentest," remembers Judi. "I forgot about her until I discovered we were nervous when we discovered that we were both auditioning for the same show, but as soon as we found out we were up for different parts, we relaxed. We've been great friends ever since. We're the new kids on the show and have a lot in common."

Though Judi admits she was nervous those first few weeks on the set, her show biz blood kept her going. At the tender age of two, Judi was a clown in the circus. Her parents were trapeze artists and would gather up the family (Judi and her three other brothers) and travel around the country, performing. Her father was also a ringmaster, her brothers were jugglers and gymnasts and Judi even used to ride the elephants.

"It was perfect for a family because you're together for 24 hours a day," explains Judi. "You learn to love each other and get along. I was only six days old when I was off to my first circus."

When Judi was eight, her parents decided to only travel during the summer and enrolled the kids in public school in California. "They realized we needed to be around other kids," explains Judi.

After high school, Judi spent two years at a local California college, then landed the role on "GL." She loves living in New York, although she misses her family and friends back home.

"Everyone told me I was going to hate New York, but I think it's great," she exclaims. "When I go back to California people tell me I talk too fast, but I feel more at home here - I feel like I belong." #

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